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❝❀ : 05.late night


''Madie, I'm home!'' Taehyung said as entered the pack house. He informed his sister that he was back ,but she was in a meeting with the pack. Taehyung didn't know it yet and went upstairs to her office. He tried to knock on the door but before he could he heard voices of other betas, delats and other ranks from the pack. He pressed his ear to the door, without causing any noise, and listned carefully.

''Alpha Madeline, how long are we going to wait until our Luna? You are soon going to turn ... and the back still doesn't have a Luna''

''She's the only female alpha in the capital, the other pack might think we're weak when we don't have a Luna''

'' Our pack is growing and we need a Luna''

''What about all the lil pups that are soon borned?''

''What about her younger brother ,the omega?''

''He's still single, isn't he?''

''Why don't you find someone for him and maybe the other pack will be our future Luna''

''That is a good idea. If the omega find an alpha mate, the alpha's pack might have Mrs.MAdeline's mate. If not they might force her to marry someone else''

''ENOUGH!''- Madeline shouted with her alpha boys and made everyone in the hall to knee down to her. Even Taehyung was forced from her voice.




"Yes alpha Madeline"

"Now all of you go away and do your pack tasks!'' she told to everyone in the room. Then they all sat up and leaved. Taehyung stayed outside as nothing happened and waited untill everyone was gone.


''WHAT?!" she yelled in back ,without even realising her brother was there. She made him fell on his knees on the floor, for second time.

''No no Tae Bear, sunshine I am so sorry'' she said as rushed to her younger brother as he was still a little boy.

''Maide, it's alright. I am used to it...why is everyone so interested about the Luna all of sudden...''

''You heard the conversation, didn't you...'' she sighed. She could never keep something in secret from him. He nodded ''It's just they are loosing pationt Tae Bear'' she said as puted him

''Will..will you really engagemt me to an alpha to-''

''NO no no Tae I would never do this. I will always protect you and I will never let another alpha do the same as before. Whatever I do, you won't be in the mess, don't worry.'' she said as hugged him ''Why are you here so early? I thought you will finish late today?''

''Agh I don't feel really well theese days...maybe soon I will be in my heat..''

''Wich means we will have to close you down again...I hate when you're on your rut...'' she sighed. Everytime when he's on his rut Madelin close him down in the basemnt. That was his wish since the inccident 3 years ago. And every two months he's locked until he's fine again.

''Me too as well, but there's nothing I can do without a mate''

''Anyway tommorrow im on a pack meeting for an hour or two and- tae what is th-'' she said as looked carefully at taehyung's hair

''No no it's happening again...it's so hard to try it'' he already knew his silver colour is showing up again 

''What colour are you choosing now? Stop with the blonde one, it doensn't suit you much, it makes yo serious'' she teased him

''Very kind, thanks. Im wondering between Blue and Black''

''Oh two so different colours...why don't you try blue? You were black last month so...''

''Okay I will go''

''And Tae'' she said'' Remember ,if you decide to return your goddest colour, don't be ashamed of it...'' she hoped she will help. He was a Moon Goddess' child, so everyone should know it. When he shows his silver hair they know who is he and fear, but he just can't do it. He gave her a small nod and head up to his room's bathroom to change his colour..again

Jimin pov

It's been pretty long time since I lastly went out with Taehyung, my dearest friend. I wanted to have a walk in the town ,but he denied with the exuce he was tired from the day. I was hopeless to ask Namjoon and Seokjin because they are two lovely dovely birds at the moment. Namjoon is overprotective over it, because Seokjin is 3 weeks pregnants. They annouced it before 5 days if I remember correctly. I went to the rose garden to of course find Solar. She was the most beautiful beta i've ever seen, but hear haert was already taken. She knew soon she will meet her mate, and she's so exited. I decided to feel her as a friend the most I can.

It turned out she felt dizzy today and she was staying at her room for hours .She told me that she's going to rest and went upstairs to read her favourite book 'My Goergous Rose'. Then ,my last hope was to ask Jackson, who wasn't even at home. The lil pups told me that they saw him an hour ago going for a hunt.  

I guess I will be going for a walk alone today...

3rd POV

The delta was walking past the nearest park to their pack. Upset, none of his closest friend of the pack were'nt able to go out with him, he decided to sit on the grass. The alley was lighten up, a perfect spot to listen to music he thought. There was no one in the park,bceuase it was midnight. In fact, Jimin always prefered the night than the day. He was looking up to the stars, the sky was clear and you could perfectly see them. He was praying to the moon goddes 'Please Mother Moon, Ive been waiting my whole life for mate...please..I have no one since my brother...' he didn't finish. 3 Years since the older brother is gone. Dead or kiddnapped, there was no way to know. He teared up, he trurly misses to have someone next to him, someone he could feel as a familly

''Hey dude, are you alright? Why are you-'' a new strange voice for the delta appeared. He turned his back to see who puted him on the arm. He lost his breath. He was speechless. His eyes were shining more than ever, as the other man were. Their tattoos, they were too

''Mate...'' both of them gasped seeing each other


Wonder who's Jimin's mate?

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