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A few more days were passing by in Gwaeching. Days filled with happines and love.

Days which Taehyung was realisng his realatinship. How he feels a true love, the touch of somebody that actually care about him. To knows, that someone feels the same way about him, as he love the other too. Every kiss, all the several kisses he recieved from Jungkook was so speacial for him. Every touch he felt from him felt euphoric. Every time they did love was special.

Jungkook was special for Taehyung. Even if he doesn't know it. Taehyung feels something better than living in heaven. He feels love.

He has been always dreaming one day to have his first kiss with his mate, to feel touched for first time from his mate, to make love with somebody for first time to be with his mate.

But he lost all those moments, from an 18 years old alpha, only 3 years ago. He lost his chance for a first kiss, for first time feeling sexual tensual..he lost everything 3 years ago. He lost himself.

But now, in 2021 he feels he's back. He wants to live, he want to be alive. There's someone to live for, someone worth it.

And that was...

...Jeon Jungkook


One morining, Taehyung woke up in warm big arms around him. His head hidden in Jungkook's chest. Where he feels safe, when he feels safe with his mate. He was locked in Jungkook's hug, no possible way to get away from the touch. He didn't want it either.

Jungkook was still sleeping, while Taehyung was just enjoying the warm touch. But the he noticed how one of Jungkook's hands moved to his tummy, and placed it there

He had to tell something Jungkook, something he will never forgive him, he thought. He never find the best moment to tell him...but maybe today was the day? Today was their last day in Gwaechong, sadly for Taehyung.

He prefers to live here that in the capital. He knows that once they return, maybe the things won't be the same like now. Jungkook won't be able to be with Taehyung always.

He perfectly knew how many resonsiablities had Jungkook. First was of course his pack...being a leader of the pack is important, taking care of your members too. He knew that from Madeline. He remembered how Madeline barely had time for even her own brother. He also remembered that Jungkook had a mafia to rule..which was definently not easy for him.

He wanted to stop the time, right now, right there, with Jungkook.

Then the grip went harder and realised Jungkook was waking up. ''Good morning, pup'' jungkook said with the deepest ever morining voice he had, that left Taehyung a bit shoked ''Good morning'' he greeted him the same

Jungkook lifted Taehyung's chin up and gave him a short kiss ''Ew morning breath'' taehyung joked, he giggled. ''Mmhmm And I know you never mind it~'' jungkook said in the middle of the kiss. Then Taehyung flipped over so it will be easier for the kiss. Jungkook placed his hand on Taehyung's waist, and Taehyung placed his on Jungkook's nape.

It was supposed to be only a morning kiss,a short one. But it turned out to be long and passionate. They were used to it now. Kissing was one of their habits. They could do it 100 times a day and they never cared about it. What the other wants, he gets it. Let's say it like this. Taehyung never blushed again from the kisses Jungkook's gives him, or anything he has done with Jungkook. Because he was used now how to live with someone who he loves.

''I have a little suprise for you, pup'' Jungkook said, looking at Taehyung's cute nose ''Wich I guess you won't tell me?''

''Mhm correct. Now go shower and get ready'' he said to him. Taehyung gave him a last peck of kiss and made his way to the bathroom. For first day, he could perfectly walk in the morning, so he felt kind hyped.

HEART BLINDED BY LOVE | TAEKOOK ✓ (FETUS)Where stories live. Discover now