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(A/N this is the day when Taehyung told Jungkook about his abuse story)

''Guk, why you wanted to travel in the night?'' Taehyung asked, getting his phone from the charger and packing his charge in his pack. Thankfully Jungkook packed his things while he was at work, taking off his position as a CEO. It was an important day for him. He told Jungkook about the abuse, and he left as a CEO. He wasn't expecting his father to be happy about it. He knew what will happen when he return back home.

''Hmm because why not'' Jungkook teased, theeth smiling to Taehyung.

''Okay so we could get the car or a plane?'' Jungkook aksed, looking in his phone. He looked at Taehyung, waiting for answer. Jungkook just got a shower, so his hair was still bit wet.

''P-plane?...'' Taehyung blushed from Jungkook's visuals and from the pack he own even a plane. How rich was he, he thought

''I have a private plane...so what do you choose?''

''Okay...let it be the plane''

''Let me text my secretary to prepare it''


The full moon kept everything alive. The sleeping clouds turned pink from the city lights burning below them. In some places the lights woke them by shining through their bellies. The silent clouds look rashy and infected from the pink patches of light everywhere. The night time sky makes day look shabby even with all the colors it can make. They don't compare. Nighttime oranges, yellows, and pinks are alive again; but not from the sun. As the clouds lie flat, the lights make a bubble underneath that looks like it could make them burst open into daylight. Other times as you float on the clouds become a wasteland grey you couldn't make with paint. They get so dense even the moons light has trouble seeping through them for the people on the ground to see.

 They get so dense even the moons light has trouble seeping through them for the people on the ground to see

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Taehyung was watching how they slowly offisialy left the capital. He realised how big it was. It was actually his first time flying on a plane. When he was a kid, his familly wasn't one of the most richests. So they couldn't afford flying on a plane back then. But the things quicly changed.

''Taehyung'' Jungkook asked. Taehyung was lying on him (A/N : i feel he's always laying on him ), looking outside the window

''Mhm'' Taehyung raised his chin to look at Jungook

''I want you to know that I won't leave you, pup. I won't treat you as your classmate. I want you to know...that I will always give my best to take care of you and protect you...even from my work..''

''Jungkook...I-i aprecciate everything you're doing. Believe me, but you know I can take care of myself too. The fact I was naive back then doesn't matter now...''

''No no, you weren't naive. You couldn't know he was like that Tae..don't blame yourself...''

''Can we sleep now...please''

''Okay..we have 4 hours trip so''before Jungkook could continue what he was saying, he heard Taehyung's soft snores. He was already fallen asleep in Jungkook's hug. It was so comfortable, he could not fall asleep

'' I promise...I promise with my whole heart that I will never let anyone touch you...That I will never let my work be the reason for you to be hurted...I promise you Tae...'' Jungkook wishpered, knowing Taehyung won't hear him ,but it was enough for him he said it

'Jungkook, why I feel like you're afarid of something' his wolf JK connected to him all of sudden

'Because I am JK, because I can't let the fact this little angel could get hurt only because Im in mafia...'

'Oh boy...Jungkook..Just try your best to stop whatever Minho is doing. This will be enough'

'Even If I do...there will be more...now everyone knows he's my mate..Look'

Then Jungkook got hip phone and opened a skreenshot he made while he was waiting Taehyung to get his things


Jeon Jungkook, the mafia boss of was today spotted leaving Kim Introduction. People has spotted him hanging hands together with the CEO of Kim Inroduction Kim Taehyung. They are suspended to be mates. We will let you more inform in our morning news from 6:30. Stay tuned

'Oh Jungkook...'

'I know JK...It's my fault, so I will figure it out..alone'

'You know you have to have a second plan'

'I already have JK, I already have...'


There was heard a knock on the door

''Come in''

''Agh Seokjin my boy, come in.''

''Good evening Mr.Kim, Im sorry for distrubing you''

''I wanted to inform you for your son. He connected me yesterday and pleaed to tell you he will be out of town for a few days''

''Really? I already knew about it''


''He is with his mate, Jeon. Don't worry my boy, Ive seen them already''

''B-but how...''

''When I was outside I met them walking together. Of course I recognized my son was mated. I wasn't suprised if they soon or never will leave to spend some time together''

''Oh...so you..you are not mad at Taehyung?''

''Of course I am not. Taehyung has a mate, I do not see any reason to? Are there any?''

''Theese days your son and daughter are..in a fight. I heard it from the others here..''

''I see..I will talk with my daughter later then'' ''Is there anything more Seokjin?''

''Sir, you really accept Taehyung? That he is with Jungkook?''

''Aish I think I know what are you talking about Seokjin, have a seat''

''I know Jungkook since he was a kid, I knew his mother as well. The kid is..was good. Even before he started this..buissnes. I do not blame him for anything. Neither he killed his father. Jungkook is not who everyone thinks he is Seokjin-ah. That is why I know he's safe with Jungkook, taehyung will be alright with Jeon. Yes..we can't deny how many people he has killed...all the drug he sold..but he's a true blood. My son..my son will be alright with him -- I know it. I wouldn't accept anyone but Jungkook for him''

''Taehyung will be glad to hear you at least accept him''

''I will have a little tak with him, but not now. I will let them two leave their lives together.''

''Sir, excuse me but I have patients and-''

''Go Seokjin-ah''


Ok Ik Ik I said I have to study. I still have to...but I got bored and abit tired so I decided to write this shitty chapter :)

PuRpUlE yOu

Oh and happy birthday to Blackpink Jennie!!!

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