LIV: Cookie City I

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Down the the Southwest, just a little out of the way for some, the second of two cities is along the way, the city that is up north, just south of the mountains and east of Pastelle and Ice Cream Town. A city that has the same atmosphere as a human city called New York City, or at least I think it does.

To each their own, I suppose.

From far away even, you could see the gingerbread and doughy buildings of Cookie City, the most populous city in Candyland with about 450,000 candisons living in the city. Full of life and joy, it's a place where people can watch the hottest stage shows, enjoy city life, and find the largest skyscraper that scrapes the sky from an angle.

The city during the day was very crowded, full of people all around the city. Smells of street venders selling fried candy bars, some stores selling either bootleg items or some seriously good items, and the sound of cars rolling around on the streets.

"This place seems familiar." Chase walked around.

"Big cities all have that familiar feeling. I mean, look around you."

Chase looked around and saw the city. It really did look like a city in the real world.

"Candyland also has this nostalgic kind of feeling for humans. It makes them see places that might exist in your world. For example, this could be just like a city called New York City."

"This might look like it."

"The city is divided into 3 parts, West Cookie, East Cookie, and Crumble Circle. Crumble Circle could be just like the Time's Square. And right now, we're in Crumble Circle, and this is where the new years's celebration is held every year."

She pointed to a digital clock on a screen.


"The difference between Candyland and your world isn't much. Holiday season is the same, people are sort of the same, it's just that it's an alternate world. Christmas in your world is called Candymas. Candy giving, Candyween, the Starlight Festival, and more. Every month, we have a holiday."

"So, you all are happier than in my world."

"Yes, but no. I know living in your world is harder, and people in your world are sadder and poor and cold and possibly the people in poverty here are considered more well off than in your world."

"There is a saying in my world that money is the root to a lot of problems. How people can get greedy over it. I heard a lot of stories. But believe me, this place is a whole lot better than my world. Yeah, it's not perfect, but in reality, what is? Really?"

Berry yawned.

"You're boring me. Let's just do something."

"Where is anything even? Is there a sign to where we can go and do things?"

"Have you never been in Candyland before? The concept is to walk around and find places that spark your interest. Unless you want to ruin your fun and ask somebody where to go. They'll give you the watered down same old 2 places. Do they do that in your world?"

"They do."

"You humans are no fun."

"Considering your saying that as a half human."

"Whatever. We're going to the east sided because I know where I'm going at least. Hurry up, you slow poke."

Berry went on and Chase followed her.

"This city, do you like it?"

"So many people here that it makes me suffocate. I hate it here. But, it's a big city and there's lots to see."

"Dang, if you were a human, you would be a New Yorker."

"Do I have the accent or something?"

"Maybe. And what if I do?"

"You'd be an annoying city goer."

"Imaging you, I thought you were from a city."

"Every teen looks the same these days, that was my only thing about me."

Berry found a cinnamon stick as they were walking.

"Of course you would want to blend in. That's such a Chase move that you would make."

She lit the stick but keep on holding it.

"I thought that you hated those things."

"I'm taking you to a casino, so I got to look scary."

"A casino?"

"In this world, as long as you play the part and look old or intimidating enough, you can do whatever that you fucking want. I use it to my advantage."

"You better get a fake ID when you come to the human world."

"Trust me, I look like I can beat the bouncer's ass."

Berry and Chase walked into the casino, Berry used a snap of magic to make them wear fancier clothes. Berry held Chase's hand and that's when the bouncer stopped them.

"Name? ID? Verification?"

Berry put down her sunglasses.

"Do you even know who I am?"

"That's what everybody says."

Berry snickered and had a tiny laugh.

"My daddy is a very big person in Candyland. And I heard that he almost burnt this place down because "it stank"."

"What are you saying? You're the daughter of the king?"


"That's impossible. A king would never let his daughter smoke and wear just a fur coat with sky high boots."

"I'm a princess, I'm spoiled rotten. Do you want me to get you executed?"

The bouncer laughed.

"You only have this puny little pimp with you."

"Oh, he's just my sugar baby."

"Bold enough." Chase whispered.

"Let a princess have a normal date instead of being in a castle and doing the same 4 things for a date. I'm supposed to get married to this dude, it's an arranged marriage. He's been forced to come here."

"So, he's a human?"


"This sounds like a lie. I'll have to ask you to leave."

"Hey, watch this."

Berry formed a quick spell. In it, she threw the bouncer out of the way and knocked him out. Then, she snuck in with Chase and they were in awe of the casino.

"Wanna play a game of poker?" A man asked.

"Count. Me, the fuck in."

Berry went to the table and put Chase down right by her.

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