LII: Ice Cream Town

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A little distance from the mountains was a small town always covered in snow. A place that always rang the bells of the holiday season where it was cold all year round. Judging by the name, you already know what the town is made of.

The town had a feel just like Christmas, in the corner of the town on top of a hill, there was a magical holiday tree, decorated in shades of blue.

In the town, Chase and Berry were greeted from some people, and they received town attire, which looked like it was made for a doll.

Inside a house they went, and they changed. Berry changed into a dark blue dress with a Lolita like skirt, and a white top, a beret, and boots with a slight heel.

Chase came out in a black beret, somewhat loose pants, a black coat that extended to half of his thighs, and boots made for snow.

"You look cute." Chase leaned over the dressing frame.

"And you look dashing." Berry said playfully.

In the mirror, Berry looked and she felt like an emo and goth version of Taffy. But, now wasn't the time to compare herself to people that seem to not matter to her anymore. She has a life to live and an adventure to fulfill.

In the town, Chase held out his hand and they went through the city together. In the holiday day, there was a flurry of snow and the lights around the town. The blue holiday tree could be seen around the town, yet it had an odd kind of allusion, as if the farther you were, the larger it seemed. But when you got closer, it seemed to be a world away.

Everybody was enjoying the festive feeling of the world as they sang holiday songs that seemed to be alternative versions of Christmas songs, such as "Candyland Christmas" and "Love in the Snow".

"Everyday must be Christmas here, isn't it?"

"The people of Ice Cream Town are possible one of the most happiest. And possibly the most formal and I say: girly."


"Not saying that all pretty things are girly, but it is a cute little town. You see the tree in the back? That's the holiday tree. No matter where you are, you will always see that tree."

On the hill of the tree, there were a collection of houses that looked like they were part of a toy set for a little kid.

Chase noticed a collection of ice cream bushes around and that's when he started to take bits and pieces of the bushes. Berry laughed at him.

"I guess you really like ice cream."

"Look at all of the flavors that they have! I mean, the classics like vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, but also butter pecan, rocky road, mint, black Cherry, banana, and a lot more. You should try some!"

"I've been there and done that. You know that sweet things aren't my favorite."

"Fora a candison girl, you really don't take advantage of the world around you."

"Hey, you know I was sheltered for a good chunk of my life. It's not fault that I don't know a lot of things. And you know, this place is very pretty. It's just that you eating bushes is weird. Would I be eating bushes in your world?"

"Unless you were some freak vegan, then no."

"I'll let you do it. Only because ice cream comes back like a toxic lover with attachment issues."

"God damn, why do you have to be so dark all of the time?"

"What can I say? It's my speciality."

"I can tell."

Berry tilted her head.

As they walked through the town, there was a town square full of warmth and happy people, people at cafes, people reading, some couples on dates, and everybody seemed to be outside. The large fountain in the center set the mood for the whole square.

But, that's not what Berry was taking Chase to.

A little farther from the middle of the town, there was a skating rink. And right by the rink, there was a little shack. Where there was a teenage girl waiting for some people.

Chase and Berry went to her and she suddenly snapped out of her trance and helped them.

Each of them took a shoe off.

"Size 9." Chase said.

"I'm a 9 as well." Berry gave her a shoe.

The girl gave a little smirk to Berry and she got skates for Chase and Berry.

They got their shoes and started putting them on right by a bench.

"Every ice skated before?" Chase asked.

"By myself. Not with anybody. I'm no professional, but I think I'm ok."

"Me too."

Finally, their shoes were on and they started to awkwardly walk to the entrance of the rink, where there were only about a handful of people in the rink.

Chase got on the rink and skated with ease, while Berry was struggling for a little bit.

For a circle or two, Chase skated just like a professional, while Berry was stuck on the end of the rink, holding on to what little rail there was.

Finally, Chase stopped in front of Berry.

"You need a hand?"

"I guess so."

"I'll be happy to help." He extended his hand.

"Thank you."

Berry went closer to Chase as they started to skate. It was slow at first, but soon, Berry started to learn and get used to her balance.

Suddenly, the snow flurries again and by now, they were in the middle of the rink. Berry was doing a spin on the ice, newly stumbling. Chase caught her and in that moment, their eyes were on each other. The world seemed like it was only them. In that moment, they danced on ice like nobody else ever would and then, they nearly had a moment of a kiss before Berry fell.

"Oh my goodness."

Chase picked her up.

"Let's stay on the ends for now, and you can hold on to me, alright?"


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