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❝❀ : 06.locked with a reason


The next morning, Jeon felt extremely drunk. Even pain killer couldn't help to his headache. It was friday, wich meant after the day he woul be able to rest ,because of the upcomming weekend. He realised he felt asleep at his office, he thought that the pack could be worried. 

A knock on the door actually woke him up, it was his younger sister ,Kara.

''Oh Kook, don't tell me you slept here''she sighed looking at her brother on the desk. His messy hair was all over his eyes.

''No I came here early, Of course I selpt here.*sigh* I was tired from the night'' he sarcamsly said, pulling up his head and brushed his hair with finger

''Did you-did you fuck-''

''The F*ck Kara, what bulshits are you talking to me?!'' he said disgusted

''I thought so because I lastly saw you with Jennie and you were with a bottle of whiskey. It was quite suspicious''

''I've told you for several times , Im loyal to my future mate...wherever is he...''

Jungkook, aslo as Taehyung, dreams every day for his future mate. He promised to himself that will protect his mate, no matter what

''Why don't you take rest today hm? You seem tired...very tired..'' kara offered her brother since he looked exhausted. He's been drunk before and wasn't like that, something was happening she thought

''I wish I could but I have pack meeting''

''With the other pack alphas? I tought you won't go''

''I know, but I decided to go there this time. I want to see the other alphas. I heard there's even a female alpha''

''Female alpha..I hardly ever see leader females...Good for her I guess''

''Ow my sister is interested hmmmm''

''What nOooO. I guess you have to prepare for the meeting, you look like trash''

''I love you too, Kara. Oh and ask Jonghyun if he would like to come with me''


Moon Light Pack House

''Mornin' Jimin'' Taehyung greeted his friend by walking down the stairs. He greeted him back.But Then Taehyung saw carefully Jimin's neck'' Wait what the-PARK JIMIN WHAT IS THIS'' he shouted at Jimin'' Shhh the whole pack can hear you'' he said as wishpered to him ''Come in my room ,NOW. You have a lot of to explain'' he said as got his hand and went back to the way up. They netered Taehyung's room.

''Can I say I like your new look?'' he tried to calm down his friend, as giving him a compliment

''Park don't even try me. I said, WHAT IS THIS ON YOUR NEEECKKKK'' he said as now interested as a 5 years old kid

''Let's say...I met my mate yesterday'' Jimin blushed.

''TELL ME!'' the omega pouted

''I won't tell you absolutely anything of course. I was just in the park and met him''rolled over his eyes

''Ahaaa and those hickeys just appeared out of the nowhere'' he teased, looking all over his neck

''Why are you starring?!''

''Oh cmon I know you since a kid, stop it. Tell me you guys used protection at least...''

''Oh YaAaAaA wE ToTaLlY UsEd PrOtEcTiOn''well no, they were so in love with each other that even forgot to use any protection or lube

''If you get pregnant don't expect me to help you with the child'' Taehyung joked'' What pack is he?''

''Firstly, Crimpson Shadow Pack. And Seconly How on the Moon you know it's 'he'?????''

''I don't know? Just a feelin''

''Okay I will go to check on Chareyoung, bye tae''

Jimin left the room ,as Taehyung head to the kitchen. There he saw her sister making her morning coffee

''Oh hey Mad!''

''Tae bear the blue suits you a lot'' Madeline said and kissed Taehyung's forhead

''Thank you Unnie. When will you be preparing for the meeting?''

''After an hour, Dad will come with me again'' 

''TAE OH GOD are you fine?!''But then the omega fell on her shoulder, as the alpha cought him on time ''Holy shit, Tae you're burning...'' she replaced her hand on his forhead

''Close me down...down'' he was lowly speaking. He barely opened his eyes, he was loosing control

''Tae what is happ-''

''Heat..nOw!'' then The alpha quicly got the things in her hands

Meanwhile in the garden behind the palace of Moon Light Pack

''Hi Cher''

''Jiminshi! Oh my Freaking Goddnes?! MY LITTLE CUTIE PIE FOUND HIS MATE" the first thing she saw was his friend's mark

''I see your happines in you eyes hah''

''Of course I am happy for you! You were alaway talking how much you wait your mate, Oh Jiminshi Im so glad you found your love''

''I promise, if you get pregnant I will take the most care of you''

''I love you Cher! Why are you the best human on the world''

''We grew up together idiot, I will always take care of you"




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Madeline was carring Taehyung on bridal style, because he fainted. It happens almost every time when his rut is appearing. She went down stairs, avoiding the other members of the pack ,so they won't see Taehyung's condition. Madeline desined a special room from the past 3 years. So Taehyung, well V wont break anything. There was only one window with look to the forest, but Taehyung isn't that strong to break it. Then she placed him on his bed and closed the door

''Okay Tae just try to get it easy on Today with V..''she said thru the door

''GET ME OUT OF HERE YOU DUMBASS WITCH. WICH ALPHA IS CLOSING DOWN HIS BROTHER. EXPLAIN KIM MADELINE, YOU LITTLE PEACE OF SHIT'' he was screaming, kicking the door. That wasn't Taehyung anymore. His wolf has taken over. You see, V is really complicated. He has to sides. He's extremely agressive one times, and for the second he calms down and let Taehyung. Shortly said, V is agressive as an alpha wolf.

It hurts Madeline every time, everytime he makes her cry and worried. It is a realy hard decision, but Taehyung beged her to do it. He could be possible to kill anyone. But V wasn't always like that...before the accident he wasn't like this...


Hope you enjoy the book...

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