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❝❀ : 13. frustrated


''WHAT?!'' Taehyung's sister, the leader Madeline shouted in the empty room. Well, she was together with two males, who were holding hands like a married couple.

The older one, who was only 2 cm taller than the younger one was smirking at the whole time at the alpha's reaction. She liked to see her mad.

''YOU AND YOU ARE....MATE?!'' madeline couldn't believe what has just happened. She was eyes widen and shocked as f*ck. She placed her hand over her head and she was brushing her hair angrily

''Madie..don't shout like that...''

''Dont shout like that?! TaeBear do you know who is this man?!''

''He..he's my mate Madie...''

''He's a mafia boss taehyung-shi. M.A.F.I.A B.O.S.S. Do you have any clue in what danger are you if you stay with him!?''

''Madeline what is wrong with you?!'' taehyung left Jungkook's hand ''Madeline why you act like a tottall fucker for god damn goddnes?! HE IS MY MATE. YOU CAN NOT CHANGE THAT, OKAY?! Why..why you need to be like that?! Do not dare to tell me you do care, because this is not what older sisters do. If you want or not I WILL, let me repeat, I WILL stay with my mate. I do not give a f*ck who he is. Oh wait I know, HE IS MY MATE.''

''Kim Taehyung you dare to yell at me ,huh. Now you try to act like a grown man a**, but you are not!? Do you understand what is he even working with?!''


This was the first time ever Taehyung to shout at his sister like that because she's acting dissrespectfull. He can't take it over with her like that. She could care a lot because he risks his life to be with Jungkook, but he is still her only brother.

''I see how selfish you are Madeline. Do you think I would act like you when you find your mate!? What if let's say you're mate is a criminal who stayed in jail for 10 years? Will I yell at you and tell you things like this? NO. BECAUSE IT SEEMS LIKE I AM THE ONLY KIND SIBLING HERE. You know what, Kim Madeline? I do not give a f*ck, am I clear? I do not give a f*ck!''

''GOOD DON'T GIVE A FUCK THEN. BUT IF IT HAPPENS AGAIN THE SAME AS 3 YEARS AGO, DO NOT COME AND CRY ON ME THAT SOMEONE HURTED YOU!'' Madeline yelled for last time at her brother, angry as she was never before.

''Tae babe let's go...'' Jungkook said, leaning his hand over his mate's waist, showing a bit his tattoos like this. He was disgused from his mate's sister and never thought she will be like this

''I would like to'' Taehyung said with seruous tone. He on purpose kissed Jungkook on the lips, roughly, in front of Madeline to show her he won't reject his mate for nothing. Jungkook only smirked, seeing his mate being so sassy.

Then the two of them left

30 minutes ago...

Taehyung and Jungkook arrived together in front of the pack house. Taehyung took a deep breath as he first entered his home. They made their way to the hallway where were the guest ,including the two packs. His sister firstly saw Taehyung and she ran to him, without noticing Jungkook behind. But the two of them talked before it that they will stay speperated durring the 'party'

''TaeBear are you alright...how how did you-''

''Im fine Madie, I don't think Im on heat anymore so everything is fine'' he hugged her back ''Where is Jiminshi hyung?''

''Oh well ,he's over there with the black hair boy, he will tell you anything''


In the mean time

''It tooke you more than a minute outside Jungkook, where were you''

''Jonghyun we will talk about it later, can we?''


Taehyung P.O.V

I was walking thru the crown to be able to see my best friend. I was wondering if that boy next to him was his mate, they were really close to each other. Even if he's not...Im only thinking about Jungkook in the moment..damn it's been only 2 hours and Im so into him...It's like a dream

''Ah taehyung-shi'' jimin pouted walking to his friend'' Are you alright now'' he wishpered to him, while hugging. ''Hyung it's all right'' he wishpered back

''Could you intoduce me this handsome boy over here'' he asked

''Love, this is Taehyungshi. My dearest friends. Taehyungshi, this is my mate, Min Yoongi''

Hah I knew they were mates..Oh they are so adorable. This Yoongi looks a lil bit eboy but it's fine along they are happy

''Glad to see the man that makes my friend happy'' I joked, bowing to him

''Pleasure to see you too'' Yoongi answered

''Will you two now tell me how you met..im so curious!''

''Yoongs why don't you start hm'' jimin aksed, giving him a soft kiss, a short one

''Agh hmm where should I starts from. I was in the park, he was in the park and boom we met and found out we're mates. Is it clear?''

''Guess I will have to tell the story'' jimin sighed


HEART BLINDED BY LOVE | TAEKOOK ✓ (FETUS)Where stories live. Discover now