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"Blake wake up." Luke said to the girl, lightly shaking her.

Blake opened her eyes and looked out the window, seeing the bright sunlight shining in.

"Shit." She said, jumping out of Luke's bed.

"Blake relax, my mom Called yours last night and told her you were here." Luke said to the girl.

"Ok but that doesn't help the fact i have nothing to wear." She said with a raised eyebrow.

Luke smirked at the girl, she throwing a hoodie at her. "Here, you can wear that." He said with a smile.

Blake smiled as she held the hoodie. "Thanks." She said, sliding the hoodie over her shirt.

The girl wrapped her hair in a bun, it surprisingly not looking too bad.

Bobby's loud honking was heard from Luke's bedroom, the two running down the stairs and out the front door.

"You stayed over?" Bobby asked the girl as she slid into the back seat.

"Yeah I fell asleep and mr Patterson here never woke me up." Blake said with a raised eyebrow.

"In my defense, I fell asleep too." Luke added, looking back at the girl.

Bobby laughed and drove to the others houses, picking them up.

"Miss Blake is awake? Whaaat?!" Alex teased as he got in.

Reggie did the same thing when they picked him up too, the dark haired boy handing her a hair brush.

"Why do you have a hairbrush?" She asked, taking it from him and brushing out her hair in the car.

"What did you think, my hair was just naturally this beautiful all the time?" Reggie responded, smiling at the girl.

"Who said your hair was beautiful Reg?" Blake responded, making the boys eyes go wide. "I'm only kidding calm down, your hair is great."

Reggie smiled and took the hairbrush as Blake handed it back, her hair now laying neatly on top of Luke's hoodie she was wearing.

"Ok, let's see how today goes now." Alex said as he took a deep breath, the car stopping in front of the school building.

"I'm not scared of anyone. If anything you all should be scared of me." Blake said as she got out of the car, each of the four boys smirking as they followed.

"Blake just watch out for him today alright.. he's going to wanna come back at you." Luke said as the five stood at the girls locker.

"I'll be fine. Also, we have any gigs coming up?" Blake said with a smile.

"Tomorrow at a club on sunset boulevard." Alex said, snapping his fingers.

"You guys really need to work on telling me these things sooner." Blake said, folding her arms together and looking at them.

"Oh calm down Blakey, we were gonna tell you this past weekend but you wouldn't come over." Bobby said, Pointing to the girls eye.

Blake nodded, shutting her locker and turning away.

"I'm going to class now, be good you four." She said, using her free hand to point to each boy.

"Yes ma'am!" They said as they walked the opposite way towards their classes.

When Blake sat down in her first period class, she took out her songbook and began to write.
She was working on a new song, not really sure what it was about just tell but writing words down on the page that sounded good enough together.

"Miss Jones, we've spoken about that book." The teacher said, pointing to the songbook Blake had out.

"Sorry, I didn't realize class started." Blake said, shutting the book and sliding it into her backpack.

"Yeah come on Blake." Michael said from the seat behind the girl, kicking the chair.

Blake rolled her eyes and turned to look at the boy. "Fuck off before i do it again Mikey." She said, glaring at him.

Michael laughed as she turned back around, Blake didn't even know he was in her class until now. It must be a recent change.

As lunchtime rolled around, the five sunset curve members went to the cafeteria and sat at their table.

"You want anything Blake?" Reggie asked the girl as he stood up to get lunch.

"Nope, not hungry." She said, Alex raising an eyebrow.

"You, not hungry? Where is Blake and what did you do to her." Alex said, in shock that his usual hungry friend didn't want food.

"When was the last time you are because we didn't eat dinner or breakfast last night or this morning." Luke asked the girl.

"Well, that's a great question that I don't know the answer to. Maybe Friday? I didn't leave my room this weekend so." Blake said.

"Reg just get her a bag of chips." Bobby said, looking at the girl like she was insane.

"Blake that's like four days you haven't eaten." Bobby said, crossing his arms as he looked to the girl.

"Ok ok, sorry. I just haven't though about eating so I just didn't eat." She said, waiting for Reggie to return with her chips.

"A luxury bag of chips for miss Jones." Reggie said as he returned, tossing the chips to the smaller brunette.

"Oh why thank you kind sir." She said with a small laugh as she opened the bag.

"So, the weirdest thing happened today. Apparently Michael sits behind me in my first period class.
I didn't know he had that class until today." Blake said, taking a bite of her chip.

"What? Did he bother you?" Alex asked, raisin an eyebrow.

"No, well yes.. but no." She responded.

Luke raised an eyebrow and said "Blake what does that even mean..?"

The five of them laughed and Blake said "well, he was kicking my chair but that doesn't matter."

They all nodded, not too pleased with the fact that Michael was going to be so close to the girl every morning, but there wasn't much they could do about it.

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