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So here they were back to their usual days. It was the same as before they ever went to Gwaeching. But one thing Taehyung was sure about, that he can't get away from his mind this vacation. The past weeks were probably one fo his bests one he ever has had.

But the most special one was the trip to Gwaechong.

Maybe for Jungkook was nothing new. Maybe because he was always travelling around the wrold before, and he was used to it. But that was the diffrenece with Taehyung. He wasn't used to it. He was not used to many things..

..love..mostly love. Of course, he was loved from his familly, but it never felt the same as now with Jungkook.

For him, his life was nothing special. He has never done something big, or something he will be remembered with it. He was just an useless omega, that what he thought every day, every hour...only a few weeks ago

Weeks ago, when his days were passing off, doing absolutely nothing but work. Work was the only thing that he was actually doing. But now, it was not that important as it used to be before.

The things with his family was not something better or worse. He just didn't talk with them as before. Some times, he wished he had a mother, someone who will always be on his side. FOr him, mothers were always protectings, always helping you make the best decision. But that was only what he has seen from other famillies

Yes..he has Jungkook. Jungkook was probably the only person he was talking with..But to be honset, he missed his pack. He wanted to introduce Jungkook properly to his familly, to his dad. That mean much for him.

So he has planned something, something was on his mind.

One evening, while Jungkook was still on work, he decided to visit his pack. That was going to be his second time going there after being mated. But that tim he was not planning leaving, without making the things right

And there he was, standing in front of the door of the pack house, the plave he grew up. The place he spent his child hood years, playing around with some other omegas, sometimes deltas too. The place he was educated, being a home schooler. Althought, he whole life was spent there.

His hand was a bit shaking, while raising his hand to the door bell. But there was no reason to be worried, right? He was going to see some of his friends, his familly..but this time having a serious talk with all of them

He heard how the door was opening, when the first person to see was the women he hated the most

His step-mother

''Oh, it you slut. What are you doing here?''

''Where's my dad?'' TAehyung asked, enering in. Without even carring if this evil woman was going to let him or not

''Probably in a meeting'' she got a sip from her sigarrete, in her right hand

''Could you stop with that smoking? You will make my dad sick'' he rolled his eyes. He was getting out of breath from the fogs, coming out of the cigarrete

''I won't listen to somebody that does not respect his Luna''

''Oh..dear..you can't imagine how much Im waiting for another Lu-''

''Tae..'' both of them looked at to the one who said it. The woman just leaved annoyed from Taehyung.

''Madie..'' he whispered. He was going to hug her, but before that Madeline rushed to him without saying or either asking something

''Im sorry..Im sorry Tae..for everything...'' her sobs were now heard. Taehyung hugged her back of course ''I-i am the worst perosn Tae...you should hate me..you have the right to hate me..b-''

''I forgive you'' he cut her off. ''Wh-what..'' she take a step back, breaking the hug.

''I forgive you Madie..really..I-i want to end this..''

''Wh-why are you saying this..Youre supposed to hate me'' she bursed into his shoulder'' I was suppsoed to act..act like a bigger sister..to take care of you..to-''

''Madie..'' she lifted her shoulders ''Listen..I know what you did was not right..but please calm down..I want to have a talk with you..with dad..with Jimin..'' she was a whole crying mess of happines and saddnes

''T-thank you..''


Taehyung knocked on Jimin's room, checking if he's there ''Come in'' he heard and immediatly went inside ''Hi there'' he smiled at him, happy to see his friend

''T-tae..wait..is this some kind of..of your stupid pranks..''

''Do you see me as Im going to 'prank' you, Jimin-ah'' ''I came, Im coming here as nothing ever happened. Do not talk about what you have done or said Jimin-sshi. I forgive you, I forgive Madeline..everyone. Im not like this..I do not want to ignore you everyone''

''You drunk?''

''I could get if you want to have some fun with your friend'' ''Come here you sobber''

''Yah! Im not a sobber!''

''You're litterally using my shirt as a napkin right now, sobber''

'' Fuck off''

'' I love you too''


''So..what do you want to talk about?''madeline was sitting wiith a cup of tea in hands

''WAIT. Firstly, do not tell me you're pregnant'' Jimin looked at Taehyung with that look

''What?! Well--no. Still--not..but maybe soon?'' he gave them a teased dirty look

''The fuck Tae!''

''So here's the topic. I want to introduce you guys..properly the person that means everything to me..The right..way..as it should be..''

''Okay'' madeline nodded


''ya, we will meet his familly. And then we will see what we will think of him and what we will not''

''Wait, that's too suspicious...ARE YOU MY SISTER?'' he eue-widened

''You leaving me alone made me over think some thinks, Tae..so correct. We will do it, as soon you want..''

''Uhum Exuce me, Im not comming. Imma spend some time with Yoongi, while the Jeons and you the Kims have that dinner'' Jimin acted gay bitchy and head to leave the conversation

''You're helping a lot..'' sarcasmly said the omega

''I will go tell dad, you go home now Tae'' Madeline sat from the couch to inform their dad and get dressed for tonight


''So..a dinner? With my sister and brother and your familly?'' Jungkook frowed, his arm around Taehyung's waist on the couch

''Mhm, that's right'' he nodded

''You sure Madeline won't fight with my siblings'' he joed and both of them laughed

''Even if the do..they will foget about us and we could accidently sneak out from there''

''Taehyung, you wannna' make me hard? Now?"

''Oh believe me, Im not even trying...Im not ev-''but Jungkook cut him off, starting to leak his neck

''Well seems like you do''

''If you leave marks, they will see an-''

''Let them see..let them know you're mine'' and then he started kissing harder, and harder, untill started sucking to deep puprule circles. Making Taehyung moan

''Nghmm~ Yours"

HEART BLINDED BY LOVE | TAEKOOK ✓ (FETUS)Where stories live. Discover now