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Luke's house wasn't a far walk from Blake's, giving the girl a greater chance of not seeing Michael, which would ruin her day even more if she did.

When she approached the familiar house, she noticed that Luke's parents weren't home since the car was gone.

Blake lightly knocked on the door, the brunette boy answering it pretty quickly.

"Come here B." Luke said to her, pulling his arms out.

Blake threw herself into his arms, her tears leaving wet marks on his shirt.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked as he shut the door, walking over to the stairs.

Blake shook her head and followed the boy to his room. "I-I just.. this thing gives me a headache.." she said, trying to hold back the tears.

Luke gave her another hug, holding her head against his chest. The girls crying slowly stopped, bringing a little bit of the sadness away.

Luke sat down on his bed, patting the spot next to him for the girl to sit. Blake gladly took that offer, sitting beside him and placing her head onto his shoulder.

"Blake I need to tell you something." Luke said, looking down to his feet then back to the smaller brunette beside him.

Blake noticed the boy becoming more and more nervous, making her a little scared.

"Luke is everything ok?" She asked, placing her hand in his.

Luke nodded. "Yeah, I just um.. I need to get this off my chest." Luke said, making Blake nervous.

The two looked into each others eyes, Luke's face softening as he looked into the girls hazel eyes.

Blake's heart began to beat faster as Luke slowly moved closer. Her eyes went from his, to his lips while his did the same.

Luke slowly lifted his hand, grabbing the back of her head and gently pulling her closer, connecting their lips.

A blush took over each of their faces without them noticing.

Blake brought herself closer to the boy, holding onto him as they kept their lips connected.

They both pulled away, each of them noticing the blush that was over their faces.

"I-" Blake said in shock that the boy kissed her.

"Sorry, I just.." Luke said with a stutter, scratching the back of his head.

"It's ok. I'm gonna go home, I'll see you tomorrow." Blake said, standing from the boys bed and giving him a light smile.

Luke nodded. He knew what just happened wasn't the best idea he's had, but he was happy he finally got to do it.

"You alright to walk home?" He asked, noticing that it was getting darker out.

"Yeah, I'll be ok." She said, walking out of the Patterson house.

A large smile took over her frown as she walked home, relived that Luke could have some sort of feelings for her.

"Well if it isn't miss Jones!" An annoying voice called from behind.

"Fuck off michael." She said, continuing to her house.

"I'm ok." He said, the sound of running filling the girls ears, giving her the idea to start running too.

Blake ran as fast as she could as Michael chased her, getting all the way to Alex's house since it was the closest.

She ran into the boys backyard, eagerly knocking on his bedroom window.

"Blake?" He asked confused.

"Hurry! Let me in!" She said, continuously looking back.

Alex helped the girl into his bedroom window, looking at her like she was crazy.

"What's you doing, run a marathon?" He asked with a slight laugh.

The girl glared at him and he stopped.

"A lot just happened. I went to Luke's and we kissed then Michael chased me home but I could go home because he was too close." She ranted.

Alex stopped her. "Did I hear that first part right?" He questioned, eyes wide.

"That Michael chased me?" She questioned, hoping that could avoid the Luke thing.

"No no, you know what I'm talking about. With Luke.." Alex asked, nudging her arm with a smirk plastered on his face.

Blake blushed a little bit. "Y-yeah." She said, looking down with a smile.

"Finally!" Alex said with a smile.

Blake looked at him confused and he stopped his small celebration. "Ok, never mind." Alex said.

"He told me he had something to tell me, then kissed me. I didn't even get to hear what he wanted to say." Blake said, sitting down on Alex's desk chair.

"well, I know what he wanted to say." Alex said with a smirk.

Blake looked up at him. "Then what was it?!" She eagerly questioned.

Alex shook his head. "I know it's not my place to tell you, your gonna have to wait miss Jones."

"Alex I swear.." Blake said, annoyed her friend won't tell her whats going on.

He shook his head. "Blake if I tell you Luke will kill me." He said, knowing if he did spill to her about Luke it wouldn't end well.

"Fine. I'm gonna go home." She said, climbing back out of the boys window.

"Blake you sure, Michael could be close by.." Alex nervously questioned, looking out the window.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll see you tomorrow." She said, putting her hood up and walking away.

Blake was able to get home safely, sneaking into her house in hopes of avoiding her parents.

"Blake wait." Her father called from the living room.

Blake just rolled her eyes and kept walking.

"Come here!" He said, slightly louder.

Blake turned herself to face him, noticing the look on his face wasn't very pleasing.

"What." She blankly said.

"I'm sorry." She heard him quietly say, looking at him like he was crazy.

"Sorry? No, I'm sorry for even bothering to tell you about my music. Sorry isn't going to cut it." She said, walking to the stairs and going off to her room.

She sat on her bed, thinking about what she could've possibly done for him to never support her.

Besides, it wasn't like he meant that apology, her mother probably told him to apologize so he did.

She was done with her family. Her mother was the only one she would even consider talking to now.

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