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❝❀ : 23. kiss on the forhead   


...3 days ago

The next typical morning, Jungkook decided to wake up earlier than usual. He regretted the fact he had to leave the cuddles from his mate. That he has to leave his gorgeous mate for the day, even for a few hours. Before he sta up, he gently placed a kiss in his forehead wich was covered with the blanket. He only gave him a smile how cute he's cuddled with the blanket. Then he quietly made his way to the luxurious bathroom, not wanting to wake up Taehyung, but after all he sleeps really deep.

He entered the shower cabin and instantly turned on the medium warm water. The water was pouring his body, while he was looking up to the ceiling, remembering last night. Remembering he's now completely mated with Taehyung and the fact this was his first time have s*x with him

(A/N : I wasn't planning writing smut on the previous chapter. I will leave it for another one)

He only smirked with the idea how the things turned out with him and Taehyung. But suddenly he remembered...he remembered how Taehyung was sitting on the floor crying when he came. How his own sister and best friend is not accepting it, this must have undoubtedly hurt. After all, he never imagined Madeline, or even Jimin to be like that since Park's mate is mafia as well. Since Park's mate is the closest friend to Jungkook.

He shooked his head and then turned the shower off since he was done. While he was drying his hair with a towel, he noticed his visible mark on his neck, naturally given from Taehyung. He placed his fingers there and looked closer to it. The most charming thing Taehyung could give him, he thought.

Next he went to the closet room ,in front of the bedroom where Taehyung was still sleeping, to choose a costume for today, even he has only one work to do. He chose to wear all black costume and a long sleeve shirt, so it will cover his arm tattoos.

 He chose to wear all black costume and a long sleeve shirt, so it will cover his arm tattoos

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(A/N : he wears something like this. FVCK HE LOOKS SO DAMN HOT. Im jealous Tae...)

He grapped his phone, gave a last kiss on Taehyung's forhead and made his way to his car.


Taehyung P.O.V.

I was in a similar place, exactly place from my childhood. I was looking around me and realised it realistically was the pack house, the place where I grew up. It was sunset, so let's say around 6 pm. I recognized two kids playing around and teasing each other.

''Agh Jiminaah giwe me de toi!'' I shouted joyfully. Well, it wasn't exactly me. I was standing there, starring at my younger self and my friend. I couldn't move or do anything, only watch.

''Catch me if u can TeTe!'' jimin shouted as started running around the house. I followed them, ,as my younger me started running after Jimin.

This...this terrible scene...and the odd place. I feel it has happened in the past. But it in common was many years ago..im not sure if I absolutely remember it.

Younger Tae POV

I was running. Before I could reach jimin I felt a hand grabbing my arm harshly. That harshly ,that I fell on the floor

''What do you think you're doing little brat?! Running inside my house?! How pathetic'' a women said, looking with a death stare at me.

"I-im sowy Luna...It wont happen again. Pwease don't tell daddy'' it was the luna of the pack, my step-mother.

''You little brat, you think you will tell me what to do or not with my own husband?! who do you think are you, huh?!''

''Useless omega'' she shouted with her voice

'useless omega'

'usleess omega' it repeated again and again like and echo

''You better died the moment you were born''

'You better died'

'You better died' 

'You better died' it repeated again.

Then she trew the boy down the stairs, as he hit his head on the ground. He had a few broken bones, a bleeding nose and not able to move. He wasn't moving, his breathing was lower, as his heartbeat too

''TaeTae are you alright?'' Jimin called as heard a noise and came to check what ws happening

''TaeTae...TAETAE"he kneeled down and he was pushing Taehyung, hoping he will open his eyes

End of the nightmare

Taehyung woke up heavy breathing, releasing the blanket from his face and twong it on the ground

'Buddy everything is fine, it was just a nightmare' V said. But that didn't help a lot. He placed his hand on his heart, feeling his extremely fast heartbeat.

After a few minutes he finnaly calmed down, he was lying on the bed at the mean time. Then he realised he was alone in an empty bed. But there was a letter next to it

                           Good morning, pup. I hope you slept well after last night. I had some work to do so I left earliser so I will be able to come earlier. You have a free day today, I informed your boss you're not feeling well, even if you're not. Sorry If I was too harsh yesterday, I know you can't walk now, so please rest. 

                                                Love you


Taehyung smiled while reading the letter, his mate didn't forget last night and he was thankfull. He noticed he was wearing clother, wich mean yesterday Jungkook took care of him.

Even of that, he had to shower again. He helped himself by hanging the wall so he could make his way to the bathroom. Because he wasn't able to stay properly, he was going to have a bath. While he was waiting for the bath, he brushed his teeth and when he saw himelf in the mirror ,he was left shock.

His silver hair...it was back. Half of his hair was silver, wich was almost impposible because he dyied it a few days ago


'Taehyung calm down, Jungkook didn't notice. It happened in the morning and you were all cover with the blanket. You's hair is half silver because you guys are already mated, wich means it will be harder to hide it'

'Hey, one more reason to stay silver?'

''Oh shut up, too early. I will have to dye...again''

'Im wondering how you're not bold already'

''Shut up V''

Then he returned to the rrom to get his phone so he won't be bored. He noticed a couple of notifications from Instagram. Even no wanting to talk with anyone, even thru social media , he opened it.

Jimin : TaeBear please text me...or call me..say something..please

Jimin : Im..Im sorry Tae...Im just scared for you. You are everything for me.

Jimin : Please understand me I care for you and I worry for you

Jimin : I do it for your good

Jimin : If you're happy with him I will be happy for you

Jimin : Just...be carefull

Me : Jimin just leave me alone. I need a break from everything.

*Number blocked

* @/ PJM95 was blocked


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