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The night was hard for Blake. She woke at about 4am, heavily breathing as she had yet another nightmare about what had happened.

This time as the girl shot up, Luke woke up to see her breaking down.

"Blake, Blake it's ok. I'm not letting that happen again." Luke said as he rubbed the girls back, her soft cries breaking his heart.

Blake nodded her head, laying back down in Luke's arms. "Please don't let him.." she whispered, squeezing the boy.

"I'll do all I can to prevent it." Luke promised the girl, wiping the hair from her face and kissing her cheek.

After Blake fell asleep, Luke was wide awake. His grip around the girl was tight, almost as if he was protecting her from something.

But the sun rose a few hours later, the studio doors creeping open. Luke's head shot towards the door, sighing when he saw the other three boys.

"Your awake?" Reggie asked as he came in last, shutting the door behind him.

Luke nodded.  "How was it?" Alex asked, motioning towards the girl in Luke's arms.

"She Woke up about three times last night.. I found out what happened." Luke said quietly, looking at each boy. "But, it's not my place to say. If she's comfortable with telling you then she will tell you."

"Well I've got news.. the school found out about it. They got cameras in the halls somehow and now you two are on film beating up Michael." Alex said, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course they did.." Bobby said in an annoyed tone, knowing he would be getting in trouble for it.

"But would you guys rather him get away with it or us attempting to fix it and getting caught. They're going to question us so we are gonna have a chance to bust Michael." Luke said, as loud as he could without waking Blake.

"Hm?" Blake hummed, hearing the various voices in the studio.

Her eyes opened, seeing the three others standing around the room.

"Good morning miss Jones." Reggie said with his goofy smirk, looking at the girl with messy hair.

"Hey guys." She said in her morning voice, sitting up on the bed to join the conversation.

"How you feeling?" Alex asked, being the concerned friend they all know and love.

"I'm alright, seriously. Last night was just too crazy and overwhelming." Blake said with a nervous laugh and nod.

"It's ok not to be ok Blake." Luke said to the girl, giving her a small nudge in the arm.

Blake just nodded. "So what are you three doing here this early?" She asked, suspicious of the three boys.

"Well, me and Luke are totally in trouble because security cameras caught us beating up Michael." Bobby said, making Blake's eyes go wide.

"Wait a second. Alex said, stopping everyone from saying anything. "If they got you guys beating him up.. I wonder if they got Michael following Blake into the bathroom..?" Alex said.

All of their eyes went wide. "If they did then we can't get in trouble!" Bobby said, sighing in relief.

Blake laughed. "Even if you had a reason, your still getting in trouble for using violence.. but you will be in less trouble than.. him." Blake said, not even wanting to say Michael's name.

"Well what are we waiting for! Let's go to the school!" Luke said as his energy bursted.

Blake shook her head. "You guys go, I'm staying here." She said, getting out of the bed and folding the blankets to fold the bed back into the couch.

"Absolutely not." Reggie said with an eyebrow raised. "I'll stay back since I technically didn't do anything to get in trouble." He said.

Alex nodded, "me too, Luke and Bobby your in your own. No attacking anyone!" The blonde said as the other two left the studio.

A small smile fell into Blake's face as she lifted Luke's six string off the stand, putting it over her shoulders and sitting down.

Alex and Reggie looked at each other confused, only to hear the melody of "7 things", the song Blake wrote about Michael, being played.

"I must say, if Luke wasn't our lead I would totally say you should be." Alex said, sitting down next to the girl.

"Ok but guitars aren't my thing, I'm more of a keyboard type of person." Blake said, stopping herself from playing.

"Well I think if you ever needed to, you could pick up an instrument like that." Alex said, snapping his fingers to show he meant quickly.

"But bass is off limits, that's my job!" Reggie said with a goofy smile, making them all laugh.

"But, on another note.. do you want to talk about what happened.. we are both here to listen and help you know." Alex reminded, putting a hand on the girl shoulder.

"Yeah Luke wouldn't tell us, he wanted you to so he didn't invade your privacy or whatever." Reggie said.

Blake nodded. "I don't freakout ok.." she said, the two boys nodding. "I'm just going to be straight forward.. he raped me and I couldn't do anything to stop him, which is why you found me like I was." Blake said quickly, seeing the angry looks rising on the two boys faces.

"Blake.." Alex said, giving the girl a hug, Reggie joining in.

Blake felt protected right now. She felt like as long as she's with one of the boys that she's safe. All four boys, she's untouchable.

"Guys just.. let's not talk about it, alright?" Blake begged the two, seeing their faces relax a bit.

"Yes ma'am." Alex said, stepping over to his drums. "So, if we are going to start working towards this orpheum gig, wanna rehearse?" Alex asked with a smirk.

Reggie and Blake each smiled, going to their spots. Since the keyboard and piano weren't needed for their set song for the orpheum, Blake stood at a microphone stand and sang as Alex and Reggie played and sang.

They're pretty good at doing cheering her up, all of the boys are. But what happened when the two other boys came back could determine how the rest of her day is going to be.

Not there already being only 3 chapters left-
Well I have the sequel ready anyways so don't even worry!

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