Chapter 54

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"So how did you get stab, Joylce," Esmee says as Sidney and Aashi plop onto our couch and play some music.

Fathima is in the kitchen talking to Valentina grandma, so she can make fried yuca sticks with rocoto sauce. Since Valentina is feeling really homesick and misses Peru.

"I thought you forgot about that," I say as I put my bag at the bag spot.

"You think we could forget something like you getting stabbed," Ashton asks. "I know our memory is shit but it's not that bad," she adds.

"It's a really long story," I say.

"And we have all day," Jane says with a pot of tea magically appearing.

"Are you guys fucking Magicians, how the fuck does a pot of tea appear," I ask.

"Abra Kadabra, bitch," Ashton says.

"So elegant," I comment.

"Enough, abar kadara and more talking about how you got stabbed," Aashi says as she hugs Esmee.

"Ugh, Sidney, which time are we talking about," I ask Sidney.

"Wait there are MULTIPLE TIMES," Fathima shouts from the kitchen.

"Um, do the one in the alleyway," Sidney says.

" Joycle, turn around, I want to see something," Aashi orders.

"Um, okay," I say as I turn and Aashi pulled up my shirt."What the fuck are you doing," I ask as I feel her hands on my skin.

"You have four scars, two of them look like there were bullets and others look like stabs," Aashi says.

"Dang, Joylce, you're only eighteen how do you have that many scars," Soyoung asks.

"Don't worry about it. Um, can we just forget about the stab situation and talk about how we still haven't met Jane's boyfriend," I say.

"Nobody cares about Jane's boyfriend," Esmee says.

"Rude,"Jane says. 

"We are your group members, we deserve to know," Fathima says.

"You're just going to blue ball us like that," Valentina asks.

"Alright, it's not that interesting," I say.

"Bullshit, you got fucking stabbed on you're back," Ashton calls me out.

"Ugh, we're going to talk about the alleyway one right," I ask Sidney.

"Yeah, wait can I say the story," Sidney asks.

"Go for it," I say as I sit on the couch.

*Sidney POV*

I stand in front of the girls. I look at Joy, whose shoulder is currently being used as a headrest by Valentina and Jane. Esmee and Aashi are still cuddling. Ashton is helping Fathima cooking but can still hear us as we have an open kitchen that connects with the living room. 

"So this happened in 10th grade, it was the first day that Joy wasn't at school since she was doing stuff, anyways I was walking to my car. I went through a shortcut, and I got cornered by like seven guys and three girls. One of them got out a knife and almost stabbed me but Joylce came and hugged me protecting me," I said. 

*Flashback to 10th grade*

* Joylce POV*

It's a calm spring day, I have just made an alliance with Rider Snakes( a gang north of my neighborhood). I haven't attended class due to that meeting. However, I did promise Sidney to pick her up and eat some Corn beef Egg Rolls and Boston Cooler at Belle Isle. I sigh as I wait in my luxury car that Sidney's parents spoil me for Christmas. I still have the note they wrote to me.

I wait ten minutes, okay she's taking too long,

I exit the car and make my way to the cloudy alleyway, the shortcut to the school. I put my hands in my pocket. I notice a group of people surrounding someone. I raise my eyebrows as I walk closer.

What are these rich people doing? 

I soon notice that Sidney was the person that is being surrounded by people. I notice that one of them has a knife.

You gotta be kidding me? 

I thought as I raced the speed of light, I quickly threw one of the girls on to the wall making blood run down her nose. I disarm the guy with a knife and stab him in the pancreas.

"Sidney, cover your eyes," I say calmly before punching another guy. I notice that Urelles is walking our way. She looks at the situation and runs towards us.

"Yo, I just called Valentín, he's going to sneak out of detention to help us out," Urelles says as she some dude in the nuts. "Go to Sidney, this will scar  her if you don't calm her down," she adds, making me look at my delicate best friend covering her ears with her tiny hands. She shakes as tears stream down her face.

I punch the person in front of me and my best friend.

"Hey, I'm here, your okay," I say softly as I hold the human teddy bear.

"I'm scared," Sidney cries as I hear Urelles break people's bones behind me.

"I'm here now, did they hurt you," I ask as I look all over Sidney's body looking for any signs of trauma.

"No, but one of them pulled a knife out," Sidney says as I tune out all the cursing and screams behind me.

"Okay good, let's get out of here," I say before feeling a sharp pain in my back. I hold the tears back as Sidney scream. "Sidney, I'm okay," I say as she shakes. 

"H-he stabbed you," Sidney lets out.

"Oh fuck no," I hear Valentín say.

"We need to get Joylce to the medic," Urelles says breathlessly.

"Should I pull out the knife," Valentín asks.

"Died( its slang for no), you idiot," Urelles says.

*Flashback ends*

"Yeah, that's basically it," I say.

"That's cute," Aashi says.

"What do you mean," Sidney asks.

"It's cute that your guys are so close that you're willing to die for eachother," Aashi says as she dips her fried yuca sticks in rocoto sauce. "These are so good, Fathima," she adds.

"They taste like how my grandmother would make them," Valentina say making Fathima smile.

"Thank you," Fathima says as the day ends. 

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