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The next morning, Blake started her day off well. Since she had fallen asleep almost as soon as they returned to the studio, she discovered that she won the bet, earning herself three bucks.

The band members all went into the Wilson house, Mrs Wilson had a couple of bagels for the five of them to eat considering they did stay the night.

"So I hear you guys are playing tonight?" Mrs Wilson said while looking at the teens.

Bobby nodded. "At the school dance, principal Andrew's requested us."

"That's great. Any of you have a date?" Mrs Wilson asked, making them all laugh.

"Dances aren't my thing. I was just going to play then get outta there." Blake said before taking a bite of her bagel.

"Oh come on, every girl had to have fun at a school dance atleast once!" Mrs Wilson begged, Bobby giving his mother a look.

"It depends how this all goes down.. plus these four will probably make me stay anyways." Blake said with a giggle, noticing Bobby's eagerness to get out of there.

"Ok we have to go, bye ma!" Bobby said, taking the other half of his bagel and running to the car, his friends following.

"Bye!" Mrs Wilson said, watching them run. She always loved to see Bobby happy with his friends, it made her feel successful with her choices.

Blake was quick to get to the front seat, giggling at the others faces when they saw she was there first.

"Today's going to be a good day. I can feel it." She said with a wide smile.

"I don't know, we have a science test apparently." Luke said, patting his girlfriends shoulder as she sat down in the car.

"Why is that bad? Science is easy." Alex said, looking at his friends confused.

"Not everyone is smart like you Alex." Reggie pointed out, probably remembering he had a science test too.

"Well did you study or at least do homework?" Alex asked the girl, already knowing her answer.

They all bursted out laughing. "Alex thing I did homework? We should've bet on who was going to go crazy instead of Bobby throwing up." Blake said between her laughs.

"Ok, I brought myself right into that one, but come on.. maybe you'll be excused from the test since you weren't in school yesterday." Alex said.

They all knew that wouldn't happen. The only teacher that would excuse any of them from a test was the boys first period teacher, but unfortunately Blake didn't have him this year.

"Ok can you guys come with me to my locker, I don't need Michael coming to annoy me without backup." Blake begged the boys, them almost immediately agreeing.

Blake was hesitant to open her locker, unsure of what could be on the inside since Michael was snooping around it yesterday.

"What's that?" Luke asked, lifting a note up that was placed ontop of Blake's textbooks.

Blake took the note, opening it and reading to herself what it said.

Dance tonight, you going?

"This my friends is why I don't do school dances. Creepy notes from random people." Blake said, ripping the note in half and throwing it out.

"Was it from Michael?" Reggie asked.

Blake shook her head. "No, that wasn't his handwriting. His is more sloppy, but nearer than little Lukies." She said, joking around with Luke.

"You got your books?" Luke asked the girl as she lifted her textbooks from her locker.

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