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❝❀ : 18. have an eye on you  


*A few hours later*

The weather was still rainy. The Sun was not soon going to show up thru the clouds, or neither a raindbow was goung to appear. It looked so depressfull outside.

 It looked so depressfull outside

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''I do not think my story it's that interesting as your Gkuk...'' taehyung said while sitting on Jungkook. Jungkook has told him his story minutes later and now was his mate's turn

''Pup you know we should know more for each other, and it doesn't matter if it's interesting or not. Im a good listener so go on''


''You see..I grew up without a mother. As my father told me, she died the moment she gave birth to me. I had to grew up with one parent. Apperantly my father got angenaged for the most cruel women in the world, basically my step mother...This woman had did everything to me...I mean the tortue way, she was never kind with me. Of course dad never found out because she was good at hiding it, as I was. I never wanted to distrub him, as he was in love. For me, it was always importants the other's happines. If my father was happy, this was enough for me

''What about your sister?''

''Aish...Madie..Madie wasn't always like that. Honeslty I've mever seen her that mad at me...I can't still understand her. I grew up almost alone..she had a tough childhood..you know, because she's an alpha''

''Why your father chose her for the alpha leader and not another alpha?''

''She was the most trusted one for that position. But he made her life living hell. I could never spend time with her because of her training..So the closest one I could call a friend was Jimin

''The one that's Yoongi's mate?''

''Ya..that's him..My dearest friend since kids. I was close to a girl, she was Chaeryoung, but she and Jimin were closer. We all knew Jimin like her, and it seemed like Chae never told him she also liked him. I thought they were going to be mates...it turnes out it's your friend.''

''Ogh Yoongi better go on easy on him''

''What do you mean?''

''He's in mafia as well. But pff sometimes I can not understand Yoongi. Butfor sure he's not like Park''

''Like Park? What is it suppose to mean''

''Look...Yoongs has been thru a lot of murders. Once he had to kill ****, and in revenge they killed his little sister. The only familly he had because their parents left them...he became a really..dark peroson. Okay let's just hope your friend will help him''

''Wait..wich year his lost his sister?''

''2017? Why?''

''Guk..I think this was planned...do you remmeber like a month or something?''

''It was winter''

''Oh no..no no no this is not good''

''Tae what is it..''

''Jimin's brother..Taemin..he dissapeared out of the nowhere back then. He sad he has to visit a friend....Why I feel like..''

''You think he was mafia as well...''

''Im not sure for anything...but..if he was there was no way Jimin to not know....''

''What is Park working?''

''He works with me...''

''Where was he working before?''

''I..I dont know..when he was working I was at my school year'' Taehyung has told him that he had a gap year. Because he was a homeschooler

''tae...I feel like Jimin is hiding something from you..''

''What..what do you mean..''

''You told me befoe that you used to be a homeschooler, 3 years ago, when exactly Jimin's brother dissapears and Yoongi's sister tooo...you were visiting school..''

''It sound a bit..''


''But that doesn't make any sensce. Why would Taemin and Yoongi's sister just dissapear out of the nowhere..the same time...''

''Who knows...Yoongi's sister was in mafia as well. She was 2 years younger...Something has happened back then. Is your friend trying to find out where is his brother?''

''Yes he does''

''Then he's safe. At least he is not suspisious and it's obvious that doensn't know about his brother...After all I will make a lil' research for this Taemin.''

''Guk you do not need to waste your time for this...''

''Oh you prefer then doing my tasks?'' ''You knoww..drugs..weapons selling..you got it?''

''No no I just..Okay nevermind it do whatever you want''

Then taehyung sat up and head to the closet to get back his jacket

''Where are you going now? I didn't say anything bad..''

''No it's not because of you Guk. I need to talk with Jimin''

''So you will pay a visit to your pack?''

''And see my sister...yes...that's exactly what's gonna happen...''

''Hey pup, it's okay. If she asks something just tell her you hurry if you don't wanna talk with her. Okay?''


''And Guk''

''I want you to know that I feel you're so special for me now. I do not give a fvck I know you since 2 days..''

''I know pup, you're special for me too''


In front of the house, there stood a large black BMW with a male and female inside

''Aish Jeon. Finnaly found you weak spot hmm..''

''Cmon, we don't have anything to do with the boy''

''For now...for now not. We will wait. We will wait untill he can not live without him'' told her

''And then..it will be the perfec time..'' approced the female

''Damn I love you'' said the male

''I love you too dumbass, now drive''


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