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"BLAKE!" The four boys yelled to the girl, seeing a car come speeding down the road and right at her.

Their reaction was too late, seeing the car come crashing into her.

The four boys ran to the girl, kneeling down beside her as she wept in pain. "Blake, Blake come on!" Luke said as he lightly patter her face to keep her conscious.

Bobby ran to the house they were outside of, frantically knocking on the door so he could ask them to call an ambulance.

It only took five minutes for an ambulance and some cops to show up, taking the girl immediately and the cops questioning the boys.

"Could you tell me what happened?" The police asked the man who was driving the car, placing handcuffs around his wrists.

"I was calling my friend.. w-we we're going to the store and I wasn't paying attention." The man said, looking at the cop and avoiding the four teenage boys.

"And you guys were doing what?" The cops asked the four boys.

"W-we were going home and this guys decided to hit our friend with his car!" Luke snapped, tears endlessly falling down all four of the boys faces.

"Ok, you, go with that cop." The policeman said to the man, pointing to his co worker.

"And you four come with me." The policeman continued, pointing to his police car.

The four boys piled in, a nervous wreck as the policeman drove off. "Is it ok if I bring you guys to the hospital to wait for her, or would you like me to bring you home?"

"J-just bring us to the hospital." The four boys agreed, the cop giving them a nod and going to the hospital.

As they arrived, the four of them sat in the waiting room. Luke was a nervous wreck, he wasn't sure if Blake was going to be ok which only scared him even more.

Bobby seemed to be mostly keeping himself together, he was used to hiding his emotions.. except anger.

Alex was pacing around the room, being told many times that he had to sit down but continuing to pace anyways.

And Reggie, he had his head down into his knees, hiding the tears that were uncontrollable.

The boys spent the rest of their day in that waiting room, wanting to just leave that hospital with their five-one pianist.

But they knew something was wrong when Blake's mom came into the waiting room, a nervous wreck.

The boys were confused, her father was nowhere to be found. "Mrs Jones?" They each said as Blake's mom looked for somewhere to sit.

She turned her head and spotted the boys, her tear stained face being revealed. The four boys frowned and stood up, giving the girls mother a hug.

Of all people, she really needed it.

"I haven't seen her in a few weeks.. h-has she been ok..?" Her mother hesitantly asked.

Luke nodded. "She's been staying with me in the studio. The last few days were really rough though." The boy said as they let go of the hug.

"Wha-what happened today?" Blake's mom asked, looking to the four boys.

"We were walking home and a car hit her. None of us were quick enough to get to her before it." Alex said, using his sleeve to wipe the tears from his cheeks.

Before anyone else could say anything, a doctor came out into the waiting room. "Blake Jones?" He said,poking at the clipboard he held in his hands.

Blakes mother nodded her head for the boys to follow as she went to the doctor. "And you guys are what to Blake?" The doctor asked for confirmation.

"I'm her mother, these are her friends." Blake's mom said to the doctor, him nodding his head and continuing.

"Well, the impact of the car took a toll on her body. She isnt responding to us as much as we had hoped for, so there's two options." The doctor said, the five of their hearts sinking as they figured what the two options most likely were.

"We can put her into a coma and see if that does us any good, or we pull the plug." The doctor continued, looking to the boys then to the girls mother.

"How long would she be in the coma..?" Blake's mother hesitantly asked, wiping her tears away to seem stronger than she was.

"I can't answer that. It could be weeks, months, or even years." The doctor said, looking at the heartbroken group of people in front of him.

Blake's mother looked back at the boys, knowing they would hate her for saying this. But they took the hint of what she wanted to do and gave her a small nod.

"Can we go see her.. j-just one last time.." her mother begged the doctor, him giving a small nod and leading them to the room.

Blake's mother went in first, saying her final goodbyes to her daughter as she cried a river of tears. "I'm so sorry baby girl, I should've gotten in touch sooner and this could've been prevented.." her mother sobbed.

It was about ten minutes and her mother left the room, the boys going inside now. Each of their eyes were filled with tears as they spoke to the girl.

"Oh, Blake. What are we going to do without you.." Alex said with a frown.

"Probably kill each other." Bobby said with a saddened laugh in attempt to brighten the mood.

"Please please promise that your going to be ok.." Reggie begged the girl who wasn't even conscious.

"Guys." Bobby said, looking over to Luke and then the other two, trying to get them out so Luke could say goodbye to her alone.

The three left, leaving Luke in there now.

The brunette bent down and hugged the girl, his tears flowing like no tomorrow. "Blake I love you, I love you and only you. I wish you could've been around longer.." he said with a frown, placing a kiss on her forehead.

He noticed the doctor waiting at the door so he could do what he had to, the boy leaving the room and catching up with the boys and Blake's mom.

Her mother was a mess. Crying and shaking as she walked to the car.

"Ms Jones let us drive you home.." Alex said as they followed the lady to the car, considering they were getting a ride from her anyways.

"I-ok." She said, letting Bobby into the drivers seat to drive since his eyes weren't filled with tears as much as the others.

The ride was silent. Not one peep came from anyone besides the brunette in the back seat crying into Alex's shoulder.

"She's ok now Luke.." Alex said as he rubbed the boys back.

Luke didn't feel anything but guilty. All that he could think about was that he could've done more to prevent this, he could've told the girl no when she asked him to try and catch her when she ran.

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