Chapter 1

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Inko Midoriya: Why Hisashi why did you merry me just to leave when our baby's about to be born.
Mourned Inko

Mitsuki Bakugo: Come on Inko I know your hurt but your tougher than this. You're better off without that dead beat. Any man that leaves his wife when they have a baby on the way would never be a good father.
Mitsuki said trying to comfort Inko

Inko: I know mitsuki but what am I supposed to do? How will I take care of Izuku?

Mitsuki: Izuku? So you decided on a name and it's a boy? Mitsuki said surprised by this new information.

Inko: Oh Mitsuki I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you with everything that's happened. Yes it is a boy and I'm naming him Izuku.

Mitsuki: that's great Inko with how depressed you've been I was afraid you were going to give him away.

Inko: O heaven's no I'd never give my baby away. I just don't know were we're going to live or pay our bills.

Mitsuki: Don't you worry about that Inko me and Masaru will help you out.

Inko: But Mitsuki you're expecting a baby too. I couldn't ask that of you.

Mitsuki: Nonsense Inko your my best friend I'm getting you an apartment and that's final! It won't hurt us at all.
Yelled Mitsuki she loved Inko but sometimes she's just to selfless

Inko: Okay Mitsuki calm down if you're sure I'll accept but just until I can get back on my own two feet.
Inko gave in knowing how stubborn Mitsuki can be.

Mitsuki: Good now let's go out to eat somewhere you've lost a lot of weight over Hisashi leaving you. It's not good for your baby if you starve yourself.

Inko: But Mitsuki I've been stress eating since he left. I don't know way I've lost weight when I should have gained weight.

Mitsuki: WHAT! Inko that's not normal especially when you're pregnant! We're taking you to the hospital now!
Yelled Mitsuki worried about her friend

Inko: but mit

Mitsuki: no but's we're going! Masaru get the car ready!

Time skip to the hospital

Inko: Mitsuki I'm worried they ran a awful lot of tests and it's been hours is my baby going to be okay?

Mitsuki: Inko everything will be all right I'm right here with you.
Comforted Mitsuki just then the doctor arrived.

Doctor: hello Ms. Midoriya Mrs. Bakugo I have the results from the tests. I'm pleased to tell you There's nothing wrong with you Ms. Midoriya.

Inko: then is it my baby! Is my baby okay? Cried Inko about in tears with worry.

Mitsuki: calm down Inko and let him finish.

Doctor: It's all right Mrs. Bakugo Ms. Midoriya has every right to be concerned about her baby. This is an unusual case here. You're baby is consuming an abnormally large amount of nutrients from you. Honestly speaking Ms. Midoriya if you weren't stress eating from losing your husband than your baby wouldn't have lasted this long.

Inko: doctor why's my baby doing this and what do you mean lasted this long?
Cried Inko tears flowing freely knowing her baby might be in danger.

Doctor: To answer your first question Ms. Midoriya we're not really sure but we believe that you're baby may have developed his quirk in the womb. It's extremely rare and we can't tell what quirk he has but we believe that to be the likely cause. Now to answer your second question. Despite the large amount of nutrients you're baby is consuming he's malnourished. If you hadn't been stress eating one or both of you would have died.

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