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❝❀ : 10.my mate is here 


''Kara cmon we should go-'' Jonghyun shouted behind the door, but he didn't hear any responce. ''Kara?'' he asked again, but again silent. Then he opened the door to her room and saw that the bathroom is closed. ''Hey are you al-'' suddenly he heard vomiting sound ''Kara open it up'' She didn't care at all, and opened it. Then he saw her laying on the floor ''What did you do, sister...'' he sighed looking at her

''I grugged myself again yesterday...'' she said dissapointed of herself. She couldn't stop the drugs, but they affected her.

''Where did you get them this time...'' her brother said. They already took all her drugs she owned and sold them. 

''From Jungkook's shell...Fck it I am sorry...''

''Kara you know you should stop. You may see Jungkook do it, but he uses less affective...and do it once a month. You are too young to do this to yourself''

''Stop with the young bullshits and go to the pack, you guys will be late...''

''I am not going without you''

''Jonghyun hyung go. It is not a big deal to go, I will just go to sleep and rest...''

''Promise me you won't do it again, at least for the month...''

''Fine then..now go go. Jungkook will be mad''

''Jungkook will be mad you grugged again, not for being late''

''Just don't tell him. Tell him I feel sick and that's it. Go now''

The older just sighed and left as his sister said. He wasn't planning on arguing with her, because she was going to meet. He went down to the car, where Jungkook was waiting him


''She's sick and has a seuisure, she will rest''

''Is it so?"

''Mhm ask her by yourself when we get home back'' Jungkook then just nodded. He was a bit confused because of earlier. Kara was so exited to go, but unfortunetly it is her fault.



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(I do not own the picture ! *Let's imagine this is what Jungkook is wearing)

Moon Light Pack

The guest were slowly appearing. Their cars were parking behind the Pack palace as some of them were enterring inside

Taehyung POV

''Looks like we have guest in the pack hmm?''

''Ya...it's not like we're gonna see them''

''Taehyungshi, do you wanna have some fun?''

''What do you have on mind V-ssi''

''Let me take controll''


''Taehyung we are not going to visit those bastard wolfs. I will take us somewhere''

''alright...I trust you...'' then a sharp feeeling approaced. V toke full controll, but he wasn't really going to hurt anyone. He wanted to comfort Taehyung ,because he's still traumatized what happneed that day 3 years ago. It is a pretty long stroy that he will tell to his mate when he feels ready to.

His eyes darkened ro dark ocean blue. He remember jimin gave him a silver stone cup, so he was going to use it. He stepped on the chair, and placed it below the small window. Even small, he was small by himself and was going to be able go thru it. He covered his eyes and trew the cup, making the window to break. That cup was not easily breakbale ,because it was a stone one. They made it specailly for Taehyung because everytime when V was appearing he was breaking everything.

He smirked before going out again.'' Fresh air..finnaly'' he said. He heard the voices of the guest so he hurried and ran to the forrest. Correct, the moon light pack was placed right in the Woondendor woods. He didn't want to transform in wolf form because he was going to rape his clothes, and he didn't have other once in the moment. One of his hobbies was running around the forest, so he could be called a really good runned. In human and wolf form. It was something that gave him pleasure to do,as the arts and photpography. So different hobbies than what he works. 

They were running untill V stopped and said ''Suprise Taehyungshi'' and then let Taehyung get controll again. He went to their childhood place ,where they used to go when they were a kid. This was his safe place, the place he feels comfortable and safe. His lil space only for him, he used to medidate before and thought he could try ity again.

There was a beautiful little watterfal and a lake below it. All surounded by magical old trees. Green grass and the voice of the birds. It was magical. It was was also deep in the forest so nobody could know where he is. Even the hunters never found him there, neither his sister.

"Thank you V, you know me very well'' he smiled and sat on the grass ground. Looking around him and all the suroundings. Without carring of his fully white clothes, he sat and started singing his favourite songs by beautiful melodies


The Crimpson Shadow Pack were already there, untill their alpha got up from his car. Of course not the whol pack came, half of it, because they had to protect their terittory. But the main wolfs came, including Jeon Jonghyun, Min Yoongi, Hwasa, Bang Chan and others. The moon light pack was huge as a palace, it could be recognized by one too. 

they entered in, while one of them hurried from the crown to see his mate, who was waiting for him

''I missed you'' Jimin said as kissed him gently on the lips, his hand brushing his soft hair

''yoongi..you-you found your mate?!'' jungkook asked with eyes widen , deeply starring at Park Jimin's eyes.

''Ya about that...Suprise..I guess?'' Yoongi answered. He was Jimin's mate at the whole time, at the whole time a crimpson shadow pack member was mated to an moon light pack member. It's been a days but they felt it like months. They were reeally into each other. Well you see Yoongi was always thurst for his mate. For him he was the cuttest ever delta to meet.

''Alright let's go to the hall everyone'' jimin shouted. But then Jungkook felt something like a wave that hit him hard. His knees weekend.''Agh Jonghyun I need some fresh air, tell the pack I will arrive after a few minutes'' he said overwhelmed, his brother only nodded.

When he went outside the pack he connected with his wolf

''Jk what on the world is happening. Why-y wh-y a-m I sha-king...''

''idiot, our mate is from the pack...You should find him, now!''

''Heres hundreds of people..how am I suppose to-''

''I do not think he's in the pack house...''


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