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After school ended for the teens, they all piled into Bobby's car Like usual. "Can someone else please get a car so I'm not the only one who's driving everyone around?!" Bobby said with a laugh, starting the car up.

"Robert your he only one who's able to afford a car." Blake said, patting the boys shoulder from the back seat.

Bobby playfully rolled his eyes at the girl, buckling his seatbelt before he began to drive.

"So what time should I pick you all up?" Bobby asked, not helping himself with the whole car thing.

"Does anyone even know what time we go on?" Reggie asked, Luke and Blake nodding to agree with the question.

Alex turned from the front seat. "Well, the dance starts at 7, but we go on at 9." Alex said, looking at the flyer the school printed.

"Dude I look terrible in that picture!" Blake said, snatching the paper and looking at the band photo that past pasted onto it.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad. Look at Bobby's hair." Luke said, pointing to Bobby in the photo and how his hair was a mess.

"We don't speak of that!" Bobby said, looking at the boy front the front mirror.

Blake covered her mouth as she laughed, putting her head on Luke's shoulder.

The two of them were keeping in their laughs as best they could, but nothing seemed to work. "Blake I swear if you laugh one more time." Bobby said, a smile forming on his face.

The girl couldn't help it anymore, a big burst of laughter came from the back seats, making each boy laugh along with her.

"Your laugh is seriously contagious, how is that legal." Alex said as his laughs calmed down.

"Ok ok, I'll be back Reg." Bobby said as he approached reggies house, the dark haired boy smiling as he got out. "Bye guys!"

"Bye Reginald." Blake said, scooting into his seat since she was forced into the middle.

After they dropped Alex off at home too, Trev other three band members went back to Bobby's. Luke and Blake going into the studio while Bobby went inside his house.

"Ok Blake, hear me out.." Luke began to say, following the girl towards her trunk of clothes.

"Yeah?" She asked, closing the trunk and sitting on the top.

"I know your going to say no because you hate these types of things, but-"

"You want to take me to the dance?" Blake asked, cutting him off and giving a small smile.

Luke smiled and said "yeah, yeah those other three doofuses kept telling me I had to ask."

Blake laughed. "Those asses. How about, you get one dance because I don't wanna stay there all night." She said, standing up and putting her arms around his neck.

Luke smiled, putting his arms around her waist. "Yeah, dances aren't my thing either." Luke said with a smile.

Blake smirked, giving him a quick kiss. "Really? I thought you liked going to dances to see the girls." She said with a raised eyebrow.

Luke gave the girl a 'your kidding' look. "That was only because I thought I'd never get you. The only girl I want to focus on at the dance is you." He said, looking into the girls eyes.

Blake looked down as she smiled in an attempt to hide her blush. Luke just smirked at her, using his pointer finger to lift her chin.

"Ms Jones I would love for you to stop hiding your blush. I think it's adorable." Luke said with a smirk, kissing the girl as her blush became bigger.

Blake giggled as they pulled away, hugging the boy softly put with passion.

Luke gladly hugged her back, holding her tight enough that he wasn't hurting her.

"Well, we have time.. wanna practice this song or what?" Blake asked with a smile, grabbing Luke's song book and flipping to the page.

"Hey, don't touch my book or I'll have no choice but to go through yours." Luke said, attempting to snatch the book from her.

The two have never approved of people touching their song books, especially if it was each other since the songs written in there have all of their emotions towards each other poured out into songs.

"Ok, how's your arm by the way? You can play right?" Luke asked Blake as she brought herself towards the keyboard.

She smirked, taking the sling off of her arm and throwing it up into the loft. "Well let's see how this goes." She said as she began to play the beginning.

The first few notes were rough, the girl messing up with smaller things as her arm became used to being more free.

"I think I'm good." She said with a smile, her arm feeling perfectly fine even though it was far from it.

Luke examined her face. pausing at her eyes, he saw a new look. "Somethings bothering you." He said, coming closer and looking into her eyes.

"What?" She questioned, a small laugh escaping her mouth.

"I don't know, somethings not right." He said, keeping his eyes glued to the girl.

"Ok fine, what if I mess up tonight. I'll never be able to show my face in that school again." She said, Luke laughing at the worried girl.

"Why are you laughing?!" She said, giving the boy a look.

"I'll tell you this, if you mess up me and the boys will make fun of you for sure like usual. But the kids at school won't even notice because they're going to be distracted by whatever else is going on." Luke said, holding the girls shoulders.

"Ok ok, I trust you. And if I do mess up and you guys make fun, your in trouble." She said with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes ma'am." Luke said, doing a little salut thing to the girl.

Blake laughed and the two continued rehearsing, waiting for about another hour or so to pass before they get ready to go.

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