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"Blake! I'm leaving for work!" The girls mother called out as the front door shut.

Blake jumped out of bed, and looked at her clock. "Shit shit shit!" She said, jumping out of bed once she noticed the clock read 7:50, giving her 10 minutes to get to school.

The girl quickly got dressed, throwing on a black T-shirt and some random leggings she found in her room.

Her hair tied back into a ponytail as the loud beeping came from outside her house.

She ran outside, her backpack slung over her shoulder, and slid into Bobby's car next to Alex.

The four boys in the car came her a look. She was confused as to what was going on when it finally hit her.

She forgot to cover the black eye.

"What happened to your eye?!" Alex asked the girl, looking concerned to her.

"You guys I'm totally fine." She said, looking at each boy.

"This isn't fine Blake, what happened to your eye, and don't lie." Reggie said, peeking over from the opposite side of Alex.

Blake didn't say anything. As much As she wanted to lie about it, these boys could sense her lies in a heartbeat.

"Who did it." Luke said, looking back from the passengers seat.

Blake didn't say anything.

"Blake who did it?!" He asked again.

"Was it Michael? Is that why you didn't come back?" Bobby asked, looking in the front mirror to see the girl.


"He is dead when I see him." Luke said, crossing his arms and looking forward.

The car was now filled with four angry boys. This school day wasn't ending well for anyone whether it was Michael getting attacked, the boys, or Blake again.

"You guys don't you dare." She said, begging them to stay calm.

"So you want him to get away with it? You want us to let him continue that?" Luke said as the car parked in front of the school.

"If you keep going at him, he's gonna keep coming at me! Trust me, I would love to see him get what he deserves but now is not the time." Blake begged, looking at the angry teens.

"You chose." She said, stepping out of the car and walking into the building, annoyed at her friends.

"Dude we have to do something about him." Bobby said, looking to Luke.

"Yeah we do but Blake's right, it's only making it worse if you guys attack." Alex said as they all walked into the school.

"Hey, wait Blake." Luke said as the four boys reached her locker.

Blake turned her head.

"Are you ok though?" Luke asked, looking at the girls face and seeing the bruise.

"Yeah, yeah I'm alright. It just hurts." She said, nodding her head.

"I'm sorry." Luke said, giving her a hug.

Blake smiled and hugged him back. "Thanks, now I'm gonna go to class, see you later." She said, shutting her locker and walking off.

"Oh, and no attacking anyone just yet, I want to at least be there." She added with a smirk.

The four boys smiled and gave her a thumbs up, walking the opposite way to their class.

"Someone has a cruuush!" Reggie teased.

"What? Who?" Luke asked.

"You idiot. You totally have a crush on Blake." Alex added, Reggie snapping his fingers and pointing at the blonde to agree.

"What? What- no. What makes you think that?!" Luke asked, stuttering nervously.

"Your way more overprotective of her than us. That is very 'I have a crush on you' like." Bobby said, agreeing with Alex and Reggie.

Luke rolled his eyes. "I don't have a crush on anyone. Relationships aren't really my thing. Besides, she just got out of one almost a month ago and do you see how she's been? She seems off."

"Yeah, because that asshole ruined her view in relationships." Alex said.

"Even if I did, she's my best friend and I don't want to risk ruining that, yet." Luke said as they entered their classroom.

"Yet?!" Reggie said with wide eyes, seeing the small smirk come from Luke's facial expression.

The boys knew Luke wouldn't ever admit to having a crush, especially if it was Blake. The five of them had been best friends since kindergarten.

Sure, Luke and the other three were always protective over the girl. Many boys had a crush on her, mainly because Blake was easily one of the prettiest girls in he school.

Boys would try to ask the girls friends what the girls relationship status was. That usually resulted in a whole interrogation to see if the boy was good for her.

It would also end in fights too. Not because they wouldn't like the boy, but because he could accidentally let his plan in playing the girl come out.

When they found out about Michael, they thought he was good for her. The way he presented himself was nothing close to how he actually was, fooling the boys.

But, there was that little part of Luke that didn't like him, just because he had a chance to take Blake out on a date before him.

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