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❝❀ : 20. arguments all over again   


''Well well look who's home again'' Jungkook was just going upstair heading to his office, when his siter suprised him. She leaned her back and head on the wall, looking at her brother with crossed arms.

''well well I see you still live here'' said Jungkook making his way again upstairs but Kara stopped jim by stanidng on his way

''I was talking about you Jungkook'' the younger sister said, raising an eyebrow

''Me too, I was talking about you'' Jungkook said looking at her while shaking his head.

''Anyway, won't you share with us the mate of yours?''

''Since when you're interested of my life?'' the true blood asked. His confusion was all over his facial expression

''Since now''

''Aha I see..Where is Jonghyun?'' he quickly switched the theme because he knows how Kara was annoying.

''Hunting with Hwasa''

''Again? I feel like he's with her 25/8''

''Oh now we're talkig about Jonghyun? Don't you wanna talk about the presiouc omega or you want him only for you hmmm. Or even in love?''



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''Oh noo I got caught for catching feelings'' he fakly said with irony. Kara only nummed in interest what his brother has done.

''Kara what do you want...''

''As I said, I want to know more about the omega'' she said, still standing in front of Jungkook ,not letting him go anywhere before answer

''Kim Taehyung, omega, 21 years old, CEO of Kim Industry. Is it enough for you?''

''Wow  wikipedia says the same, Jungkookshi''


''Yes wikipedia, your boyfriend is on wikipedia, as you are. Now don't tell me his biography, something more?''

''Ogh....umm he's-'' before Jungkook could tell, Jk cut him and took control because he knew Jungkook will say something stupid. His eye colour quicly changed to a red one, in front of Kara's sight

 His eye colour quicly changed to a red one, in front of Kara's sight

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