Chapter 27

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Bani and Veer are selecting rings. Bani’s cousin take their selfie.

Bani- "Maa Veer wants to take your permission, he wants to take me on coffee but is shy."
Leela- "I understand you both wanna go out, this is modern age so go."
Babli- "I will go with them too."

Bani and Veer are tensed.
Bani, Veer and Babli comes in restaurant. Babli leaves from there.

Veer- "Why did you bring her?"
Bani- "Don't say a word for her. I will wear engagement ring from Jay's hands first."
Veer- "Don't know why girls are so emotional."
Bani- "In DDLG Kajol told SRK that engagement ring is connected to heart so i want to wear it from my love’s hands."

Bani comes back home. Leela is happy to see her.

Leela(to Bani)- "Soon you will be married and I will tell people about it."

Bani hugs her.

Bani(thinks)- "I wish you can meet Jay but not as Anita’s son then you will like him too, he will keep me happy."

Bani is in Guradavarah. She finds Mayuri there.

Bani- "I maybe crossing line but I think Veer loves you alot, I don't like him but he really likes you."
Mayuri- "I don't like to discuss my life with others."

She leaves.

Bani- "This Mayuri is so rude, may Veer teaches her to chill."

Jay comes there.

Bani- "Veer likes such a rude girl."
Jay- "Why you keep talking about Veer?"
Bani- "Leave it, show me ring."
Jay- "I forgot to bring it, its all your mistake as you didn't remind me."
Bani- "I have an idea which you would not like."

She calls Veer.

Bani(on call)- "Veer plz bring ring which my mother selected for engagement."
Veer(on call)- "I am not your ring boy."
Bani(on call)- "I want to do engagement with Jay right now, bring ring."
Veer(on call)- "I am not your boyfriend so say please first."
Bani(on call)- "Please bring ring."
Veer(on call)- "Okay"

Bani ends call.

Bani- "Jay we will do engagement today."

Detective comes there too but he can't see Jay's face.
Veer comes to Balwant's room to get the ring. He takes it from cupboard. Balwant comes there.

Balwant- "What you are doing in my room?"

Veer shows socks.

Veer- "These are my favorite so thought to take it."
Balwant- "Give it to me."

Veer leaves from there.
Veer comes to Guradvarah.

Veer- "Bani what I have to do for you, I had to steal in my house so that you can get engaged to your boyfriend infront of me, this is hurtful."
Bani- "Thanks Veer you have done huge thing for me."
Jay(to Veer)- "You are interfering in my important moment."
Veer- "Its important moment of your life and you are focusing on me?"
Bani- "Leave it."

She takes ring from Veer and gives it to Jay. She ask him to make her wear it. Jay is about to make Bani wear ring but it falls from his hands and falls in river. Jay and Veer looks on shocked.

Bani- "Jay, go in river and find it."
Jay- "Are you mad? I will not go."
Veer- "People go crazy in love and he can't even go in water."
Bani- "You chill Jay, I will bring it."

She goes to find ring.

Veer(to Jay)- "That girl is finding ring and we are standing idle here."

He goes to Bani. Both start finding ring in water.

Bani- "Veer why did you come? Jay doesn't like to see you with me."
Veer- "I came to find my ring. If I don't find ring then I will be gone."
Bani- "If I don't find ring then my engagement will happen."

Both finds ring together. They turn to show it to Jay but he is gone from there.

Bani- "He must have got miffed seeing you, now how I will do engagement?"

Veer gives her ring.

Veer- "Get engaged to Jay and then give it back to me as we have to fake engagement too."

Jay is at his den. He is beating detective.

Jay(to detective)- "Why you were following me? Who sent you behind me?"
Detective- "Usha sent me to spy on you."

Anita comes there and slaps him too.

Anita(to detective)- "You can't end our game like this as all pawns are in our hands."
Detective- "I am sorry."
Jay- "Maa what r u doing here?"
Anita- "I was feeling that something wrong is going to happen today so I followed you and saw this detective, thats why I called you from Guradvarah, this detective followed you and he came here, if that detective has seen you today then our game would have ended and that Leela would have won again, Leela has hurt me alot, Jay will I be able to take revenge from Leela?"
Jay- "I promise you, her daughter Bani will bear all the pain which you had to bear because of that Leela."

He leaves.

Bani- "Jay must have got angry, how I will pacify him."

Chapter end

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