XXVII: Bubblegum City

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After a celebration and many chats, a two day journey soon left Chase and Berry to walk to their next destination: the shimmering starlights of the city of Bubblegum City. Instead of walking in during the day, they walked in the city during the prime time: nighttime. Dressed in their chic clothes, Chase and Berry looked like celebrities walking down the pink carpet that was the entrance to the city.

Lights of cameras were flashing everywhere the buildings were lit up in multiple shades of light. The latest pop tunes were playing in the background.

"I feel like a fucking celebrity in this town." Berry took off her shades and that's when a tall man went right by her. "Holy shit, is that Dutch Chocolate? He looks even better in person."

"You are one of the most powerful people in Candyland. You could rail him if you want to."

"Pervert!" Berry slapped Chase across the head.

"What was that for? I just was stating some things. And, who the hell is Dutch Chocolate?"

"Dutch Chocolate is the most famous actor in Candyland. Known for his chocolate abs and overall cold demeanor, the ideal bad boy." Berry seemed to be dreamy.

"I guess that you have a thing for the emo, edgy boys with black hair, pale skin, hot body, and the cold attitude. That could never be me."

"That's why hair dye exists. Or a wig at least. But hey, not everybody falls for their ideal type, so there's hope in your life." She tapped Chase on the shoulder.

"Where are we even going?" Chase asked.

"We're going to be on camera. There is an audition for an actor show and a musician show. So, what we're going to do is... what do you like more? Singing or acting?"

"I don't know."

Berry noticed a flyer.

"Oh, there's actually a dance and rap contest too. I'll do dance because I'm confident."

"I'll do singing. I'm not good, but I'll try."

"You're good looking, that's the thing. They'll take you even if you end up straining your voice. Trust me, we're in an alternate Hollywood."

"But, where do I even go?"

"You see that building with the girl with the faux fur coat going in? That's where you will go. Good luck."

Berry pushed him and then winked at him from her sunglasses and then she went her own separate way.

While she was walking in, a random stranger pinned her to the wall.

"Can I get your number and your pussy, babygirl?"

"Fuck off, you dickhead!" She kicked him in the nuts as hard as she could and walked away, with a little bit of sass in her signature strut.

In the building, Chase could hear the sounds of voices clashing in cacophonous sound.

"Well, now I know that if I sound bad, I won't hear my own voice." He thought to himself.

There was a talent scout looking for somebody to go in next, and he noticed Chase within half a second.

"You there, with the shades, you're next."

"Wait, what?"

Chase went to the scout and into the audition room. He was extra nervous and didn't even have anything to prepare or preform.

"So, what's your name?"


"Interesting. You're the first human name that I heard all day. Do you even have anything prepared?"


Chase cleared his throat.

"I can hear it callin'
Loving the way you wanna talk
Touch me tease me feel me up
Something in the way you wanna talk
You got me sayin' you got me sayin'
How you doing
Tell me what's your name
What's your sign
Feeling like you're into me
Yeah, I'm waiting, I just want you to come on over where I'm staying
Falling for a stranger
Good gracious
I might even fly out to Vegas (Catch a flight)
I'm thinking maybe you'd be down to do it
But you don't know what I'm saying
Got me going through the roof, roof
Really don't care what we do, do, hey
We could fly to the moon
I see your lips moving
But we ain't got a clue
Baby we two distant strangers
I know you don't speak my language
But I love the way she's talking to me
I can hear it callin'
From where you are
Loving the way you wanna talk
Touch me tease me feel me up
Touch me tease me feel me up
Call me when it's after dark
Something in the way you wanna talk
Touch me tease me feel me up
Touch me tease me feel me up."

Chase sung a song that he only remembered faintly by memory. He didn't know the name of the song, but tried his best. The judge gave some odd expressions while he was singing. Could that mean that he was doing good? Or bad?

"I mean, you were trying your best, but you have the face. If you change your name and improve your singing just a little bit, then I think that you could be famous. But, let me guess, you do not want to be a singer?"

Chase shook his head.

"I can tell. You know, you do have a good foundation for being a singer, if you ever change your mind, then you could jump right into the career of a singer if you wanted to. But, here's my business card, and you get a free one night stay at my hotel: Dubble Bubble Hotel with one other guest."

Belgian Cacao
Owner and CEO of Dubble Bubble Hotel
Show this card to any staff at my hotel and you can enjoy the luxury room for one night.

"Thank you so much! I hope that you enjoy a great adventure."

"How do you know that I'm on an adventure?"

"I know these things like the back of my hand. What's a dude with a human name even doing in the big city? Isn't having a human name taboo here? But, oh well, I don't make the rules in this world, but if I did, oh how the tables would really turn."

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