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4 months later

''Tae Baby...please...please wake up...It's been a week..'' Jungkook kneeled down, holding tight Taehyung's hand. He was looking at him, pale face, light pink lips which were loosing their colour. His hair was no longer black, it was gray.

He heard a knock on the door, but never left his gaze on Taehyung ''Kook come, the dinner is ready'' Jonghyun tried to convince Jungkook to rest a bit. He hasn't leave the room since Taehyung never woke up again. He only used to shower, the bathroom wich was connected to the room.

''Guk...'' his brother said again. Silent

''Leave..'' he whispered.

''Jungkook you need to-''

''I said leave'' he used now his alpha voice, which made Jonghyun whin from pain. His eyes turned red colour, but he was still in control.

''Is..Is V answering you'' jungkook connected with his wolf

''No, kid...nothing.''

''It's all my fault...It was supposed to be me! He is-..he is pregnant ,JK. IF...IF I WAS THERE HE WAS GOING TO BE HERE, JK...''

''Jungkook, do not blame yourself. He still has a heartbeat, the babies too. He..he only needs to wake up''

''What if he does not wake up, JK. What if he never wakes up...I will be left here..alone..

..He made me a better person JK..''

2 weaks ago

''Gukie, could you come for a little?'' Taehyung yelled from the bedroom, where he was sitting up. He was wearing a blue shirt dress , long to his thighs.

''What is it, Tae?'' Jungkook immediately came from the bathroom, half -naked shirtless because he just showerd.

''Sit here'' he patted next to him.

''Do..do you remember, when we were on that dinner with my family and yours?'' Taehyung crossed his legs to leave some space for Jungkook, even how tiny he was.

''Mhmm~ What about it?'' Jungkook hugged him beside, placed his head on his neck. Taehyung could feel his breath.

''And do you remember, when your aunt?..and we were talking with you on private..about creating a familly''

''Mhmm~Aand I said I will wait until you're ready'' he breathed in the younger's neck

''Gukie'' he took Jungkook's hand and turned over to face him ''Do you hear something?''

''Tae, what is-'' taehyung 'shh'ed Jungkook and left in silent. They were staying like this a few minutes. Jungkook closed his eyes, trying to focus what Taehyung meant.

Jungkook gasped and opened eyes-widen. Taehyung was softly looking at him, smiling, waiting for his reaction.

''Im pregnant Gukie..'' Jungkook immediately connected their lips from happiness. Taehyung pecked his hands on Jungkook's neck and deepend the kiss.

''I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you'' he whispered to him and repeated 'I love you' around hundred times

''We're going to have twins, Guk'' Taehyung hugged him back, both of them were bursting from happines

''B-but h-ow..this is a miracle..''

''I guess we're on the 50% chance to get pregnangt'' he teased

''I love you so much, Kim Taehyung''

''I love you even more, Jeon Jungkook''


HEART BLINDED BY LOVE | TAEKOOK ✓ (FETUS)Where stories live. Discover now