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(A/N : because there's smut, I had to ask a friend to help, because I can not write one)


''Good mor-'' Jungkook was just making his way to give a kiss to Taehyung, when he noticed the bed was empty. He looked confused and sat up to look around him. He wasn't in the room. He then layed for a few minutes until he's fully awake and dressed up. He went to the toilet to brush his teeth, because of the morning breath.

He head to the living room, where he saw Tae, sitting on the sofa with his laptop ''Oh hey, I woke up earlier and didn't want to wake you up'' Jungkook walked to him to see what he was doing and gave him a short morning kiss. 

''What were you doing that early?'' Jungkook asked and rested his head on Taehyung's shoulder

''Hmm well I couldn't sleep well actually..when I came here I was watching the sunrise...and I was thinking about yesterday'' '' I was thinking how nice I spent with you the walk..and everything'' That melted Jungkook's heart. ''And then started checking the photos I did yesterday''

''Photos? What photos?''

''I got my camera with me, you didn't see it?''

''Absolutely not...so what are the photos, pup?''

''Nah Nah, im not gonna show you them''

''Aish?! and why not?''

''I want to keep them for now. ''

''I still dont understand''

''Im making some kind of a movie. So, whenever you're sad or Im not there...You can always play that movie and it will remind you fo our first trip'' Taehyung said, still in the beggining of the editing

''Oh Tae...that is so adorable''

''Why you need to be so perfect, Mr.Kim'' he went beside the sofa and he was watching how his fingures were running thru the keyboard

''I don't know, Mr.Jeon. I could say the same about you''

Then he leaned closer to his neck and started hungrilly kissing him.

''Mr.Jeon, you know that you kissin my neck is my weak spot. I have to finish the edit-'' but before that he left a soft moan from pleausre

''You won't stop huh?'' he shut down the laptop, and turned to face Jungkook.

He then attacted him with a passionate kiss. But Jungkook grabbed him from the couch and Taehyung's legs were now over Jungkook's waist. While He was holding his thights so he won't fall.

''What are you planning?'' Taehyung cut off the kiss, because he saw Jungkook started making his way to the bathroom

''You remember when yesterday you were xploring the house? Oh sweatheart, I can read your thoughts 'How many dirty things you thought of us, in the bathroom excatly''

''Fvck...'' Taehyung eyes-widen when he remembered

''And you were not planning telling me?''

''No..'' he whispered

''Someone's been bad hm? I think you, Mr.Kim deserve a punishment''

''W-what kind of punishment Mr.Jeon?''

''That's not my name honey''

''What kind of punishment, daddy~''

''Punishment i've been waiting for soo long'' Then he connected his lips again. He placed Taehyung on the sink and started kissing him rough. They could hear each other's fast beating hearts and the breath of each other's.

HEART BLINDED BY LOVE | TAEKOOK ✓ (FETUS)Where stories live. Discover now