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As the next morning came around, Blake woke up to Luke's arms around her and writing in his songbook.

"Whatcha writing?" She asked, moving her head to take a peek.

"Eh eh eh, no peeking. It's a surprise." Luke said, shutting the book and placing it on the coffee table beside the couch.

"Your such an ass." She said with a small giggle, looking up at the boy.

"I might be an ass, but look how stupid these three look right now." Luke said, pointing to their other friends who were sound asleep.

Reggie somehow made it to the floor as he slept, Alex was so slouched down in his chair that his legs reached across most of the coffee table, and Bobby was sideways hanging off the chair.

Blake covered her mouth as she laughed, not wanting to wake them up.

"I need this on tape." She said, sneaking out of Luke's arms and grabbing Bobby's video camera and taking a video.

"Hey future Bobby or whoever, just thought you'd like to see how stupid you all look." Blake said as the camera was in her face, then turning it around to point to each boy.

Blake giggled as she recorded them, making the bright smile appear on Luke's face.

Blake stopped recording, making sure the tape saved and took it out, placing it in a code and labeling it "sleepy boys ft. Blake".

A smile crept across her face as she began to walk to the couch, an idea coming to mind.

Luke watched her eyes as they traveled from him to the drumsticks on the music stand.

"Your so gonna get yelled at by Alex." Luke said with a smirk.

"His fault for sleeping later than me." She shrugged, lifting the sticks and banging on the drums.

It was like a chain reaction. Alex fell out of his seat onto the floor, Reggie jumped up, and Bobby fell off his seat.

"BLAKE!" They all yelled while her and Luke laughed like crazy.

"Your lucky I didn't pull a Luke and play right into your ear." She said, looking at each boy.

"Why would you do that?!" Alex asked in an annoyed tone.

"Because I was bored and you slept later than me. Consequences children." Blake said raising an eyebrow and looking at the three.

"Your so lucky I know Luke would attack me. If he wouldn't I would totally yell at you right now." Bobby said, pointing to the girl.

"You guys are no fun!" Luke said.

Reggie laughed and said "speaking of fun.. can we go eat. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning."

Blake nodded to agree with the boy, all of them getting up and going to some nearby cafe since that was their cheapest option.

"Jesus we live in LA, why is it literally freezing?!" Blake said covering her arms as she walked out of the studio.

A sweatshirt was thrown over her head, blocking her vision. "Thanks whoever did that!" She said, taking the shirt off of her face and sliding it on. As she lifted it over her face she knew it was Luke's, it smelt like him.

The five piled into Bobby's car and drove to the cafe, buying their breakfast.

It wasn't much, they each only got a donut since they were a dollar.

But their day wasn't very eventful either, that was until the end of it came around.

"Aw man! My amp won't work!" Reggie said as he was outside rehearsing.

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