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MARLENYA- Democratic country of Mages, with monarchy allies: Moon Elves and Dryads. Ruled by President Apo, King Alvino of Elves and Hama Menia.

LIHAR- People who used light and creation magic. The biggest continent in Valir. Ruled by King Indu and Queen Leya.

VESTA- Kingdom where witches and wizzards live ruled by Queen Benadete

ADAMYA- Monarchy area of Nymps ruled by a Queen with anonymous name.

ATLANTA- Ocean area where Mermaids and Mermans live. Ruled by King Atlas and Queen Perlas.

ALPHA- Kingdom of werewolves ruled by King Weyd and Queen Amy.

SUL- Monarchy area of Vampires ruled by King Sol and Queen Jen.

LAPEDOPTERA- Fairy Kingdom ruled by King Ignis and Queen Flora.

BAMBAD- Fanalis Kingdom Ruled by King Monahan and his heir King Nardo.

PAGASPAS- Kingdom of Bird People known as Mulawin and Ravena.

ETHEREUS- The destroyed kingdom of summoner and necromancers. They are also known as bridge of death to life. They build the fallen sanctuary where realms can be open by moonlight.

CURSE ISLAND- Dragon tribes, Hagzissa, Basiksik, and unmentiond creature live in curse Island "Isinumpang Isla".

FOGS OF NIGHTMARE- Mentioned as Hamog ng bangungot where nightmares became real.

AMEDEVIE- The biggest school in world of Valir, divided by different divisions. Where students classified by colors: White, Green, Yellow, Red, Violet, Orange, Blue, and the lowest the Black Division.

THARTARUS- Kingdom of Thanators and ruled by King Stuiri.

SAWOL COLLIS- Soul Mound, Mountains of Spirits guarded by Laestrygonians. There are different Sawol Collis in different continent but for Bambads Country, Soul Mounds are legends only.


MAGES- People who used different magics, ability and attributes. Common abilities are elementals, they are known as major holder of different magics.

DRYADS- Creature who lives in tree and bonded their lives in tree. When the tree dies, they will die. They are major holder of Plant Magics.

ELVES- Elves commonly used Moon magic, and convert it to be a healing prowess. They have sharp ears and like wealthy.

WITCHES/WIZZARDS- a woman/man practicing usually black witchcraft often with the aid of a devil or familiar who used casting and incantation as their assests in fighting. They are also known by antidote and potions.

FAIRIES- They are known as major elemental magic that is related to forest/garden prowess. They have sharp ears and butterfly/dragon fly wings at their back but some of thiem didn't blessed to have wings.

MERMAIDS- A fabled marine creature with the head and upper body of a woman and the tail of a fish Major holder of water element.

NYMPS- Creatures look like humans, they are known as elementalist but have passive powers of seer, mind transfiguration, and mind reading.

WYVERNS-animal usually represented as a 2-legged winged creature resembling a dragon.

DRAGON TRIBE- People who can tranform themeselves into dragons with different abilities.

HAGZISSA- Creatures which lifes depend to their Queen. They are immortal inviduals but the only way to kill them is to kill the Queen. They look like a mummy but they can transform into different animals and used invisibility in darkness.

BASIKSIK- Immortal dead creatures who used to eat flesh.

HARPIES- A human bird hybrid. They have a man head, wings of birds, legs of man, and foot like birds. They are colorful but deadly because they can bring storm wherever they go.

NECROMANCER- Conjurer of the spirits of the dead for purposes of magically revealing the future or influencing the course of events.

SUMMONER- They are people who lived with Necromacers in Fallen Kingdom of Ethereus. They are known who can summon different creatures they are contracted with.

RAVENA/MULAWIN- People who looks like Bird. They are people but with feather in their body and wings at their back. Ravena known as black bird and Mulawin known as colorful bird.

LAESTRYGONIAN- Giants who used to eat flesh, they have minds but kind of stupid creatures.

THANATORS- Creatures or Villain who has destructable magics. They featured violet skin, with horns human.

VAMPIRES- the group of reanimated body of a dead person believed to come from the grave at night and suck the blood of persons asleep.

WEREWOLVES- a person transformed into a wolf or capable of assuming a wolf's form.

FANALIS- Humans who has superstrength and superspeed like a real warrior.

Echidhina-Mother of all monsters she's a half serpent human.

ABAKKUN- Human who uses to live underwater, and the sender of tidal waves.

KENTAURUS- Centaurs and any of a race of creatures fabled to be half human and half horse and to live in the mountains of Thessaly.

ABENAKI- Race of Stone Giants.

ASSAKU- Evil spirits who used to kill humans to get life.

CAPACUN- Monstrous humanoid associated with evil.

EKEK-Bird-like flesh eating creature.

ARGUS- multi-eyed monster.

INDUS-Gigantic white carnivorous worm.

Kee-wakw-Hald human animal giant.

LEVIATHAN-Huge sea monster.

AKKADIAN- Scorpion Man.

Hecantoncheires-100 arms and 50 headed giant.

FENRIR-gigantic monstrous wolf.

GHOUL-monster associated with eating flesh in graveyards.

KAPPA-Amphibous demon.

BASILISK- King of Reptiles.

KRAKENS- The Monstrous Guardian of the Sea, and believe to be allied of God of The Ocean.



SALAKUN- Bag with unlimited storage.

KASEROL- A tool of foods summoning, only highest creatures used to have Kaserol because it's limited and only found in Sawol Collis.

PEDNA- A tray-like, also a tool of food summoning but have limitations on it.


REIAME- Realms.



ARMADURA ARAMATURA- Summoning the strongest defense Armor

LAYTENIN CARPIRE- Lightning Prince Armor.

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