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❝❀ : 01. the crimson shadow pack


The crimson shadow pack, aslo known as the most dangerous and strong pack around the werewolfs. Everyone is afraid not only from the pack, but from their leader, The true blood alpha.  Of course Crimson Shadow are one of the best alphas, hunters and deltas, but thanfully to their leader ,the pack is what it is today.

Jeon Jungkook, the heir of the pack, created everything he has now with bare hands. The previous members of the pack were replaced with better ones, even if that meant they will be rogues.

Every werewolf of a pack lives also a human life. Has their own jobs, some of them famillies, but their most important role is to honor your pack. They need to survive, but never alone.

Jeon Jungkook has his own industry, well not exactly. His father once started it, but decided to leave it for his grandchildren. Jungkook is one of them. He turned the company into something more successfull and huge, mafia industry.

Jungkook, together with his brother Jonghyun and younger sister Kara hated their familly, mostly because of their father. They might be the heir of the pack, but Mr.Jeon was crueless. Once, when Jonghyung found his mate, Mr.Jeon killed the male. 

Correct, Jonghyung was in love with an Omega, but only because he was from poor familly, and he by itslef was one, Mr.Jeon killed the boy. Jonghyung found out days later, he was trurly broken. His younger brother, Jungkook, was frustrated what their own father did to one of their sons. He was the only one possible to get revenger, because Jonghyung couldn't take it. He was mated to the boy wich made it more hard. Kara was too young.

Afraid one day Jungkook will loose a mate ,because of his brother, he decided to get the things solve. He was cruel, he killed his own father. The grand alpha of the Crimson Shadow Pack was killed by his own son. Never expected that, but Jungkook didn't wanted only revenge for his brother, he wanted to be the one with power.

His father had another company, more successfull from the previous one, wich Jungkook had taken. He colected both entertaiments and created the mafia.

Drugs, strippers and death innocent people, that's what Jeon Jungkook owns. Ruthless mafia leader with a cold heart and a dark scary eyes that can make you weak, the true blood alpha. He's mostly drug dealing now, making weapons and selling them. 

You can't tell something wrong he doesn't do. He has eyebrow piercing, ear piercings, tattoos covering his arms, going on one night stand with girls, getting drunk and smoking, but being respectfull to his workers.

He became heartless by the past years. His father didn't only kill his brother's mate, but his own wife. She was Jungkook's most favourite women in the world, teh mother nobody could have like her. She was always kind with him, making his favourite dishes, she was the one that thought his on everything ,and after all the good she has done as a Luna of the pack, the alpha killed her. 

Nobody knew the reason, nobody could find the reason, but Jungkook was starving for his father's blood. Of course he was never like this, he's been thru a lot and gave up. The people around him are the same.

Yoongi was his right hand in crimies, also his closest friend. The only he can trust for anything. He joined his pack as well, he's an alpha. Jungkook set him as the second alpha, after all his brother was also one. But when Jungkook is not able to take care of the pack, yoongi is on duty and his brother.

Jonghyung joined his brother, as well to support him. So he became  mafia as well.

━━━━━━━About their sister Kara, she was a tottal psycho, beautiful one

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About their sister Kara, she was a tottal psycho, beautiful one. Worse than Jungkook or Jonghyung. The 'little princess' became a dirty women, stripping and when the day end, she kills her toys. All for money.


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None of them four has found their mates, but found more friends like Bang Chan (solutary), Hwasa (alpha hunter) and Jung Hoseok ,who's not anymore from the pack, he's now recognized as a rogue

Will they ever find their mates? How will they treat them? Will they always be the bad one? Is it possible the true blood to find a reall love?


Oh Lord, end of officialy chapter one. Oh man, I don't have experience in mafia. It will be hard tho, but it's important to enjoy it❣️❣️❣️

Tommorow is Christmas, stay safe everyone!~(2020)

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