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''You...'' jungkook glanced with a dark look ''YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD...YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD MINHO!?'' he yelled at him.

The male wasn't able to speak because of the tape, so Jungkook kneeded down to him and let it out, causing him a little pain

''You've missed me Guk? It's been a long hm?'' the male said, darring to smirk to Jeon


Choin Minho, 21 years old

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Choin Minho, 21 years old

5 years ago


Minho and Jungkook were very close friends. He has helped Jungkook a lot thru his mother's dead, he had helped him thru his painful training when he was young. He was his right-hand. They were just two male friends, that studied together, lived together and grew up together. Exactly how were Jimin and Taehyung.

But the thing was...

Minho wasn't from Crimson Shadow Pack, he was a rogue.

he was kicked out of his pack when he turned 7 years old. His pack was known with their hate about omegas, wich was him.

They met tottaly accidently, the day when he was kicked out of his pack he was running and running thru many forests. Until he entered the third forest, he fainted. There was this boy wich was hunting alone and met the boy's tired wolf.

''Hey buddy, you alright?'' The 8 years old Jungkook said, but the boy wasn't responding. He decided to get him on his back and take him to the salutary.

''D-don-'t'' the boy said. Jungkook was shocked from his response and left the boy down on the ground again, in his human form.

(A/N okay so I changed a bit the things. So when they turn back to their human forms, they have their clothes on. Kind of a magic, okay?)

Then they had a few hours talk on the forest. Then Jungkook realised he was a rogue and everything about his pack

''Aish I will kill this pack of yours Minho ...''

''phah good joke Jeon...you can't..''

''Who says? Imma true-blood? Why not?''

''we're still kids...and when I grow up I won't mind it anymore''

''Don't worry Minho , I will take care of you...''

But after some years, both of them grew up. Naturally becoming two beautiful males. Everyone in school had always shipped them, but they were just friends. or at least Minho was just a friend for Jungkook?

Minho was seeing how Jungkook was becoming famous, popular and successful thru the years. As you would expect he was getting jealous, but the only thing that had saved him was his precious memories with him.

When he started mafia, Minho was completely jealous. He couldn't stand the fact how Jungkook was growing up his buisines and never offered him to work with him. He saw thru his eyes how Jungkook changed in any way. How he slowly started wearing all black clothes, how his arms have filled with tattoos. How he started smoking...to staring a mafia.

He wasn't the jungkook , Minho has known. The accomplished fact he did liked him before...he was shattered by observing what a bastard he has turned for him. He never again wanted to be a friend with him. He ended it all of sudden one day, thru text. He never saw Jungkook again, and Jungkook never saw Minho again.

But at the whole time Minho was planning a revenge. What kind of revenge? Why he started hating Jungkook that much? No one never knew. The same case as no one knew how jungkook's mothed died for example

Minho was planning for moths how to kill Jungkook, together with his enemy. But of course

...It was unsuccessful.

He was caught. His plan, building it for months was fading away. Everything was going to end.

''p-please d-on-t k-ill m-e'' he faked his tears, trying to avoid Jungkook from shooting him

''I dont see a reason to not? As you were here to kill me, I will instead kill you.''

''pff jeon, you will never understand, but everyone hates you. Hates you. You've turned in something everyone hate. That's why your mate will neve-''

Before Minho was able to speak, Jungkook never had wasted time and...

Before Minho was able to speak, Jungkook never had wasted time and

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...he shoted

he stepped closer to the now dead body, with blank face

''I think...I think I've showed you I am fearless, even from you. Go to hell~''


''You've missed me Guk? It's been a long hm?''


''gun to be exact. Oh Jeon, you've never heard of witches?''

''What..what do you want Mark''

''Oh you know...Im sure you remember my last words. Im sure they are still repeating in your head hm? Thats why your mate will neve-...i could't even continue. To be short, Im here for your presiouc mate, Jeon. Not only me, my new pack'' Mark smirked

''Pack...you're an rogue..what pack wou-..you're again omega...aren't you..''

''Im even something better Jeon. The witch that healed me...I am a true blood now, Jeon. Prepare. Even if you kill me, i will be re-born again. You will never escape, or your little mate Jeon. I wonder, how could he accept someone like you?''


''You won't die this time Minho. We will use you, but don't think you won't get away without worse kind of tortue dear''

Then Jungkook head to leave, not wanting to talk anymore with Minho

''Be happy with your mate for last Jeon, you don't have much time''

''Taehyung...Fvck I have to go..''

Jungkook : TaeBaby ,you are at home right?

Taehyung : Mhm, Im resting. What is it?

Jungkook : Im coming home, Im done with the work. Just stay inside,okay?

Taehyung : Guk, is everything okay?

Jungkook : Yes pup. Im coming home within 15 minutes

Jungkook rushed to exist the building but before that he had a small talk with mark

''Close that boy in room #1 and use the code #69''

''Sir, are you sure? It will be extremely painful?'' mark asked

''This boy deserves to be tortured. Untill he die...'again' ''


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