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❝❀ : just leave me 


Later that day

Taehyung went outside to the nearest store he could find. Even of the fact he barely walks, he tried as he can. He doesn't want to tell to Jungkook about the silver hair, not now. He's unprepared for a talk with this. It hurts to keep secrets from him, but is for his good. But having a silver hair is like being the king or the queen on the wolfs, why he was heartily ashamed of it?

Before he left the house, he had taken some of his clothes he took from the pack not long ago. He carefully decided to put on all black clothes, even he's not dressing like this. Taehyung is that type of person that likes to experiment with himself.

He wore a black barret, so no one could see his hair colour, a black coat and a mask to protect himself.

He wore a black barret, so no one could see his hair colour, a black coat and a mask to protect himself

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(A/N : imagine Tae is dressed this way, ty)

He wasn't wasting anytime and went to the closest store his eyes has caught. It's absolutely painfull to walk long distance, even of the fact a few hour ago is fvcked from a true-blood, wich makes it 10 times more painfull.

When he found what he needed, aka black dye, he made his way to the cashiers, it had a long queue so he was going to wait 5 to 7 minutes. He felt a hand on his shoulder and quickly turned around to see who dared to touch him.

''Who the f-'' when he turned around his eyes captured his sibling, Madeline.

''Tae..can we talk'' she whispered

''There's nothing to talk about Madeline.'' Taehyung said turning back.

''It is Tae ple-'' Madeline was still begging, waiting beside Taehyung

''Madeline, when I said I need a break from you, from Jimin, from everyone, I undoubtedly meant I need a break. Leave.Me.Alone'' he whispered with higher tone, she could experience his anger in his voice.

''Tae don't make me-''

''Don't make you what Madeline, do you''

''Submit omega'' then she said with her alpha voice.

''Tae plase I want to talk with you'' she still begged, pushing Taehyung

taehyung quickly went over all the people on the queue, trying to walk to there properly, quickly paid for his dye and left the store

He then left outside and checked his phone to see what times is it.

Jungkook : Hey pup, I have some stuff to do more. I will be back withing 3 hours.

Taehyung :

''Taehyung listen to me!'' then he again heard his sister.

''MADELINE ,LEAVE ME. DO YOU WANT ME TO TELL YOU I HATE YOU, SO YOU WILL LEAVE? BECAUSE I WILL DO IT IF YOU LEAVE'' he couldn't hold back anymore. He started yelling at the shorter one.


He turned back to walk to his house, aka Jungkook's, but then Madeline lifted his coat, trying to stop him.

''You...you're mated...'' the mark was now vailable to be seen, when there was no coat. She left her hand from him and looked kinda terrified.


''I wasn't expecting that quick and-''

''Oh you werenm't expecting it? Oh ya ya the innocent 21 years old Taehyung can only stay in his room at the pack house. Honey, Im not 14 anymore, or even 18.''

''Im merely saying you guys hurry a bit...''

''Hurry?Hurry? Sweetheart, we made s*x. DO you want me to spell it for you? S.*.X. Now if you're disgusted enough, go run to our precious father and tell him anything''



''What the fvck is wrong with you Madeline, one day you and i hate each other and now you're sorry?''

''That's not gonna work Madeline, Ive already lost your trust. if you are sorry or not, the things won't be the same Madeline...''


''Tae please...plaease say something...''

''There's nothing to say more Madeline. Now if you excuse me, My mate will soon come.''


Jungkook POV

'' Tell me now Mark, what was that important that I had to actually come?''

''Excuse me for the distrubtion, Mr.Jeon'' then Mark bowed at him.

Mark wasn't something more than just a co-worker. Well Jungkook's assistant actually. His previous one was killed by Jungkook itself, she was a betrayel.

''We found this boy ,shooting inside the bealding with his camera. He said he knows you and have to talk with you. Then he tried to shoot one of the co-workers and we tied him up.''

''And you didn't kill him because?''

''Because, Mr.Jeon, we thought the boy had some information that could be usefull to you sir''

''Where is that boy?''

''At #354, sir''

''Leave now''

Then Jungkook made his way to the 15th floor, where was actually #354. He then lifted to open the door when he found the boy, sitting on the floor with tied beside his back hands, and a tape over his mouth. He saw a few bruises on his neck a really bad injure eye



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