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▶CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN : No tears for years...

After a second rough night of love, it was now finnaly morning. A morning when Taehyung absoultely didn't want to go to work. He woke up first this morning, still in Jungkook's cuddle. He was starrin at the ceiling, thinking that he doesn't want to be a CEO anymore. He knew since the start this wasn't for him, but his father made him be one. He was decided to switch his roles with his right-hand in buisness. This was his friend Bogum. Bogum was only a friend in work, who helps Tae when he's too tired or don't have enought time for the things.

Taehyung wanted to feel more free, over it now he has a mate. He can't stay all nights there working and working, leaving his mate all alone. It's hard to work, but you need to have a buissnes to surive in this town.

He wasn't going to over think it, he has decided that tommorow, he will leave his role as a CEO, maybe he will get Bogum's role or be a CFO? Anything but not a CEO again. It was stressing him too much.

''Morning pup'' jungkook said. His deep voice made Taehyung flinch a bit

''Since how long you're awake...''

''Hmm Im starring at your beautiful face from hmm 10 minutes?''

''And you were not even planning tell me?''

''Nope'' the Jungkook kissed Taehyung on the forhead and tried to stand up ''Today Im planning to meet Yoongi and Jonghyun, I will tell them we will leave tomorrow's night''

''But who will take care of your pack...''

''Yoongi and Jonghyun, they are alpha's as well so well im busy or not there they are on duty''

''Aish I see..'' The Taehyung tried to stand as well, while Jungkook was dressing up.

''Kook'' Jungkook was just bottoming his shirt when Taehyung called him and immediently looked at him

''Yes pup?''

''I can't move...perfectly...'' Taehyung sighed, falling again on the bed hopeless

''I guess you will be staying at home again hm'' Jungkook joked, zipping his pants

''I guess I dont have a choice, but I will go tommorow for last''

Jungkook sat next to the laying Taehyung and started brushing his finger in his hair, looking in his ocean blue eyes.

''mmm I don't want to leave you'' Jungkook said, leaning his head on his shoulder.

''Guk it's fine, go meet them. I will be probably reading or something'' then Taehyung connected his and Jungkook's hand and holded it for a few minutes.


''Hmm let's see some monument in Gwaechong'' Taehyung said to himslef, currently sitting on the diving room with the laptop on his lap

'' Oh I can't wait to-..oh right..we don't talk to each other now...'' Taehyung tottaly forgot he was mad at Jimin. He just wished he never argued with Madeline nor Jimin. It wasn't his fault they were selfish, he thought. But there was anyone he could express how excited he is now

Seokjin : Hey Tae, how are you? You're not in the pack house from days and Im a bit worried

Then Taehyung flinched when he heard the sound of the notification on his phone

Taehyung : Hi Jin-hyung. Im alright :)

Seokjin : How are the thing with your mate? Im so happy you found a true one, Tae

Taehyung : Hyung, you can't imagine how perfect he is...he's like Your Namjoon

Seokjin : Wait you love him as much I love Namjoon?! Kid, Im married to Namjoon...

Taehyung : Exactly :)

Seokjin : Wow Tae, Im glad you're happy

Taehyung : I will be going on a trip tommorow, could you please tell my father I won't be in town for a few days...weeks...I don't know..

Seokjin : Of course Tae, I will tell him! I gotta go now, some pups want me to play with them and you know...

Taehyun : Ya, I kinda understand. Bye hyung and thanks again you will tell my father

Seokjin : Bye Tae, stay safe!

''Okay let's see..'' Taehyung said, clearing the search bar and typing new topic on Google 'What to do with your boyfriend on a vacation?'

25 Tips for Couples Traveling for the First Time Together!

1. Choose a destination you are both interested in

2. Set a daily budget or one for the entire journey, to avoid the topic 'money'

3. Try something new : Experiment with your partener more, it will be the best moment to convince things you didn't tell him

4. go out for a drink

5. any minute is special, even if it's for first time

6. suprise your partener in sexual way

7. have a lovely dinner

8. ask him what does he want to do

9. have a late night walk thru the centre streets

10. Fun Idea : Lay on the grass durring midnight and stare at the stars. You will feel it much more different than you expcet

''Okay I think that's enough..'' Taehyung said. He wasn't planning on reading 15 more ideas, he got enough ones.

''Damn itttt im too excited. Maybe I should calm down a bit. It's just a trip...you got it Tae...''


''So, a trip? Wow Jeon you've turned so jenerous'' his brother said

''I agree with Jonghyun. I even know Jimin from longer and haven't even got him on a vacation''

''First of all, what I do with my mate stays for us. Second...this is not the only reason we're going'' Jungkook said ''Minho...Minho is back guys...he said...he said they will do something to Taehyung '' Jungkook started tearing up. That haven't happened from years, litteraly years

''I-i can't risk his life...Minho is re-borned..a witch healed him...He...he's now an alpha...What if they kiddnap Taehyung...what if-''

Before Jungkook to continue, yoongi pressed his head on hiss shouler. He even broke down more

''Shh Jungkook, we will al protect him. You have your people, no one will dare to touch him''

''Yoongs he created his own pack..we didn't even know...Witches?! We all thought they were gone..what if there's more...''

''Jungkook, we will figure it out. You and your mate will be protected...Jungkook don't forget who you are, brother. You have enemies, yes, but you have even more people by your side''

''He's right Jungoo, now calm down..everything will be fine'' Yoongi said, patting Jungkook.


Hello to everyone. I have exams on monday and tuesday, so I will be busy studying in the weekends. Expect a double update on Wednesday!!

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