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"Hey guys." Blake said as she entered Bobby's car the next morning.

Her morning was going pretty well, she woke up on time and didn't have to say one word to either of her parents.

"So, how'd it go with your parents last night?" Bobby asked, looking back at the girl quickly.

Blake shook her head. "My am dad and I got into an argument so I went to Luke's, then when I left I got chased by Michael to Alex's house so I stayed there for a bit, then I went home and slept. You tell me Robert."

All of their eyes went wide besides Alex since he already knew about this. "Blake he chased you again?!" Reggie asked in total shock.

"Yep." She said, nodding her head.

Luke looked back at the girl from the front seat. "Blake you should've let me walk you home.."

"I know, I just wasn't thinking.." she said, slightly shaking her head.

As the car stopped in front of the school, the group got out and walked inside.

Blake noticed Luke looking over at someone angrily, and saw his and Michael's eyes connected.

She puked on his arm, looking at him. "No. Not happening." She said, seeing his angry look.

"But Blake-"

"Luke. If you do something he's only going to come back at me. Just don't." Blake said, opening her locker and putting her backpack down.

Luke glanced back to where Michael stood, then at Blake. He noticed the other boys weren't there, meaning they snuck off to class without him.

"I have to get to class.. I'll see you in science.." Blake said, shutting her locker and smiling at the boy.

Luke nodded as she walked off, him doing the same to get to his class.

"I fucked up." He said to the boys as he sat down in his seat.

"What do you mean?" Alex asked.

Luke shook his head. "Things got weird with me and Blake. Do you think she's mad i kissed her..?" 

Reggie laughed at the boy. "You are all blind! How am I the only one who's noticed that she has a crush on Luke."

Their eyes went wide. "Wait what?!" They all said, Reggie nodding. "It's quite obvious if you ask me. Have you guys not noticed how she always goes to Luke first when she needs help or a hug or literally anything?" Reggie said with a raised eyebrow.

Alex was shocked, usually he was the one to notice that kind of stuff. "You've been hanging around Alex too much." Bobby said with a laugh.

Luke was shocked. He would've never though she like him, especially with the fact that she's currently avoiding him.

"Then why would she be avoiding me?" Luke asked with an eyebrow raised.

Alex stepped in and said "shes probably scared of what could happened. I mean, did you see how things were with Michael. She's scared it will be one big repeat."

"She knows I wouldn't do that.. why would she even think of it?" Luke asked.

Bobby looked at him like he was stupid. "And she thought the same for Michael. When we approved of him she figured he would be good for her but then that whole thing happened."

Luke slumped back into his chair. "Ok.. what am I going to do now..?!"

Alex looked over and said "she doesn't know you like her. She asked me if I knew anything but I didn't say anything."

Luke nodded. "I was gonna tell her yesterday. But now that I think about it, she seemed to be pretty worked up yesterday with everything that happened."

The others nodded to agree with the boy. They had no clue what it would be like to be Blake Jones.

Meanwhile in Blake's classroom, Michael was sat behind her in his usually spot being his annoying self.

"Hey Blake, you got a pen I can use?" He asked every five minutes, earning the exact same answer each time.

Blake had enough of it though. "I don't know Michael, you have a better thing to do than chase me when I'm walking home every night?"

Michael laughed at the girl. "Your funny. I like funny girls."

"Congrats, I don't like you one bit." She said, smirking at the boy and rolling her eyes.

"Wanna come over after school?" Michael asked with a smirk.

Is this boy serious? "In your dreams ass face." Blake said, raising her hand to get the teachers attention.

"Blake?" The teacher called on her.

"Can I go use the bathroom?" She asked, really just wanting to get out of there.

"The period ends in a few minutes-"

"It's an emergency." Blake said, begging eyes.

"Ok, take your belongings with you then." The teacher said, Blake nodding her head and leaving the classroom.

She roamed around the halls, wasting her time until the bell rang.

But just before the bell rang, Blake was walking past the boys classroom and someone came up behind her.

"Don't try to run out on me." Michael said with a smirk.

Blake smirked back, elbowing him in the stomach and continuing down the hall.

"Did you guys see that.." Alex asked in shock, turning to the other three.

"Yup." Bobby said with a small laugh, an angry expression plastered on all of their faces.

As soon as the bell rang, the four boys left their class and saw Michael walking down the hall, Blake not too far ahead.

The girl turned her head and saw the angry group of boys approaching Michael and her eyes went wide.

"Oh no.." she said, watching as they attacked him.

Blake didn't want to be any more involved than she was, running out of the school.

The boys finished dealing with Michael, leaving him with a bunch of bruises, then went to find Blake.

She was sitting on the curb outside of the school, her head down into her knees.

"Blake.." they all said, sitting down on each side of her.

"You guy I told you NOT to attack him! This is ridiculous." She said, looking at the four boys.

They all looked guilty.

"But.." she began to say. "I do appreciate that you guys tried to help."

They all smiled at her. "Also, I am not sitting in the school for the rest of the day." She said, standing up and wiping her tears.

"I say we have a movie night at the studio. It is Friday anyways.." Alex said with a smile.

The five of them smiled, getting into Bobby's car and each getting dropped off home so they can get ready and do whatever.

When Blake walked into her house, she went straight up to her room, changing into a pair of sweatpants and tshirt, going downstairs to wait for Bobby to come back and get her.

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