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CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT : We will figure it out

2 weeks ago

''Jungkook, what happene-'' There he stood, in front of his brother, he could barely speak, knowing his mate is in danger...

''He..he is gone..hyung..'' he fell in a grip of a hug, his knees were weak, he was weak.

''Guk, calm down. What is going on?!'' the bigger brother worriedly patted Jungkook, fully in shock because his brother has never acted like this

''Minho..he escaped..and now Tae..Tae is gone''

''Where is Taehyung...''

''Minho..they took him away..''

''Okay okay calm down...we should inform his family first and--''

''His..his sister will kill me, hyung..She..she landed me him..I promised I would protect him..be there for him...''

''Jungkook, get in hands! You're not a fucking sobber! You're a Jeon, as you always say one and only Jeon Jungkook! You will get him back, with fight or not. You will kill if it's need, but you will bring him.''


''Hey..I came to see how is he..'' Jimin knocked on the door before entering.

''Still not responce..'' Jungkook was hopelessly looking outside the window of their villa. They have moved to another pack house since Minho found where they lived and they didn't dare to take another risk.

''I stilll can not realise what they did to him to not wake up..The doctor said he wasn't in coma..''

''I do not know either..you can see the bruises..they are not healing'' he looked now at his laying mate on the king bed.

''What is on your mind?'' he stepped closer and sat next to his friend.

''I don't think that they shot him in the leg is the reason to not wake up. Look here, next to my mark there is a bruise which is horribly not healing..The same is here'' he lifted his shit to show him his chest

''What is this...I-'' the older gasped in terrify

''They left a sign on him..this symbol..I've never seen it before..The thing is, I do not think Minho..or Taemin or whoever from the wolfs did it. I know he's an omega..a pregnant one..'' he deeply sighed '' but he should have been healed. I am sure he's seen worse..''

''I am extremely disappointed Laura and Taemin were in all of this..the whole time..And Hoseok..''

''How did you know about Hoseok?'' Jungkook asked

''We were in the same middle school..after some years we were hanging up, but then when he told me he was kicked out of the pack he never came to me. What did he do to be-''

''He was not worth for this pack. He knows what he did so he took his chances. Your brother did not deserve to be searched that many years. You only wasted you time, Park..''

''Do not blame me! How could I know he became a rogue as Hoseok! I couldn't know!''

''Of course you couldn't...and now Taehyung got thru what we needed to get.''

''Jeon, stop acting like this! The fault is not either mine of Yoongi's because our siblings were in this! You do not have the right-''

''I did not say you are responsible that my mate is not waking up, but they are your families, and they are already on my list to die Jimin. I do not care a brother or not is Taemin. You saw him with your own eyes how he tortured Tae!''

''You better do something, because only kneeling down to Taehyung won't help him!''

''Want me to risk to leave him alone again? As last time? I left him leave and only for a second he was gone!''

''Fvcking Jungkook, do not tell me you are afraid of a fight?! You are a fvcking true blood for god sake''

''YES I AM AFRAID, PARK'' ''WOULDN'T YOU BE AFRAID IF YOUR MATE IS NOT WAKING UP, WHILE IS PREGNANT, TELL ME. How will you feel, when there's this moment when you think he may never wake up? Or when his heart will stop beating?! Or are the babies still alive?!''

''You Park, you do not have the right to judge me, not even a bit, because you do not know how much it does hurt!..

..leave'' he whispered, his voice almost broke in the end

''Do something, Jungkook. I am telling you, he won't get beter if we don't act..'' Jimin said in back, while walking out of the room.

''I miss your smile so much...why is it so hard to wake up..Please, Tae..I want to see your precious smile..I want to see you shine as before..the sparkles in your eyes..''

and here Jimin stayed on the door, his ears pressed on the door, listening to Jungkook's pain.

''We really should do something, Yoongi..''he sighed, wispering to Yoongi who was pressing his body on the wall

''For example?''

''Tommorow, if Jeon wants or not, we will go to pay a visit to our siblings, including this Minho. We will find a cure for Taehyung, because not only his body, but the babies are in danger while he is in this condition..''

''What do we do if we don't get the information we need?''

''Oh, we will. Because for first time of years I will dare to do anything to my brother, even if that means I will have to fight with him..''

''I hope I could tell the same for my sister..I don't know what went wrong..She was just a student, sometimes she helped me with my work, everything was fine with her. Why would she-''

''Why would she what?''

''What if they have planned it from long time ago. Think about it. My sister was always late the past years, sometimes she didn't come back home. She said she was meeting someone who is not in my buissness..Okay, do you remember where Taemin lived before?''

''His apartment? Um-I do, but he is not living there anymore? What is the point of going there, Yoongs?''

''Maybe we will find something there. Probably my sister and Taeming were meeting, and it was perhaps in his apartment. Come, let's go-''

''Isn't it a bit late? I-''

''Don't tell me you're afraid because it's night outside?''

''Pff, what?! Yah! I am a beta, I am not afraid from..dar-k''

''Agh..c'mon little beta..''


And here I am back again. My apologies it took me so long to update. Theese days I was trying to make a trailer for the book because I got a bit bored. Not much chapters are left and I am not planning on writting a second book. Perhaps, I will finnaly finish the book by the end of February.

And Thank you everyone for the 19k reads <3

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