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❝❀ : 07.preparing for a borring meeting


*30 minutes before the meeting*

In the mean time ,the leaders of the pack were preparing for the alpha meeting.

[Moon Light Pack]

This time V was more agresive than ever, he was screaming, his voice could be heard from the back of the castle. He would do anything, only to get out of this cage. Right in the back garden were still Jimin and Chaeryoung, talking about Jimin's mate.

''And basically he's only child and-'' their coneversation was interrupted by unkown screams

''You heard that-'' chaeryoung asked terrified by the noise. Jimin nodded

''It feels like...like someone is dying...it brings so much pain'' chaeryoung said

''Its prbably from the woods, cmon let's go in the pack house..'' jimin had in thought it could be Taehyung ,but hoped it is not. It breaks his heart to hear me like that

Taehyung POV

''GET ME OUT OF HERE SON OF B*TCHES" V was screaming thru the door, but then Taehyung got control for short time ''V pl-ease..you-re n-ot hel-ping us...''tears were falling down. Then his colour changed back to dark blue, V's colour"HOW YOU DARE TO PROTECT THEM?! THEY LOCKED US DOWN"

short gap of how tae's wolf looks like



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Jeon Industry

Jungkook head to his brother office, then gently knocked on the front door. Then he heard small 'come in' and entered the room

''Jonghyun are you ready?'' asked Jeon, looking for his brother who was nowhere to be found

''Um aha wait a second, my hair is still dry''he yelled from the back bathroom. Looked like he took a shower before the meeting.

Jungkook decided to look over his office. He wasn't staying there usually, Jonghyung was visting him more than he did. He went to his desk, a huge 2 computers and a shell under it. Next to the computers was placed a photo he had printed not long ago. It was photo of him,Jonghyun, Kara and their precious mother, their reall familly. 

''She' so beautiful...''jungkook said with almost teary eyes

''you said something Kook?''

''Agh No. get your ass here because we will be late!''

Then Jonghyun quicly went out of the bathroom, already with the costume. He showed a sign to Jungkook to hurry and the car was waiting for them down the building


In the mean time Madeline was all dressed up, with some make up and earrings on. She was trurly beautidul with and without make up. Her father was waiting her in the car, but before that she quicly went up to wishper something to the delta

''Okay Jiminshi, listen''

''Tae...Tae is again on his rut and..you know where is he. Jut try to avoid the pack from the screams down there please...''

''I promise..as always. Now go and stay safe'' Jimin nodded and waved to Madeline. Now the packs were without their alphas, but there were the betas who were taking care in the mean time.

Then Jimin looked up to check on the time on his phone, then he saw a notification

******: babe wanna meat? I miss my mate :(

Jimin: where are you bub? Should I come or? P.S I also miss you

******: Let's meet at *** after 15 minutes?

Jimin: 15 minutes? Okay

******: Love u

Jimin: I love you more my alpha haha

Jimin POV

I want to see my bub so bad..but I promised Madeline to watch over Tae...I will go check on him quicly. 

No one pov

Jimin quicly grabbed the keys and went downstairs. He rushed because he had almost no time to get ready for his date with ******. 

''Tae...is it V or...''

''No Chimmyy it's me now, he's got tired from all the screamings''

''TaeBear Mad went on the meeting and I gotta meet my mate..Will you be okay if I-''

''Chimmy go without a problem. V won't do anything, after all we are one body so he won't hurt me. Go meet your love''

''Is there anything I could possibly do for you...''

''Could you brin me some water? But from the silver stone cup, in case I dont break the glass ones'' 


Jimin got to the cup from the kitchen and went back to lead it for tae. He had to open the huge stone door for second and gave it to him.

''Thanks chimmy, now go on your date''

''You're the best TaeBear..and let's not talk-''

''About that with Mad? Deal, now go go''

Idiots...Im surrounded by idiots


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