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"Blake come down here." Blake's father said as dinner time came around.

Blake started to get nervous, her mother was working late tonight so it was just the two of them at dinner.

But, she pulled herself together and went downstairs, sitting in her seat at the table.

"You snuck out again?" He said blankly, taking a bite of his hamburger.

"I didn't sneak out I-"

"So? You were going to but your mother caught you and gave you permission. Blake this isn't ok." He said, his tone progressively getting more harsh.

"You know what else isn't ok?" She started, looking at her father dead in the eyes. "The fact that your such an ass to me."

"Oh right, I'm the bad guy for  trying to teach you a lesson." He said with a scoff.

"Yeah, you are! I've tried to be someone that you would love and accept for so long, just for you to be disappointed every time. You know what? I'm done. I'm done trying to be the perfect daughter for you, or trying to make you proud. Never speak to me again." Blake said, setting her fork and knife down and grabbing her backpack.

She knew this day would come sooner or later. She had her backpack ready at the front door for this so she could grab it and go.

"Blake come back!" Her father called out as she ran down the road.

She didn't even look back to get her last glance at her father. This was it, she has officially ran away from home.

"Blake what are you doing here? No boys?" Sal from Sal and Ella's street dog car asked, seeing the stressed and saddened girl.

Blake sighed as she prepared herself a street dog, the man waiting for a response.

"Bad day.." she said, handing Sal a dollar to pay for her food.

"Did those boys do something?" He asked before the girl walked off.

"No, just family issues. I'll be alright." She said as she began to walk off.

"Bye Sal."

"Bye Blake." He said, the girl disappearing from his line of sight.

As Blake walked and walked, she knew that the boys would be mad at her for leaving home.. but she didn't even care about how mad they would be.

All she cared about was getting a safe spot to sleep tonight, and the only place she knew would be open was the studio.

So, she turned around and began going to the studio. None of the boys should be there besides Luke, considering the time was past 7:00.

Blake was thinking about how this is going to affect her life. Going to school wouldn't be an option anymore because her parents to will look for her there, so she has to stay away from there.

If things couldn't get worse for the girl, it started to downpour rain, instantly soaking her.

When she arrived at the studio, she peeked inside to see if anyone was there.

She saw Luke, sitting on one of the armchairs, his songbook in his lap as he wrote something's down and a few tears dripping down his cheek.

She took a deep breath, stepping into the studio and standing there. Luke looked up at the girl, which made her burst into tears.

"Blake what's wrong?" He asked, setting his book down and rushing over to the girl.

"I did it." She said between her tears.

"What do you mean you did it? What did you do?" Luke asked, bringing the girl into the studio more and putting a towel over her shoulders.

"I-I left home." She said, stuttering as tears continued to flow.

Luke embraced the girl in a hug, holding her tightly as she cried into his shoulder.

Blake pulled away from the hug, wiping the tears off of Luke's face and said "you ok?"

Luke nodded, lifting up his songbook and flipping it to the page he was writing on.

"Unsaid emily?" She softly questioned. The only emily that they knew was Luke's mom.

"Luke if you miss them go back, it's never too late." Blake said as her eyes scanned the page.

Luke shook his head. "no.. no I can't go back yet. I was thinking about going back in my birthday, hopefully we will have our orpheum gig by then so I can prove them wrong."

Blake nodded. "That's a good idea.. but unlike you, I'm not going back."

"Wha-why?" Luke asked as Blake handed him the book again.

"Because it's like I said to Alex, if they don't support your decisions or how you feel, don't bother with them. I don't know how his parents couldn't support his sexuality." Blake said, putting her backpack down and clapping her hands together.

"Blake are you shivering?" Luke asked, noticing the girl shaking a little bit.

She nodded. "I guess I am, aren't I." She said, not even noticing that she was shivering earlier.

"Go take a hot shower ok? Your not going anywhere tonight." Luke said, pointing to the bathroom door.

Blake nodded and went into the bathroom, turning on the hot water and letting it get warm in there.

As she took her shower, she heard Luke singing some song quietly, a newer one she hasn't heard before.

The lyrics didn't match up to what she remembered seeing on the unsaid emily page, so it was kind of odd.

"Whatcha singing?" She asked as she stepped out of the bathroom.

"Nothing, something else I've been working on." Luke said, quickly stopping as if it was a secret.

"Oh ok.." she said, sitting down on the couch.

"Blake it's nothing bad I promise you. I'm working on a special song that's supposed to be a surprise for you." He said, sitting beside her and rubbing her shoulder. "Shh don't tell Blake." He joked, laughing at himself.

Blake giggled and leaned into his side. "You dork. I won't tell." She said with a giggle.

"so, what'd you do because I doubt you came straight here when you left." Luke asked as he pulled the girl on top of his lap.

Blake giggled. "Well, I went and got a street dog and talked to Sal, he seemed to a little worried about me considering the last time I was there this same thing happened."

Luke gave her a small frown face, kissing her cheek as a form of comfort.

"I know it's not technically my place, but your staying here so I know your safe." Luke said to the girl, laying down with the girl on top of him.

"Ok Luke, but only because I don't want to make you upset by sleeping on the beach or something." She said, laying her head on his chest and shutting her eyes.

"Why did you pick the beach last time anyways?" Luke asked, trying to point out the fact that Blake hates the beach.

As Blake spoke, her voice had a gentle, soft tone. "I don't know.." she said, fixing her position so she was more comfortable.

"Is Blakey sleepy?" Luke teased, giving her kisses on her head.

Blake nodded, keeping her eyes shut.

Meanwhile Luke pulled the blanket that was on top of the couch over the both of them, making Blake fall asleep pretty quickly.

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