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Blake woke up a few hours later, getting as much of the well needed rest she could.

"Finally." Bobby said, waving his arms as the girl sat up from the couch.

"Now, explain." Alex said, crossing his arms and looking at the girl.

Blake looked down, then to all of the boys. "I told you guys, I don't know why! I just needed time to myself and there was nowhere I could go and actually be safe. If I roamed around town, Michael would show up, if I came here you would all be here, and being at home is not where I want to be."

"We know it's hard Blake. I know what it's like to have a not so supportive set of parents. Next time just come find one of us and we can talk about it, alright?" Luke said, sitting down beside the girl.

Blake nodded her head, and looked to the others. "You guys I'm sorry. I didn't think that leaving would freak you guys out as much." She said, fiddling with her fingers.

"And why would we not freakout?" Reggie asked, raising an eyebrow to the girl.

Blake shrugged. "I don't know. I just- I haven't been thinking straight lately." She admitted, putting her head into her hands.

Blake's light brown hair fell as her head went down, blocking her face from the others.

"Look, go shower and then we can figure out what to do about this." Luke said, motioning towards the bathroom and nudging her arm.

Blake nodded, grabbing her backpack of clothes and heading towards the bathroom.

Blake stood under the hot water, rinsing all of the sand off her body from the beach.

It was only ten minutes later when she came out of the bathroom, a pair of sweatpants and a sunset curve tshirt on.

"Ok, now. What are we going to do now.. your parents are worried about you." Bobby said when Blake re entered the room.

"Well, I don't care if they're worried, my mom is the only one who supports my music. I can't sit for 24 hours in my house without getting into an argument with my dad." Blake said, crossing her arms.

"Come on.. it can't be that bad." Alex said, looking from the girl to Reggie, trying to hint that reggies parents were way worse.

Blake caught on to it, her eyes softening. "Fine. I'll go back there but don't expect me to stay for long." She said, standing up and grabbing her backpack.

They all piled into Bobby's car before she even had the chance to walk home, knowing that could end bad.

"And by the way, if you do leave again, your more than welcome to come over to my house. My parents won't mind." Luke said to the girl with a smile.

Blake smiled back and said "alright, but only because I don't want another lecture from you four."

Luke smiled at her again, messing up her hair as she slid out of the car. "Let us know how it goes." Alex said as Blake walked to the front door.

"Bye!" She called out, waving to the boys.

When she walked into her house, she saw her two parents sitting on the couch watching the news.

"Blake Marie Jones where on earth have you been?!" Her father asked angrily, noticing his daughter enter the house.

Blake was engulfed in a hug by her mother, ignoring the complaints coming from her father.

"Hun, what happened?" Her mother asked in a more gentle tone than her father.

"You wanna know what happened? You want to finally know how I feel?" Blake said to her parents as they both were sat down on the couch.

"I feel like no matter what I do, dad doesn't support. I played soccer, he hated it and took me out, i tryout for the school musical and he calls the school saying I can't preform. But you know what? The one thing, one thing, that I love with all of my heart.. he doesn't support. I have tried so hard to get you to notice how talented I actually am and not once did you acknowledge it." Blake said as her tears began to break through.

"I told you about my gigs with the band and you have never come to ANY of them. Is it because I'm not who you wanted me to be? You wanted me to be that girl who likes butterflies and glitter right? No, I'm my own person and the only person in this house to realize that is mom. Now don't ask me for anything or to do anything because I'm done! I'm done living up to your expectations." Blake said, looking her father dead in the eyes.

He looked heart broken. No one ever expected Blake to lash out on someone like that, ever. The most she ever yelled was at Michael when he bothered her.

"You don't mean that.." her father finally said.

"I meant every single word." Blake blankly said, once again looking him dead in the eyes.

"Now, if you ever decide to support me and my music, let me know." Blake said, storming away to her bedroom, slamming and locking the door shut.

Although she did lash out on her parents, she did do a good job of keeping calm. She didn't once yell or scream which was good.

A sudden ring began on her landline. Confused, the girl picked it up.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Luke's voice said from the other end.

Blake couldn't control herself anymore. She completely bursted out into tears.

"Blake, you alright?" Luke questioned in a more nervous tone.

"Ye-yeah, yeah I'm alright." She answered with a not very convincing tone.

"Do you wanna come over.. I don't wanna leave you alone, just in case." Luke said, speaking softly into the phone.

"O-ok." She said between tears.

"Ok, get here safe alright, bye." Luke said, hanging the phone up.

Blake got off of her bed, throwing a fresh outfit into her backpack along with her songbook, and left out of her room.

"Blake hunny where are you going?" Her mother questioned, seeing her daughter storm down the stairs.

"Out." She said, slamming the door behind her and walking down the road.

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