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It's safe to say not one of the members of sunset curve for any sleep that night. Blake was just sitting on the beach, staring out at the water, and the boys were trying to think of places she could be.

Blake sat on the sand,watching the sunrise as the chilly wind blew around.

As much as she loved it, Luke's sweatshirt was not doing the job to keep her warm right now.

During her thoughts, she started to question the exact reason she ran away. Yes, she was mad at her father, but leaving him and her mother wouldn't solve anything.

But it's too late to go Back now.

"I'm such an idiot."'she groaned as she stuck her head into her knees.

All she could think about was how much trouble she would be in. Not only with her parents, but with the boys too.

The second they find out where she is, they're going to yell at her.

She questioned if she was going to go to school, coming to the conclusion that it's best if she doesn't.

However, the boys weren't going to school either. They all woke up and got ready to go find Blake.

"Any idea where she is?" Bobby asked as the boys were all in his car.

"Nope. You check the studio?" Reggie questioned, Bobby nodding his head.

"Let's see if she's anywhere on sunset boulevard." Alex said, the other three nodding.

Bobby drove around sunset boulevard, stopping the car at Sal and Ella's street dog car.

"Dude it's not a very good time to eat right now." Luke said as Bobby got out of the car.

"Let's ask and see if they've seen her. Just for the bell of it." Bobby said, the boys nodding.

"Sal, how's it going." Alex said as the four boys approached the mans car.

"Hey! Where is the girl?" Sal asked, noticing Blake wasn't there like she usually was.

"We came to ask you actually. You see, she ran away last night and no one can find her." Reggie said, Sal nodding his head.

"Yes, she was going towards beach! She looked upset." Sal said, the boys nodding and running back to the car.

"Thanks Sal!" They yelled out the car windows as Bobby drove off.

"The beach.. of all places. She hates the beach!" Luke said in shock as Bobby parked the car in the parking lot.

"Ok, Luke and Alex, you go that way, me and Reg will go this way." Bobby said, pointing to each end of the beach.

They all nodded and ran down the beach. Good thing it was a school day, or else they would be getting more Funny looks than they already were.

"Blake! Blake where are you!" The boys called as they ran.

As the boys continued to run, Blake could hear their voices calling for her.

"Shit." She said under her breath, grabbing her backpack and attempting to hide.

"You ass! Blake!" A voice called making her shut her eyes.

She felt someone lift her up, their touch making her melt in their arms.

"Why the hell would you run away." The voice said, making Blake realize it was Luke.

Blake shook her head. "I-I don't know." She said with a slight frown.

"You scared the crap out of us miss Jones." Alex said, giving the girl a hug.

Blake shook her head. "I don't even know why I ran away. I was just so frustrated yesterday that I left."

More running was heard and two more boys breathing heavily appeared.

"Your. In. Trouble." Bobby said between breaths, bending over to catch his breath.

"And you missed our gig last night!" Reggie said, crossing his arms and looking at the girl.

Blake's eyes went wide. "Shit.." she said. Blake has never missed a gig.

"Let's go.. it's hot out.." Luke said, fanning himself with his hand.

"Hot?! I'm freezing." Blake said fixing the hoodie she had on.

"Well that what you get for sitting here all night." Alex said, raising an eyebrow at the girl.

Blake frowned and followed the boys back to Bobby's car. The first thing they did when they sat down was then on the air conditioner.

"You assholes." Blake said as she crossed her arms.

Luke smirked at the girl, taking his orange beanie off and pulling it over her head.

"Your lucky that I'm in a good mood right now." Luke said as the girl placed her head into his shoulder.

Blake giggled and shut her eyes, falling asleep on the boys shoulder. Luke just laughed and out his arm around her shoulders.

"Just date already." Reggie said, Alex and Bobby nodding to agree.

"I already told you three." Luke said, glaring at the boys.

When they got to the studio, Luke lifted Blake up and carried her inside, setting her down on the couch.

"What now.. do we tell her parents?" Alex questioned, not knowing how to handle this whole thing.

"We should wait until she's awake, doing that without her permission will not end well." Reggie said, pointing at the girl.

"Ok well what are we supposed to do now, we can't rehearse because that's going to wake her." Luke said, waving his arms around.

"Just wait I guess." Bobby said with a shrug.

The others nodded and the sat around the studio, waiting for the girl to wake up.

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