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"What do you mean that's our fault?!" Luke argued in the school office.

"Mr Patterson and Mr Wilson, you both should know violence is against our school policy and cannot just be ignored. Besides, film caught you guys making first hit." Principal Andrew's said to the two boys.

Bobby shook his head. "How about the fact that Michael followed her into the girls bathroom then?! You just going to let that slide too?" Bobby said, annoyed with the audacity his principle has.

"And we have spoken to mr Rogers about entering the girls bathroom. He said it was an honest mistake." The principal said, Luke's face filling with rage.

"No it wasn't! He followed her in there and hurt her! Did you not see the part of the footage when we got her out of there?!" Luke said, standing up from his seat.

Principal Andrew's went to the security footage tape, taking out the one labeled "school dance 1995" and placing it into the player.

The three of them watched the film, seeing Luke storm out of the bathroom with Bobby, Reggie chasing after them, and Blake holding onto Alex.

"See, your striking first." The principal said to the boys, raising his eyebrow.

Luke glared at him. "Do you even know what happened? Why none of us came to school today?" He said in a calm, angered tone.

"Tell me Mr Patterson, why were none of you here today?" The principal said, amused with what he thought was a whole joke.

"He raped her in that bathroom. She was defenseless, no one was there to help her. Coming into school today would've caused her so much more anxiety that she's not protected in here. So if you think what we did for our friend is our fault, think again mr Andrew's." Luke said, keeping eye contact with his principal.

Bobby was shocked to hear the truth. He was the only one who didn't know the true story, only knowing that Michael hurt her.

"Is this a lie?" The principal asked, shocked that any of his students would do that.

"Why would I lie about something like that." Luke coldly stated, leaning back in his chair.

"I'm going to excuse you and your bandmates from school Monday while I get to the bottom of this, enjoy your weekend." The principal said, letting the boys out of the room.

They each shook their heads as they walked out and got into Bobby's car.

"That's what you meant earlier?" Bobby asked as he started the car.

Luke nodded. "I needed to tell him or else nothing would get done." Luke said in an almost whisper, trying to fight away his anger.

As Bobby and Luke returned to the studio, they heard the three others inside playing now or never.

The two of them just walked into the studio, scaring the life out of the others.

"Ah!" Blake yelled, seeing two figures enter the studio from the corner of her eye.

Luke smirked at the girl, seeing his six string on her back. "So, how'd it go?" Alex asked, setting his drumsticks down on the stool.

"Principal Andrew's is an idiot." Luke said, crossing his arms.

Blake walked over to the boy and uncrossed his arms, leaning back against the boy. "Name one person who isn't an idiot Luke." She said, shutting her eyes in amusement.

"Well he's a big time idiot. He believed Michael's story of 'accidentally going to the wrong bathroom'." Bobby said.

Blake froze. Michael tried to change the story?! A tight squeeze was felt on the girl, her looking down to the Luke's arms over her chest in a hug.

She stood there for a second, thinking of what could possibly be done so she could get her own revenge on Michael. She didn't care if it would get her in trouble anymore.

"Guys.. I don't like this look in Blake's eyes.. it looks like Luke's." Reggie said, noticing Blake's face fall into an angry look.

"Blake what are you-"

"Let me go." She said, pulling Luke's arms off of her and walking towards the studio doors.

"Blake what are you doing.." Alex nervously asked, all four boys following her out.

"Revenge." She said, not looking back and walking down the road.

"Blake Jones don't you even think about it." Luke said catching up to the girl.

"Why not? Because I'm supposed to just ignore what he did and move on with my life?" She said to her boyfriend confidently.

"No, he's going to hurt your again! I don't want to see you get even more hurt!" Luke said in a louder tone.

"So I'm weak?" She asked, giving him a look.

Luke shook his head. "Blake I never said that. I'm worried about you alright! Im not ready to see you in danger."

Blake shook her head too. "Too bad. I'm going to go show him who's boss." She said with a smirk, turning around and continuing down the road.

"This definitely isn't ending well.." Reggie said, the three boys going to catch up with the other two.

Blake stood at Michael's front door, knocking loudly until it opened.

"What do you- oh Blake, came crawling back?" Michael said as he opened the front door. "Oo! The boy toys are here too!"

Luke attempted to step forward, only getting pulled back by Bobby and Reggie.

"I would never come crawling back to you. There's one thing I have learned over the past few months and it's that your a total ass." She said, grabbing him by his shirt.

"You gonna kiss me?" He said with a smirk, making a kissy face.

Blake scoffed. "You wish." She said, punching the big square in the face.

She continued to beat him up, kicking him in the stomach, punning his face a few more times, and elbowing him.

The four boys stood there in shock as they watched the girl beat up Michael. "Luke I'd be scared if I were you, one fuck up and that's gonna be you." Alex said to the boy.

Luke looked at alex like he was crazy, then back to the fight going on.

"And THATS for being an asshole. Suck a dick Rogers." She said, kicking him the the ground and walking down the pathway.

"That's my girl." Luke said to her, putting an arm around her as they made their way back to the studio.

Well, almost..

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