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The next morning, Blake woke up to the sound of honking outside of her house. She looked at the time and saw that she was about to be late to school.

She sighed and ignored the honking and the fact she had school and went back to bed, not giving a crap about how mad her parents will be later.

"Dude where the hell is she we are gonna be late." Bobby said, looking out the window of the car.

"Maybe Shes staying home today?" Reggie said in more of a questioning tone.

"She would've called.. let's just go." Luke said, looking out the window one more time.

Bobby nodded and started to drive away to the school.

"Where do you think she is?" Alex asked as the four walked into school and to their first class.

"Maybe she just overslept." Bobby said as they sat down.

"Do you think Michael has anything to do with it?" Reggie asked.

Luke shook his head. "No, I walked her home and nothing happened. Maybe she got in trouble with her parents."

The boys nodded and faced forward, putting their attention to the teacher.

During Blake's time at home, she was getting frustrated with the fact her dad didn't support her, and that no one woke her up. But obvious more of her dad situation.

Out of anger, she grabbed a backpack and put some clothes in it, her songbook, and a pen.

she wanted a break from reality. She didn't want to be home anymore if her father is going to be an asshole to her so she just left.

She had nowhere to go, the studio would be one of the first places someone would look.

She found herself all the way on sunset boulevard, the many shops and restaurants filling the road.

as she continued to walk, she found herself and Sal and Ella's hotdog car. Shaking her head, she continued. The boys liked to go there every so often for food.

Finally, she got to the beach. It was quite calming to just be there. Blake walked all the way to the end of the beach, somewhere were no one ever went, and sat down.

Now she was bored, having nothing to do after sitting there for a few hours.

So, she did what she usually would and took out her songbook, writing down some new lyrics.

They were just nonsense lyrics, nothing that she would ever actually sing or even preform.

As time passed it was now 6:30pm, yes, 6:30. Sunset curve was supposed to be at the club and ready to preform in a matter of seconds.

"Guys somethings wrong." Luke said as he began to pace around backstage. "She would never miss a gig."

"We know Luke. But maybe she's grounded and can't come or use her phone to call. Her dad is pretty harsh when it comes to her and music." Alex said raising an eyebrow.

"Guys let's just preform fallin tonight, I don't think we should do her song without her." Reggie said, the other boys agreeing.

They went onstage and performed, hoping that maybe Blake would at least run in and be late, but nothing.

Another hour passed and the gig was over, she never showed up.

The boys were obviously worried about her, this wasn't like Blake to bail on them.

"No I haven't seen her, Luke just got home let me ask him." Mrs Patterson said as she was in the phone, Luke coming into the front door.

"Luke have you seen Blake anywhere today?" His mother asked him, making his heart drop.

"No- no none of us have, she never came to school." Luke said as a frown came into his face.

His mother, emily, frowned and said into the phone "none of the boys have, they said she didn't go to school today. We will keep an eye out."

Luke shook his head as he ran to his bedroom, grabbing his landline to call Alex.

"She ran away." Luke said into the phone as Alex answered.

"What do you mean she ran away?" Alex asked, stuttering as he spoke.

"Her mom called mine asking if we've seen her at all. she didn't come because she ran away." Luke said, stuttering and trying not to cry.

"I'll call Bobby, you call Reggie." Alex said, hanging the phone up.

Luke then dialed reggies phone number, the dark haired boy answering after the two rings.

"Hey Luke!" Reggie said.

"Reg she ran away.." Luke said into the phone. He could hear the joy in the boys voice disappear.

"She what.. why?!" Reggie asked in a saddened tone.

"I don't know.. no one does. I just told Alex and he told Bobby. We gotta go look for her." Luke said.

"Yeah. But my parents won't let me leave until school tomorrow because of an argument their having right now. So we can look tomorrow." Reggie said.

Luke agreed, it was already late and they had no idea where to look just yet.

"See you tomorrow Reg." Luke said.

"See ya." Reggie said, hanging up the phone.

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