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▶CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX : Sparkle of happines

''Miss, Minho was caught'' a female with purpule hair said, standing in front of a misteious women

''Great, just as the plan. Oh, let me guess. The baby Jeon rushed to his boyfriend huh? Such a . I guess we finnaly found his hidden spot...'' the women said, taking a sip of her cigarette. She was wearing a light red lipstick, gloves long to her ankle, and a hat covering her eyes.

''Just wait Jeon...you won't have any idea what is going to happen...'' then she threw away her cigarette out of the winow.


''Guk what is- nghmm~'' Jungkook was now already at home. When at first Taehyung heard the sound of the door, he made his way to greet Jungkook. Before that he was just watching some stuff thru his phone. But when he got home from the store, he dyed his hair.

''You are all good, right?'' Jungkook said, handing both of his hands over Taehyung's neck, pecking his lil' nose

''Beside the fact I barely walk, yes im fine...why..why you look so pale'' Taehyung joked, fixing his hat

''Me? Im fine if you're safe pup'' and Jungkook huged him

''You sure evry-nghmm~'' he connected his and Taehyung's lips for second time, but pressed his thumb over Taehyung's soft pink lips

''Shh pup, I want to spent some time with you''


Jungkook was drinking a red wine he has bought not long time ago, he was laying on the wall, with the glass on his right hand, exposing his tattoos.

''Tae why is this hat on?'' He asked Taehyung, who was looking outside the window

''Tae why is this hat on?'' He asked Taehyung, who was looking outside the window

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(A/N : Please, ignore the people in the background and the gray hair colour)

''Oh this? I-i dyed today and my hair is still wet an-'' Taehyung turned to Jungkook, theirs eyes met

''Black? All of sudden? I kinda liked the blue haired'' Jungkook left his glass on the table nearby and went closer to Tae, to hug him beside.

''I dont know...just..wanted a new type...By the way, you won't guess who I met to the store when I went outiside-''

''You went outside? Ive told you to stay indoors Tae...''

''I wanted to buy a dye...don't judge me...''

''I want you safe Tae..plase tell me when you do it...So who do you met? Park?''


''Oh...Oh this bvcth didn't dare to talk with you, did she?''

''She did...she begged me to forgive her...''Jungkook then made some steps to the door to make it a bit dramatic ''Wait where are you going''asked the younger

''Beat that ass Madeline''

''Guk stop''

''Tae what the heck is doing your sister, honestly I cant understand her. ''

''Dont worry, I cant understand her too..I just ignored her and told her I dont turst her and ya..I went home and you texted me and ya..''


a few hour later

The two of them were lovely hugging in each other's entrance. Sitting on the same couch they've kissed multiply times, they were watvhing a random movie on the TV. On that time they only wanted to cuddle, nothing much or nothing less. Jungkook wanted to feel his mate, to know he's safe, to know that he's heathy and to know he will stay with him. Jungkook never feared from anything, but know he had a mate. He was now in love, something he never has felt before. He had someone to take care now and protect, knowing how much trouble he brings to Taehyung. He was the most prescious and cute creature to him. The most perfect man for him, he had to protect him with his whole heart.


''Mhm Guk?'' Taehyung looked up at Jungkook, while laying on him.

''You said you wanted to take a break, am I wrong?''

''Well, actually yes, but why all of sudden?''

''I was thinking if you would like me to take you somewhere?''

''Somewhere?Like a trip?''

''Sort of. I have a house in Gwaechong and-''

''GWAECHONG. WAIT, LIKE FOR REAL?!'' Taehyung jumped from happines, leaving Jungkook kind of confused

''yes? You've been there?''

''NO! This is the pooooiinnntt~. I've always wanted to go in Gwaechong honesty...''

''Ok Gwaechong then, Im glad you sound excited''

''Im so so soooo excited~ Thank you Guk''

''Pup there's nothing to thank for, you know''

''Thank you...for everything Guk. Not only for the trip, for everything...''

''Your so perfect Taehyung~'' Jungkook huged him again and kissed him on the forhead


''Yes pup''

''I want you know Guk..now right now''

''Mhm baby, repeat for me please. What do you want?''

''I want you here, now Jungkook. I want to feel you...as we did last time''


Jungkook was on top of Taehyung, roughly kissing him. His hands never left playing with Taehyung's now fluffly black hair. He then stood a bit the younger, not breaking the kiss. He then took of the grey hoodie he was in. After that Taehyung unbottomed with the flash of light, Jungkook's shirt he was still wearing from work.

Jungkook watched as Taehyung carefully unbottomed his pants and then he pushed them down and waited for him mate to take them out. Jungkook too his pants out and processed to undress Taehyung. Jungkook brought to reallity that Taehyung was now actually under him. His mate was just so impatient to be touched by his rough and yet smooth hands. Jungkook chuclked and brought his hand to Taehyung's cheeck and caressed it. His mate leaned to his touch and sighed.

Both of them were now undressed and starring fondly at each other in this lovely moment. Once again, their eyes do the talking and convey all the emotions they can never say out loud. Not because they are afraid of saying it, but because no words can do justice to what they feel for each other. It felt, not said.

It didn't last longer until their lips were on each other and they kissed passionately. Their souls sighed in peace and their bodies softly inched together and into the right places, like they were made only for each other as both of them had the right pieces for this puzzule, called love. Because as long one of them is alive, they belong to each other.


LoL guys I just realised it sound like the end of the book xD

Don't worry, there's much more chapters left :0

Gud night~

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