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As the end of the school day came again, the five members of sunset curve went to Bobby's car to go to the studio.

"So, anything interesting in your last few classes?" Reggie asked the girl who got the front seat for the first time in a while.

"I mean, getting the front seat is pretty interesting. But school wise, nope." Blake responded, shrugging her shoulders.

"Well you usually like to sit in the back with your favorite blonde friend." Alex said with a smile.

Blake playfully rolled her eyes and looked back to them and said "well of course I do, but I never get to sit with little Robert over here."

Bobby rolled his eyes at the girl while they all laughed. "I told you not to call me Robert!" He whined.

Blake just giggled and hopped out of the car, walking towards the studio doors.

When they all got in, Blake smiled and asked "so what are we doing for this gig tomorrow? Anything good?"

Luke laughed at the girl and said "well what would be something bad we did?"

Blake shrugged and Reggie said "well.. I have the perfect song it's called ho-"

Alex cut him off. "Reg we aren't preforming home is where my horse is."

Reggie frowned while Blake hid the fact she was laughing at him.

"How about we do fallin this time since badass Blake came out and did 7things instead of it last time." Luke said, a smirk falling upon Blake's face.

"Ok I'm in." She said, looking towards the others.

"Same here." Alex and Bobby said.

They all looked at Reggie for his approval and he said "I don't know, home is where my horse is would be great."

Blake raised an eyebrow at him. "Come on Reg, please!" She begged, finally a smirk falling onto reggies face as he nodded.

"Fine, I guess fallin isn't THAT bad of a choice." Reggie said.

"Ok good, Blake your on keys for this song, everyone else is doing their normal thing." Bobby said.

Blake went over to her keyboard, plugging it in and beginning the song.

"Caught in the moment, not even thinkin' twice
Everything's frozen, nothing but you and I
Can't stop my heart from beating
Why do I love this feeling?
Make me a promise, tell me you'll stay with me
If I'm bein' honest, I don't know where this leads
But that's the only question
Baby, don't keep me guessin'" Luke began, the others playing their instruments in the background.

"Wait wait wait." Blake said, stopping everyone.

The boys all looked at her. "What?" They questioned.

Blake shrugged. "I have a better song idea." She said, grabbing her songbook from her backpack.

"And you tell us now?" Bobby said, waving his arms in the air.

Blake giggled and said "I wrote it the other day, it's called finally free. It's an easy piece to learn."

The boys nodded and gathered around the girl to look at the song. "What's the beat?"

Blake went towards her keyboard and played a sample. "I got a spark in me
Hands up if you can see
And you're a part of me
Hands up if you're with me
Now 'til eternity
Hands up if you believe
Been so long, and now we're finally free" she sang.

The four boys smiled at her and Luke said "I vote we sing that instead!"

The others agreed and Blake began to teach them the song.

"Oh and this duet part towards the end, I vote you and Luke do it." Alex said to Blake, smirking at the two.

"Alright, I'm ok with that, you?" She said, turning towards Luke.

"Yeah, let's do it." He said with a smile.

A couple more hours passed and it was now 7pm. The band had been rehearsing for at least 3 straight hours not even noticing the time.

"Shit! Guys I gotta go." Blake said, looking at the clock in the back wall.

"Why what time is it?" Alex asked.

"7:00.. my dads going to kill me!" She said, unplugging her keyboard and grabbing her backpack.

"Hey! Your not walking alone miss, it's dark out." Luke said, pointing to the girl.

"Well then who's walking with me?" She said, crossing her arms.

"We all have to go home too, we can walk with you." Reggie said, grabbing his backpack.

"Ok fine, but hurry up." She said, watching the three boys get their backpacks.

"Bye Bobby." They all said as they left, the dark haired boy waving to them.

"I really need my own car." The brunette girl complained, waving her arms.

Luke smirked at the other boys before running at Blake, lifting her over his shoulder and continuing walking.

"I would yell at you right now but I really don't feel like walking, consider yourself lucky Patterson." Blake said with a small laugh.

During their way to Blake's house, Reggie and Alex went home, leaving only Luke and Blake.

Luke set the girl down as they continued to walk, smiling at her.

"What?" She asked, noticing the smile.

"What do you mean what, am I not allowed to be happy?" Luke teased as they got to the girls house.

"No, I mean I like when you smile. It's nice." She said, a small blush forming on her face.

Luke smirked at the girl.

"Thanks." He said, giving the girl one last hug before she ran off into her house.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She said with a smirk.

"See you tomorrow." He said, letting go of the hug and letting her go inside.

Blake ran inside, waving as she shut the door.

"Look who decided to come home!" Her father said, crossing his arms.

"Dad I'm sorry I-"

"No, you never came home last night and your home late tonight. This music thing is no good for you." He said.

"Come on ger, she's a teenager, and music is something she enjoys.." her mother added.

"No! I'm done with cutting slack. Music isn't doing her well. She's becoming a bad kid!" Her father argued.

"How the hell am I the bad kid?! I don't bother you for money, I don't do drugs, I don't even interact with boys besides my friends! So don't ever try to say I'm the bad one." She said, turning around and walking away to her bedroom.

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