LXVI: Foot of the Gate

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A clock tower rang in the distance.

"Is this really it?" Chase looked up at the gates.

"No." Berry snapped her fingers and then the gate was far away from them.

"What was that?"

"Oh, it's a magnifying spell. If you use it, then you can make anything at least 2 football fields across from you appear as if you are right there. We still have a long way to go."

"Of course we do." Chase rolled his eyes to the back of his head.

"Whatever. It's not as far as you think it is. What I'm saying is that we are going to make it."

"And you're saying that after you passed out for about an hour and you say it's because of magic."

"Oh believe me, magic can save your life."

"Everytime I use it, I nearly kill myself or somebody else."

"That's because you're not experienced enough to use magic on it's own. You know spells, yes. But, that's all that you know. You need to know more about magic. And a human learning magic? I thought that it wasn't possible, but I guess it is."

"I read from your books."

Berry held her bag close to her.

"Why were you even going through my stuff?"

"Why are you acting like that? Just like you're hiding something?"

"I wouldn't be hiding anything unless it was like a tampon or something."

"Wait, girls have periods in Candyland?"

"Did you expect us not to? Come on! Girls here and girls there are almost the same. Hopefully human girls aren't as annoying as the ones here."

"Can we just go on our journey?"

"Fine, whatever."

They started walking the last few steps to the gate which could been seen from an eye's distance.

"This is it, the final stop, the last destination."

"Why are we going back here?"

"There is some unfinished business that needs to be done here. For now, it's very personal and I can't fully tell you. I know, it's not like me to be secretive, but this is really dear to me, and possibly a very stupid reason."

"I mean, I'm fine with that. But are you sure? You said that you never wanted to go back here."

"This is the second to last place that we have to go to. What is inside this castle is very dear to me and I'm not just letting it all go. There are some things that I need in here, and a few things that I need to clear up. Ok? It might be a while that we'll be in here and possibly the most dangerous part of this adventure."

"How dangerous?"

"That is something that I don't know."

"I mean, you spent ages in this castle, you have to know something."

"Why are you poking at me like that one kid in school? You're going to find out eventually and you'll hate me for it. I don't want to tell you for now."

"You're making me wait like this? Why?"

Berry looked back at him and shook her head.

"I can't tell you now. It's something that you have to find out on your own."

The slow wind that blew around them suddenly stopped and it got hot.

"July heat. It is the middle of July after all."

"We're still in July?"

"What were you expecting?"

"How could a month go by?"

Berry just turned to him while they were walking.

"It might sound cliche but another magical illusion, in truth, it's like a checkpoint. When you move on, then the next month will come. I know it's bizarre, but name one normal thing that you experienced here. I don't think anything."

By now, for real, they were at the foot of the gate. Berry felt the cold metal on her fingertips as they intertwined with the gates.

"I remember."

Berry then laughed.

"I feel like a rebellious teenager trying to get back in their house. It's locked."

"How are we supposed to get in?" Chase worried.

"We just show ourselves and they'll see us. Watch this."

Berry screamed at the top of her lungs which caused a few knights to come running to the door.

"Princess Berry?"

"Please let us in! We were kidnapped by some spies and they did some horrible things to us! Please, you have to believe us!"

The knight at the door agreed.

"Ok, but you will have some explaining to do to your father."

"Of course. I just want to come back!"

Another knight pulled a rope and the gate slowly opened up and they were able to walk in. The front of the castle was all surrounded in walls but it had a garden that was small but beautiful. A few gardeners were hard at work, watering the plants and humming a little bit.

"Come on." Berry held Chase's hand and they ran through the gardens together. The path of the garden soon led to the front door of the castle.

Berry took a deep breath and she slowly opened the door.

In the entrance, there was 40 ways to go. Here, there, left, right, up, down, northeast, northwest, southwest, southeast, and more.

"Where is your father?"

"Probably in his throne room. I know where it is."

She led Chase down the hall to the northwest and they went through a neon pink hall full of pictures of deceased royals and some paintings that seemed oh so innocent.

There were many doors to the left and right o them, but Berry held Chase back every time he tried to open a door that wasn't one.

"You're distracting my anxious mind. Just follow me. I've been waiting for this day to come."

Finally, after a long stretch of hall, there was a white set of double doors with fancy edging on the doors, doors that extended to the top of the world, it seemed.

"Is this really the place?"

"What would it not be?"

Berry took a deep breath.

"This is the first time I will ever be confronting my father."

And then she opened the door to emit a bright light from the room.

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