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"How was your day miss Jones?" The boys asked as they approached the girl at her locker after school.

"The usual. Pretty boring. But I was getting weird looks from everyone." Blake responded as she shut her locker.

The five of them walked out of the school towards Bobby's car when they noticed someone sitting on its hood.

"I'm gonna kill him." Luke and Bobby said when they spotted the boy.

Blake was only able to grab Luke, Bobby continued towards the boy.

"Blake let me go." Luke said in a calm, yet angry tone.

"No, it's not worth it." She said, holding his arm tightly.

Her grip wasn't tight enough when the boy broke out, joining Bobby.

"Wow Blake, way to fight your own battles." Michael said, giving the girl a look.

"What's the problem? Jealous my friends aren't scared of you?" She said, giving into being angry at the boy.

Michael laughed, attempting to push through the two boys to reach Blake, only to get shoved away.

Alex and Reggie moved infront of the girl, just in case Michael broke through the other two.

But, they didn't have to worry too much about that because Bobby and Luke wouldn't even let Michael look at Blake.

"What's your deal?!" Blake said to her ex, peeking between the boys.

"I just want a fight fair an square. Not from your boy toys, from YOU." Michael said.

Blake tensed up, pushing through the four boys. "Oh no." Alex said, seeing the rage in her eyes.

"You really messed with the wrong person now Rogers." Reggie said with a chuckle as Blake stood in front of Michael.

Blake looked up to michael, her fist balled on her side.

"What you gonna do? Punch me?" Michael questioned with a smirk.

"If she doesn't I will." Luke said.

Blake shook her head. "Nope."

Michael bent over in pain as Blake kicked him in the balls. "Didn't expect that did you asshole?" She said with a smirk, getting into Bobby's car.

The boys followed her into the car, looking at her in shock. "That hurt to watch." Alex said in shock.

Blake smiled, placing her head on Luke's shoulder. She could feel his body relax as her head landed on his shoulder.

"I can't believe you did that Blake." Luke said in shock.

"Well he deserved it." She said, closing her eyes.

"You coming back to the studio?" Bobby asked before he reached the road Blake lived on.

"Yeah, I have nothing better to do." She said with a smile.

Reggie looked back at Luke from the front seat with a smirk, Luke glaring at the boy. Blake looked at the two confused and said "something wrong Reginald?"

Reggies eyes went wide as if he had been caught, then he said "nope. Just looks like someone didn't get enough sleep last night."

The car came to a stop in front of the Patterson house and Blake said "I couldn't sleep and then once I did i only got a few hours of it."

"Then why don't you go home and sleep?" Alex asked.

Blake gave her friend a look. "I don't wanna go home, my dad is supposed to be home early and I don't feel like dealing with him."

"I mean you can stay with me at my house, I just have to do homework so my mom doesn't freakout." Luke said as he slid out of the car.

"Eh, it's better than sleeping at the studio, fine." Blake said, siding out of the car to join Luke.

"Thanks for the ride Bobby!" She said, shutting the door and chasing after Luke.

"Hey Mrs Patterson." Blake said as she entered the Patterson house.

"Blake, hey hun! I didn't know you were coming over today." Mrs Patterson said when she spotted the shorter brunette beside Luke.

"Neither did I, Luke said I could come." She said.

"Alright we are going to do homework." Luke said, dragging the girl upstairs.

When the two got to Luke's bedroom, Blake jumped onto the bed, the comfort of the soft mattress relaxed her whole body.

"Did you pay attention in science by any chance? I have no clue what this homework is or how to do it." Luke said, making the girls eyes go wide.

"The bitch gave us homework?!" She said sitting up and grabbing her book bag.

She took out her textbook, doing her science homework with Luke, mostly fooling around since they didn't quite understand what to do.

"Ok I'm taking a nap, too much thinking today." Blake said, flopping back down onto Luke's bed and shutting her eyes.

This wasn't anything out of the normal for the girl, she always falls asleep when she hangs out with the boys.

Luke just smiled at the girl who was attempting to fall asleep. "Your such a baby." He teased.

"I'm the baby? How am I the baby!?" She said opening her eyes and looking at the boy.

"Because, you just are." Luke said with a small smirk.

"That isn't going to cut it Patterson. Even if I am a baby, I'm definitely the cutest one out there." Blake said, flipping her hair.

Luke just laughed at the girl. "Ok change of topic. Michael, what did you even see in him. And be honest."

Blake scrunched her nose and said "I don't know.. I guess because he was the only boy that you four ever approved of at first. And he was good to me until I found out he wasn't."

Blake's mood went down a little bit, a small frown falling upon her face.

"Sorry.. I just, I wanted to know." Luke said, noticing the girls mood fall.

Blake nodded. Talking about Michael was hard for her, especially since she was just starting to really fall In love with him.

Luke opened his arms for the girl, embracing her in a hug. "It's alright, none of us knew he would switch up like that. It's not your fault."

Blake went into the brunettes arm, soft tears streaming down her face.

Luke's hand went up against her face, wiping her tears away just as he did the night Michael cheated on her.

"Blake.." Luke said softly to the girl.

"No, don't try to say this is your fault. It's mine for wasting my time with him." She said, shaking her head.

the two sat in almost total silence, only the soft whimpers of the girl could be heard for the next ten minutes. After those 10 minutes the crying came to an end and Blake was asleep in Luke's arms.

"Luke, di-" Mrs Patterson began to say when she opened the door, stopping when she saw the girl in his arms.

"Not hungry right now, I'll heat up leftovers later." He said quietly to not wake the girl.

Mrs Patterson nodded her head. "She alright?" She asked, motioning towards Blake.

"Michael drama again." Luke said, his mother nodded and leaving the room.

Luke leaned back into his bed, the soft pillows making him fall asleep with the girl in his arms.

Blake felt safe right now. She felt like no one would get her if something were to happen.

But what she also started to feel were some newer feelings forming for her best friend...

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