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"Luke come on we have sch- Blake?" Bobby said as he entered the studio seeing the girl curled in a ball on top of Luke.

"What happened here?" Bobby asked in a quieter tone.

Luke looked over to the boy and said, "she ran away. For good this time."

Luke was sure to talk in a soft voice, knowing that the others will get mad about this later.

"She ran out?!" Bobby said in a whisper yell.

"Yes, she had a rough night between arguing with her dad and walking around, freezing in the rain." Luke said, gently rubbing the girls head.

"So are you coming to school or no?" Bobby asked in a slightly annoyed but gentle tone.

"No, I'll be here with her today." Luke said, Bobby nodding his head and leaving the room.

Sure, Bobby was pissed about Blake leaving home. She has tried to run away multiple times before but something about this time seems like it's too real.

"Hey Bobby, where's Blake and Luke?" Reggie asked as he noticed Bobby pass Blake's block instead of turning.

"She ran away again last night.. for good this time." Bobby said, making Alex and reggies eyes go wide.

"What?! How do you know?" Alex asked as he looked to his friend.

"Luke told me, found them at the studio this morning and she was laying in a ball on top of him."

"But why?" Reggie asked as confusion took over the boy like usual.

Bobby shook his head. "No clue, something about her having a bad night and an argument with her dad again."

"I get it, her and Luke are having the same issue with the whole parents supporting them thing and their safe place is with each other." Alex said, making a good point to the other two.

"Yeah, how did they go their whole childhood without falling in love with each other?" Reggie said with a small chuckle.

"Because Blake had always been so scared of all of that, and Luke didn't want to ruin their friendship." Bobby pointed out.

"But then why wasn't she scared with Michael at the time?" Reggie asked.

Alex shook his head at the boy. "Because she thought he'd be the one since we approved of him. But remember that day, Luke had that look when he knew something was off.. like when Blake ran away last time." Alex said, shaking his head.

As the boys got to the school they walked inside, only to see Michael going through Blake's locker.

Bobby walked over to him and said "what are you doing bud?"

Michael jumped at the sound of Bobby's voice. "Oh, just getting something Blake wanted me to bring her." He said.

Alex nodded. "Right.. and what was that?"

Michael nervously laughed. "Oh um.. this.. this pencil. Her lucky pencil!" He said, lifting up a pencil from her pencil box.

"Nice try. Blake never believed in lucky items so what are you actually doing?" Reggie said, taking the pencil from Michael and shutting the girls locker.

"Nothing of your concern." Michael said, walking away with a smirk.

"This guys a phsyco, how is he not on drugs or something." Bobby said, watching the boy walk off.

"I don't know, but can we please get to class because I think the bell is about to ring." Alex said, pointing to the clock that said 7:59, leaving a minute for them to run.

The three boys looked at eachother and ran to their classroom, sitting down just as the bell rang.

"Close call sunset." The teacher said as the three sat down. He knew about their band and always referred to the boys as sunset, along with Blake when he saw her in the halls.

"Shit!" Blake said as she woke up, glancing at the clock to see it was 10:30.

"Luke we never got up for school!" She said as she jumped out of his arms.

Luke laughed at her. "Blake relax, I told Bobby we weren't going in today."

Blake sighed, nodding her head as she sat back down on the couch, this time beside Luke.

"Why didn't we go into school?" She asked in a much calmer tone.

"Well, I figured you needed a day off and I didn't want to leave you alone. Plus, I knew you were already stressed enough about other things and school wouldn't help." Luke said, making a smile come across Blake's face.

The girl stood up and went in front of Luke, wrapped her arms him and giving him a hug.

Luke laughed and hugged her back, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Let's just hangout here and wait till they get back, I really don't feel like doing anything." Blake said, staying in Luke's arms.

"I'm totally fine with that, I have no idea what we could do without getting caught anyways." Luke said, rubbing the girls back.

"Was Bobby mad when he saw me here?" Blake asked out of nowhere.

Luke shrugged. "He was more confused. But prepare yourself for when they come back from school."


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