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As the end of the school day came around, Blake was quick to get out of that prison like building.

"Wait up Blakey!" A voice called as the girl walked down the road.

She turned her head and saw it was her ex boyfriend Michael, probably trying to make an attempt to win her back.

She didn't understand why, Luke made it pretty clear to the boy that cheating on her was a dick move. Seeing Luke punch the kid in the face was the best.

"Fuck off michael." She said, turning back around and continuing forward. She didn't want to deal with him right now, or ever.

"But Blake.. let's talk, fix things." He said, Running to catch up with the girl.

"Nope." She said, not turning back.

"Come on, please!" He said, now right behind the girl and grabbing her arm.

A car pulled over beside the two, a group of four angry boys. Popping their heads out.

"Get your hands off her Michael." Luke said, peeking his head out of the back seat window.

Blake smiled at the boys and opened the back door, sliding in next to Luke.

"Thanks, you guys had pretty good timing." Blake said to the boys.

"What did he want now? Do I have to attack now?" Reggie said with a smirk.

"Reg you could never hurt anyone. But this time he wanted to talk and i said no." She said, reaching over Luke and messing up reggies hair.

"Well that dickhead should've learned his lesson by now to not cheat." Luke said, his eyes still showing the hints of anger.

"Calm down there tiger. It's over." Blake joked with this boy as the car stopped in front of her house.

"We will be back at 7, be ready." Bobby said as he unlocked the door for the girl.

"Ok, bye guys. And thanks for scaring Michael off." Blake said as she shut the door, running onto her front porch.

The car pulled away as the girl got the door open. No one else was home since both of her parents have work.

They won't be home until later, making Blake have to eat dinner by herself for the second time this week.

The girl sat on the kitchen counter writing in her songbook so she could fully finish her song, waiting for her Kraft Mac and cheese to finish.

The girl ate her Mac and cheese, looking to the clock and seeing it was only 4:00, leaving her about 3 hours until the boys would come back.

The girl took advantage of her time, taking a nice long hot shower. She was guilty of being a shower singer, singing the song sunset curve was set to preform tonight.

After showering, she went into her room and pulled out her outfit. It was a black tshirt with a brown flannel and jeans, nothing special. The girl wanted to look presentable but feel more comfortable.

Blake put her damp hair into a French braid, keeping it out of her face so she could see.

"Hey hun! I'm home from work!" Her father called from down the stairs.

This was where things were going to get difficult. Mr Jones wasn't the most supportive of Blake's music, thinking she should focus more on her academics.

"Hey dad." she said, coming down the stairs.

"Where are you going that your dresses up?" He asked his daughter, eyebrows furrowing.

"I um.. I have a gig with the boys tonight." She said, squinting her eyes knowing what was about to come her way.

Mr Jones frowned. "Blake, why don't you focus more on school.. this band thing isn't going to get you anywhere well."

"Seriously dad? I can assure you that I can get somewhere with music. You don't understand." Blake said, turning around in an attempt to walk away.

"I understand enough to put together that your wasting your time." He said, making the girl pause in her place.

"Why can't you be supportive like mom. She's the only one who believes in me nowadays." Blake said, walking out the front door, slamming it shut.

She didn't know why she came outside, it was only 6:30 and it was quite cold.

Blake sat down on her front porch, waiting for the familiar car of boys to come pick her up.

The girl kept peeking at the clock through her front window to check the time. 6:55 it read now, meaning the boys would be here soon.

Loud beeping filled the girls ears as a car stopped in front of her house. "Blakey!" The boys called out, making her laugh.

"You assholes almost gave me a heart attack." She said, sliding into the back seat.

"Jesus your freezing Blake, you have an air conditioner of something?" Reggie asked when his arm accidentally hit the girls.

"Nope, me and my dad had another argument so I sat outside for half an hour." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

Luke turned around from the passengers seat, looking back at the girl. "You could've came by the studio ya know." He said.

Blake shrugged. "Eh, it's already dark and definitely not safe to walk in the dark."

The car stopped in front of the club about 10 minutes later, the five teens getting out and unloading.

"Hey Blake." A voice called as the girl and Alex set up the drum set.

"You've gotta be kidding." She heard Alex say quietly.

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