Author's Note

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After three years in the making, I finally finished. This story means a lot to me. Writing this made life more bearable during my early teenage years. Throughout the years, I have learned different kinds of lessons. And some of the lessons I have learned in life, I get to share with you in this story. Thank you so much for reading Death University. I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you, Kuya KnightInBlack  and to the readers for inspiring me.

To all my lovely readers, thank you for being patient with me and for showing your support. I hope that you'll continue to be with me as I embark on a new journey and as I write more stories.


Follow me if you like, or if you have any questions, you can contact me through my social media accounts. Feel free to tag me in fanarts as well :))

Instagram: @thisbtsfangirl
Twitter: @Duniella_WP
Facebook: Thisbtsfangirl WP


Death UniversityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon