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As her father drove, she sat in the back seat freaking out.

"Blake hunny it's ok. Your fine." Her mother reassured her from the passengers seat.

"I'm gonna die!" Blake said, way over thinking the whole situation.

Blake never handled pain or anything involving her feelings well. Sure, she did a good job hiding it from people, but when it came to thinking about how it is.. she overthought about it.

"Your not going to die, stop it." Her father said, stopping in front of the hospital.

Blake and her mother got out of the car, going into the hospital and to the front desk.

"Yes?" The receptionist asked the two.

"Hi, my daughter got electrocuted and her arm is hurting her.. can we get that checked?" Her mother asked as calmly as possible.

The receptionist got a doctor to come immediately, taking the two to a room.

He took a few X-rays, examining the arm.

"Your nerves are a little whacked up, I'm going to give you a cast and arm sling to help you support it for now alright." The doctor said, putting a black hard cast over the girls arm, then putting a arm sling over her shoulder.

"That's all?" Her mother asked in shock that much wasn't discussed.

"wait." Blake said before the doctor could leave.

"I'm in a band, is this going to affect that.." she asked.

The doctor gave a slight nod. "It depends. Vocals won't be affected, but instruments may be more challenging. I'd stay away from instruments or anything for a while."

Blake frowned. "Ok.. thanks." She said, following her mother out of the room and back to the car.

Blake didn't know what to be more mad about. The fact that she cant play instruments or the fact that her father didn't bother to come in.

"So?" He asked as the two scooted back into the car.

Blake didn't say one word, tuning out whatever conversation was going on between her parents and singing "finally free" to herself as they drove home.

"Blake?" Their voices asked, getting her out of her gaze.

"What." She said, looking up to see they were home.

she began to open the door of the car, beginning to get out. "I like that song, where's it from?" Her father said, completely shocking the girl.

"I um.. I wrote it." She said, a small smile appearing.

Her dad was finally noticing her music, even taking a liking to it. "Not bad. What else have you written?" He asked.

Blake reached into the seat picked, pulling out a whole cd full of songs from the band.

"Most of these, Luke wrote some too." She said, handing him the disk and getting out of the car.

Blake went straight to her room, lifting her phone and dialing in Luke's number.

"Hey where've you been?" He asked as he answered.

"The hospital." She said, listening for his reaction.

"The hospital?! Everything alright?" Luke said. Blake could hear the boy shift on his bed quickly.

"Yeah my parents saw my arm and brought me. Currently I'm having a splendid night." She said with fake enthusiasm.

"Oh no, tell me what happened."

"First I got grounded since I skipped class and didn't come home to see my parents, then I find out I busted some nerves, then I find out I can't play any instruments because I could totally damage my arm, and finally my dad had taken a liking to my music." She said, taking a breath right after.

"And I thought my night was bad.. anyways how do you feel? Like does it hurt?" He said, a calmer tone in his voice.

"It hurts like hell. And what happened to you?" Blake said to the boy.

"Another argument with my mom. She said I'm failing with my life and that's all I can think about." Luke said, a sudden shot of sadness coming across his voice.

"Luke your not failing alright, I'm sure that was only said out of anger."

"Look I don't know, but If you didn't call me I would've ran out." He admitted.

"And if you ran out, you would regret it. Your parents are both the nicest people I've met, stick with them." Blake said to the boy on the phone.

"Ok, I'm gonna let you go so you can relax alright, goodnight Blakey." Luke said into the phone.

"Goodnight lukie." She said with a small giggle, reaching over her bad arm and putting her phone back onto its stand.

The girl smiled as a new idea popped into her head, grabbing her video camera and setting it up to record herself so she could look back at the video in the future.

"Hey future me. Reg and I got electrocuted today and I totally fried my arm. I um.. I don't know what to say but this is just a check in. Don't give up on instruments because right now it's killing me to not play keyboard." She said into the camera, Sperling quickly before she runs out of room on the tape.

"Ok bye!" She said, stopping the video and putting the tape in a case labeled "electrocution day!"

All she did for the remainder of the night was attempting to fall asleep, the pain in her arm not letting her relax for one second.

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