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Taehyung POV

Well, if you think you've ever had a really messy dinner, me and Jungkook win. Why? Let me tell you what happened yesterday

Later that night...

''Would you remind me why I had to come here twice, instead of dressing up at home?'' taehyung asked his sister, while sitting on the chair he had to

''Because you guys have to prepare for the dinner seperated''

''What the Moon?! This is not a fvcking weding to be seperated?!'' Taehyung freaked out

''Ya, but you said he will organize it so...''

''Dad is coming too, right?'' Taehyung asked curios

''Mhm, and he will get Melania'' Melania was their step-mother

''Why he will get Melanie too?! She's not really from the familly!?''

''She's now dad's wife, Tae. And she's Kim as well. So she has to come..''

''Great..just great..'' taehyung sighed hopeless

''It's only for tonight Tae, then you won't have to see her again..''


''Wait, so make it clear. You are telling me, that exactly when Uncle and Aunt are her, you guys decided to have a familly dinner?!'' Jonghyung said, standing right in front of his youger borther

''What's the matter? Uncle was mum's brother, wich makes him know Mr.Kim, where is the porblem?''

''Okay, fine! I see I do not have a choice''

''Mhm, you don't. Where is this bitch by the way?''

''The bitch has a name, Guk. She's your sister, Kara''

''Ya, The same one. Where's she?'' Jungkook rolled his eyes.

''Probably taking a bath? Im not her mate to know what is she doing''


''Madeline could you stop before burning my hair!?''

''Tae im just making you perms, calm down. You'r hair is damaged enough so it won't burn you idiot. Now stay like this for 30 minutes, and then I will come back''

Madeline left Taehyunga alone, and went to get dressed and put on her usual make up

'Hey pup' jungkook said thru the mind-link

'Guk, what it is?'

'Just wanted to check on you. I heard my mate want to be beautiful for the dinner? Hmm~'

'Please, it was Madeline's idea. Stop it'

'Ohhh~ Who's blushing~'

'How you even feel Im blushing..'

'Pup I feel every emotion of yours'

'Anyway, we will be there within an hour, is that alright?'

'Mhm. Tae are you okay?'

'Ya, shouldn't I be?'

'I sense something is wrong. Tell me'

'It's just...my step-mother is comming too.. she hates me as well and I can predict what she could tell you..lies ,only to make me sound more usseless than im actally'

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