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❝❀ :08.meet the others


The pack leaders were coming to the building where was going to be the meeting. Every months there's event like this, where 10 alpha leaders represent their packs. All of them coming with modern, some the newest cars and the richest costumes. Of course all of them had buisnesses, but only Kim Madeline didn't. Instead her brother had succesfull industry

;; Kim Madeline Alpha Leader of Moon Light Pack

;; Jeon Jungkook True Blood Alpha LEader of Crimpson Shadown pack

;; Hwang Hyunjin Alpha Leader of Night Walker Pack

;; Man Dong-hyun Alpha LEader of Lycan Pack

;; Yang Junwoo Alpha Leader of Lock Heart pack

;; An Yujun Alpha Leader of Bane Pack

;; Pan Sanghoon Alpha Leader of Black Alder Pack

;; Mae Hyunji Alpha Leader of Eclipse Pack

;; Gok Hyeon Alpha Leader of Crystal Blood Pack

;; Chang Ulsan Alpha Leader of  Spirit Walker Pack

All the members entered the hallway to the meeting room. Madeline greeted her only friends there, Hwang Hyunjin and Man Dong-hyun. Let's say some of them are her enemies or just don't like to speak. Or prefer to ignore.

However, when all of them toke their seat, the last but not least to enter was Jeon Jungkook, together with his brother. *I forgot to tell that all of them are with their fathers, aka the previous pack leaders.* They saw a new stranger there and Madeline decided to ask

''May we know who is the man together with Jeon Jonghyun?'' she asked looking serious to the stranger. Then he looked at her and raised an eyebrow ''And you are?'' he said.

''Kim Madeline, leader of Moon Light Pack''

''Hmm interesting, Moon Light Pack. Honey, you've never heard of Jeon Jungkook?'' Then she was wide opened eyes and gasped. Jungkook was known around the whole city, of course as the most successfull mafia boss and leader of the most successful drug company. She tottaly didn't like this man.

''Jungkook don't be that rude to her, you've never showed before. It's normal to ask-''

''So you are the female alpha leader?''

''Have a problem? As you can see there's no other female here dumbass''

''Sweatheart watch your-'' Before Jungkook to swear at her ,Jonghyung cut and said ''Let's beging the meeting, shall we?''

an hour later

''Mr. Jeon Jungkook you have pretty wide mouth for someone who has never applied to visit any meeting, huh?!'' called Madeline annoyed

''Sweetie at least I have successful ,lemme repeat, the most successful comapany here. And nobody of you alphas can ever defeat my buisnnes'' looked at her with dead eyes

''Jeon you know Madeline's borther is the second most successful,right?'' said Pan Sanghoon

''And may I know who is this?'' Jungkook asked confused . Who will dareto fail his buissness?

''Kim Taehyung he is. The most beautiful omega in the city'' answered Hwang Hyunjin , the Alpha Leader of Night Walker Pack

''Hyunjin stop simping for my-''

''I heard he is ranking around the other cities too''Yang Junwoo announced

''Mhm he's so georgues for somone that strict'' then Pan Sanghoon spoke

''Ya for an omega...''mentioned Yujun



''Now can we continue?''

''I suspect we discussed everything we had to, the meeting is dismissed.'' announced the alpha from Bane Pack.

When all of them were heading to their cars, they got in there and drove to their packs. But before Jeon brother could, Kim, Madeline and Taehyung's father stopped them. He was quite close and a good friend to their mother back then, they were same students.

While Madeline was waiting her father in the car, he offered the jeon's pack to visit Moon Light for a dinner night or event like this. They accepted. Then when he told Madeline, she was extremely angry.

''How could you invite them?! You know theese Jeons are mafias?! You want to kill our pack or-?!''

''Madeline we know their pack, I knew their mother as well. After all your attitude to Jungkook was unacceptable. They are the strongest pack honey, we can't have more enemies anymore.''

''Dad they were talking about Tae...I can't let that''

''Of course they will, it a compliment how beautiful he is. You should be happy for your brother that he's loved by his visuals Mad, now cmon let's go''


Jimin was together with his mate, cuddling in their bed. His mate had placed his chin over Jimin's soft blonde hair, while the boy was having his best time of he day. Of course with the reason he was with his so called 'meant to be'.

But a notification, coming from Jimin's phone interrupted their moment, making the mate growl.

''Love, you won't guess'' he said, reading again the message he recieved

''What it is babe?''

''Your pack invited us for a dinner, I wasn't expecting it actually'' jimin softly smiled, looking at each other

''Gues we will be exoposed hmmm~'' the faceless male teased, placing soft kissed on his cheeks

''Guess so'' then he pecked even his forhead, running his finger's thru the blonde hair

''I will head up and get ready, see you tonight''

''Don't dress too sexy, I dont wan't other omegas to watch you'' jimin warned, getting out of the bed

''woah, I smeel jealousy?'' the faceless man mouthed, showing a teasy wink

''oh shut up!''


oh god Jimin is really in love hereeee. Isn't it cute tho? Soon Taehyung and Jungkook will meet so stay updated

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