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The opening credits are accompanied by this song from 1:00-3:05. オープニングのテーマは1:00~3:05。

Episode 14

Scene 1

In Ryu's bedroom they sit side by side on the floor and once again Naomi is doing her best to undo her accidental rejection. With her head resting on his shoulder she pleads with him.



Talk to me Ryu.



It's always gradual, so there can be near misses, but everything kicked off that day.



I already know that much, give me some details.



I was already behind on work, like a week into the semester and I had not read a head that day, so my teacher had a go at me. Then I sat in the library too annoyed to focus. I didn't want to read it. It was too jargon filled and research heavy, plus the session to discuss had passed. Then my professor getting uppity and saying I would be tested on it came to mind. So, I started reading it, but I always resist direct orders and only like to do things if I want to, so, it was even harder to read. I might be about to do something of my own volition and if someone tells me to do it, I won't want to do it anymore. The fact it didn't make any sense didn't help. So, I'm staying after uni for something I worry is a waste of time. My mind wanders and I realise I have an empty fridge at home. So, I checked the time to see if I could still shop, when I noticed a call from school. I instantly knew what I forgot and took off running. I was already ten toes over the line, then you started arguing with me. You could probably tell I was barely able to articulate. I actually was unable to explain why I needed you at that time. I ended up dragging you and if you did not get berated in my place. It would be game over at that point.


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